Peer Reviewed Papers


443. Categorizing interaction modes of antimicrobial peptides with extracellular vesicles: Disruption, membrane trespassing, and clearance of the protein corona

Tasvilla Sonallya, Tünde Juhász, Imola Cs. Szigyártó, Kinga Ilyés, Priyanka Singh, Delaram Khamari, Edit I. Buzás, Zoltán Varga,  Tamás Beke-Somfai
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


442. Between the Beats: Unraveling Diagnostic, Therapeutic Challenges, and Sex Differences in Heart Failure’s Gray Zone

Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim El‐Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of the American Heart Association
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


441. ESKAPE pathogens rapidly develop resistance against antibiotics in development in vitro

Lejla Daruka, Márton Simon Czikkely, Petra Szili, Zoltán Farkas, Dávid Balogh, Gábor Grézal, Elvin Maharramov, Thu-Hien Vu, Levente Sipos, Szilvia Juhász, Anett Dunai, Andreea Daraba, Mónika Számel, Tóbiás Sári, Tamás Stirling, Bálint Márk Vásárhelyi, Eszter Ari, Chryso Christodoulou, Máté Manczinger, Márton Zsolt Enyedi, Gábor Jaksa, Károly Kovács, Stineke van Houte, Elizabeth Pursey, Lajos Pintér, Lajos Haracska, Bálint Kintses, Balázs Papp, Csaba Pál
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Microbiology
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


440. The protein cargo of extracellular vesicles correlates with the epigenetic aging clock of exercise sensitive DNAmFitAge

Bernadett György, Réka Szatmári, Tamás Ditrói, Ferenc Torma, Krisztina Pálóczi, Mirjam Balbisi, Tamás Visnovitz, Erika Koltai, Péter Nagy, Edit I. Buzás, Steve Horvath, Zsolt Radák
Journal/Proc./Book: Biogerontology
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


439. Antibiotic candidates for Gram-positive bacterial infections induce multidrug resistance

Ana Martins, Fanni Judák, Zoltán Farkas, Petra Szili, Gábor Grézal, Bálint Csörgő, Márton Simon Czikkely, Elvin Maharramov, Lejla Daruka, Réka Spohn, Dávid Balogh, Andreea Daraba, Szilvia Juhász, Máté Vágvölgyi, Attila Hunyadi, Yihui Cao, Zhenquan Sun, Xuechen Li, Balázs Papp, Csaba Pál
Journal/Proc./Book: Science Translational Medicine
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


438. A genetikai eredetű gyermekkori krónikus cytopeniák felismerése a molekuláris medicina érájában

Bálint Egyed, Kristóf Árvai, Erik Zajta, Lajos Hegyi, Blanka Andrássy, Árpád Ferenc Kovács, Anna Bekő, Borbála Péterffy, Dániel János Erdélyi, Judit Müller, Andrea Békési, Krisztián Kállay, Vera Goda, Gergely Kriván, Eszter Tuboly, Krisztina Csanádi, Gábor Ottóffy, István Szegedi, Csongor Kiss, Csaba Bödör, Donát Alpár, Gábor Kovács
Journal/Proc./Book: Orvosi Hetilap
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


437. Chemoresistance in Pancreatic Cancer: The Role of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Key Resistance Genes

Shahram Parvaneh, Vanda Miklós, Zoltán Gábor Páhi, Diána Szűcs, Tamás Monostori, Szilárd Póliska, Viktória Venglovecz, Tibor Pankotai, Lajos Kemény, Zoltán Veréb
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2025

doi doiicon


436. The Effect of a Secondary Stressor on the Morphology and Membrane Structure of an Already Challenged Maternal and Foetal Red Blood Cell Population

Ágnes Ferencz, Payal Chakraborty, Csaba Papp, András Teleki, Krisztina Dugmonits, Hajnalka Orvos, Attila Gácser, Edit Hermesz
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


435. Editorial: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Perianal Fistulising Crohn’s Disease—Effective or Hype? Authors’ Reply

Péter Bacsur, Klaudia Farkas, Tamás Molnár
Journal/Proc./Book: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


433. Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment in Fistulising Crohn’s Disease: An International Real‐Life Retrospective Multicentre Cohort Study

Péter Bacsur, Daniel Shaham, Zuzana Serclova, Tamás Resál, Bernadett Farkas, Patrícia Sarlós, Pál Miheller, Nitsan Maharshak, Meir Zemel, Ariella Bar‐Gil Shitrit, Shlomo Yellinek, Anita Bálint, Anna Fábián, Renáta Bor, Zsófia Bősze, Emese Ivány, Zoltán Szepes, Klaudia Farkas, Illés Tóth, György Lázár, Katerina Vlkova, Aneta Tremerova, Petra Zuskova, Szabolcs Ábrahám, Tamás Molnár
Journal/Proc./Book: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


432. Unbiased Drug Target Prediction Reveals Sensitivity to Ferroptosis Inducers, HDAC and RTK Inhibitors in Melanoma Subtypes

Indira Pla, Botond L. Szabolcs, Petra Nikolett Péter, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Yonghyo Kim, Peter Horvatovich, Aniel Sanchez, Krzysztof Pawlowski, Elisabet Wieslander, Magdalena Kuras, Jimmy Rodriguez Murillo, Jéssica Guedes, Dorottya M.P. Pál, Anna A. Ascsillán, Lazaro Hiram Betancourt, István Balázs Németh, Jeovanis Gil, Natália Pinto de Almeida, Beáta Szeitz, Leticia Szadai, Viktória Doma, Nicole Woldmar, Áron Bartha, Zoltan Pahi, Tibor Pankotai, Balázs Győrffy, A. Marcell Szasz, Gilberto Domont, Fábio Nogueira, Ho Jeong Kwon, Roger Appelqvist, Sarolta Kárpáti, David Fenyö, Johan Malm, György Marko‐Varga, Lajos V. Kemény
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Dermatology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


431. Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Selective JAK Inhibitors in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease: A Retrospective, Multicentre Study

Bernadett Farkas, Talat Bessissow, Jimmy K. Limdi, Karishma Sethi-Arora, Anna Kagramanova, Oleg Knyazev, Cristina Bezzio, Alessandro Armuzzi, Milan Lukas, George Michalopoulos, Elena Chaskova, Edoardo Vincenzo Savarino, Fabiana Castiglione, Antonio Rispo, Eszter Schäfer, Simone Saibeni, Rafal Filip, Mohamed Attauabi, Fotios S. Fousekis, Péter Bacsur, Tamás Resál, Anita Bálint, Emese Ivány, Zoltán Szepes, Zsófia Bősze, Anna Fábián, Renáta Bor, Klaudia Farkas, Peter L. Lakatos, Tamás Molnár
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


430. A systematic quantitative approach comprehensively defines domain-specific functional pathways linked to Schizosaccharomyces pombe heterochromatin regulation

Abubakar Muhammad, Zsuzsa Sarkadi, Agnisrota Mazumder, Anissia Ait Saada, Thomas van Emden, Matias Capella, Gergely Fekete, Vishnu N Suma Sreechakram, Bassem Al-Sady, Sarah A E Lambert, Balázs Papp, Ramón Ramos Barrales, Sigurd Braun
Journal/Proc./Book: Nucleic Acids Research
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


429. Therapeutic and pharmacological applications of extracellular vesicles and lipoproteins

Krisztina Németh, Brachyahu M. Kestecher, Sayam Ghosal, Bernadett R. Bodnár, Ágnes Kittel, Szabolcs Hambalkó, Csenger Kovácsházi, Zoltán Giricz, Péter Ferdinandy, Xabier Osteikoetxea, Ralph Burkhardt, Edit I. Buzas, Evelyn Orsó
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Pharmacology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


428. Ca2+ signaling of pancreatic acinar cells in malignant hyperthermia susceptibility

Nikolett Geyer, Gyula Diszházi, Zsuzsanna É. Magyar, Beatrix Dienes, Réka Csáki, Péter Enyedi, Tamara Madácsy, József Maléth, János Almássy
Journal/Proc./Book: Pancreatology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


427. Safety and Efficacy Analysis of Targeted and Immune Combination Therapy in Advanced Melanoma—A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis

Anna Sára Lengyel, Fanni Adél Meznerics, Noémi Ágnes Galajda, Noémi Gede, Tamás Kói, Alzahra Ahmed Mohammed, Petra Nikolett Péter, Alexandra IT Lakatos, Máté Krebs, Dezső Csupor, András Bánvölgyi, Péter Hegyi, Péter Holló, Lajos V. Kemény
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


426. Modeling the Impact of Extracellular Vesicle Cargoes in the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease

Peter McGranaghan, Éva Pallinger, Nóra Fekete, Pál Maurovich-Horvát, Zsófia Drobni, Béla Merkely, Luigi Menna, Edit I. Buzás, Hargita Hegyesi
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


425. Genome-wide profiling of DNA repair proteins in single cells

Kim L. de Luca, Pim M. J. Rullens, Magdalena A. Karpinska, Sandra S. de Vries, Agnieszka Gacek-Matthews, Lőrinc S. Pongor, Gaëlle Legube, Joanna W. Jachowicz, A. Marieke Oudelaar, Jop Kind
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


424. Digital PCR-based quantification of miR-181a in the cerebrospinal fluid aids patient stratification in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Borbála Péterffy, Tamás J. Nádasi, Szilvia Krizsán, Anna Horváth, Ágnes Márk, Gábor Barna, Botond Timár, Laura Almási, Judit Müller, Krisztina Csanádi, Anna Rakonczai, Zsolt Nagy, Krisztián Kállay, Gabriella Kertész, Gergely Kriván, Monika Csóka, Anna Sebestyén, Ágnes F. Semsei, Gábor T. Kovács, Dániel J. Erdélyi, Csaba Bödör, Bálint Egyed, Donát Alpár
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


423. CardiLect: A combined cross‐species lectin histochemistry protocol for the automated analysis of cardiac remodelling

Tamás G. Gergely, Tamás Kovács, Andrea Kovács, Viktória E. Tóth, Nabil V. Sayour, Gábor M. Mórotz, Csenger Kovácsházi, Gábor B. Brenner, Zsófia Onódi, Balázs Enyedi, Domokos Máthé, Przemyslaw Leszek, Zoltán Giricz, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: ESC Heart Failure
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


422. Formulation and characterization of nanofibrous scaffolds incorporating extracellular vesicles loaded with curcumin

Adrienn Kazsoki, Krisztina Németh, Tamás Visnovitz, Dorina Lenzinger, Edit I Buzás, Romána Zelkó
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


421. The Role of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Studying Cardiac Channelopathies

Merima Begovic, Luca Schneider, Xiaobo Zhou, Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim Akin, Ibrahim El-Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


420. Effects of sex and obesity on immune checkpoint inhibition-related cardiac systolic dysfunction in aged mice

Nabil V. Sayour, Dániel Kucsera, Ayham R. Alhaddad, Viktória É. Tóth, Tamás G. Gergely, Tamás Kovács, Zsombor I. Hegedűs, Márk E. Jakab, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: Basic Research in Cardiology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


419. Novel biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction in Long COVID patients

Titanilla Szögi, Barbara N. Borsos, Dejana Masic, Bence Radics, Zsolt Bella, Andrea Bánfi, Nóra Ördög, Csenge Zsiros, Ágnes Kiricsi, Gabriella Pankotai-Bodó, Ágnes Kovács, Dóra Paróczai, Andrea Lugosi Botkáné, Béla Kajtár, Farkas Sükösd, Andrea Lehoczki, Tamás Polgár, Annamária Letoha, Tibor Pankotai, László Tiszlavicz
Journal/Proc./Book: GeroScience
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


418. Human Pancreas‐Derived Organoids with Controlled Polarity: Detailed Protocols and Experimental Timeline

Aletta Kiss, Attila Farkas, Ferhan Ayaydin, György Lázár, Árpád Varga, József Maléth
Journal/Proc./Book: Current Protocols
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


417. Restoring CFTR function with Orkambi decreases the severity of alcohol‐induced acute pancreatitis

Viktória Venglovecz, Anna Grassalkovich, Emese Tóth, Attila Ébert, Eleonóra Gál, Marietta Margaréta Korsós, József Maléth, Zoltán Rakonczay, Zsolt Galla, Péter Monostori, Péter Hegyi
Journal/Proc./Book: The Journal of Physiology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


416. The Expression of Cytokines and Chemokines Potentially Distinguishes Mild and Severe Psoriatic Non-Lesional and Resolved Skin from Healthy Skin and Indicates Different Stages of Inflammation

Renáta Bozó, Lili Borbála Flink, Barbara Ambrus, Ameneh Ghaffarinia, Balázs Koncz, Róbert Kui, Rolland Gyulai, Lajos Kemény, Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


415. Reduced circulating CD63+ extracellular vesicle levels associate with atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolaemic mice and humans

Brachyahu M. Kestecher, Krisztina Németh, Sayam Ghosal, Nabil V. Sayour, Tamás G. Gergely, Bernadett R. Bodnár, András I. Försönits, Barbara W. Sódar, Johannes Oesterreicher, Wolfgang Holnthoner, Zoltán V. Varga, Zoltán Giricz, Péter Ferdinandy, Edit I. Buzás, Xabier Osteikoetxea
Journal/Proc./Book: Cardiovascular Diabetology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


414. Outcomes of treatment cessation after switching to subcutaneous vedolizumab treatment in inflammatory bowel diseases

Péter Bacsur, Tamás Resál, Patrícia Sarlós, Ákos Iliás, Liza Dalma Sümegi, Diána Kata, Anett Dávid, Bernadett Farkas, Emese Ivány, Anita Bálint, Zsófia Bősze, Anna Fábián, Renáta Bor, Zoltán Szepes, Waqqas Afif, Talat Bessissow, Klaudia Farkas, Péter L. Lakatos, Tamás Molnár
Journal/Proc./Book: Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


413. MUC17 is a potential new prognostic biomarker and promotes pancreatic cancer progression in obstructive jaundice

Eleonóra Gál, István Menyhárt, Zoltán Veréb, Lajos Kemény, László Tiszlavicz, Zoltán Márton Köhler, Anikó Keller-Pintér, Dávid Rakk, András Szekeres, Tamás Takács, László Czakó, Péter Hegyi, Boshra Yosef, Viktória Venglovecz
Journal/Proc./Book: Oncology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


412. Proteomic analysis of plasma-derived extracellular vesicles: pre- and postprandial comparisons

Alejandra P. Garza, Elisa Wider-Eberspächer, Lorena Morton, Marco van Ham, Éva Pállinger, Edit I. Buzás, Lothar Jänsch, Ildiko R. Dunay
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


411. Moesin contributes to heat shock gene response through direct binding to the Med15 subunit of the Mediator complex in the nucleus

Ildikó Kristó, Zoltán Kovács, Anikó Szabó, Péter Borkúti, Alexandra Gráf, Ádám Tamás Sánta, Aladár Pettkó-Szandtner, Edit Ábrahám, Viktor Honti, Zoltán Lipinszki, Péter Vilmos
Journal/Proc./Book: Open Biology
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


410. Probability of early infection extinction depends linearly on the virus clearance rate

N. Juhász, F. A. Bartha, S. Marzban, R. Han, G. Röst
Journal/Proc./Book: Royal Society Open Science
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


409. Case report: Comprehensive clinical, pathological and genetic investigations to decipher the background of cyclic thrombocytopenia

Zsófia Flóra Nagy, Kristóf Árvai, Péter Lakatos, Ildikó Beke Debreceni, Balázs Szili, Ildikó Istenes, Csaba Bödör, Judit Demeter
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology and Oncology Research
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


408. Effect of Inflammatory Microenvironment on the Regenerative Capacity of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Diána Szűcs, Vanda Miklós, Tamás Monostori, Melinda Guba, Anikó Kun-Varga, Szilárd Póliska, Erika Kis, Balázs Bende, Lajos Kemény, Zoltán Veréb
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


407. Fountain of youth—Targeting autophagy in aging

Lea Danics, Anna Anoir Abbas, Balázs Kis, Karolina Pircs
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


406. Nimodipine augments cerebrovascular reactivity in aging but runs the risk of local perfusion reduction in acute cerebral ischemia

Szilvia Kecskés, Ákos Menyhárt, Ferenc Bari, Eszter Farkas
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


405. Quantitative Biodistribution of OMVs Using SPECT/CT Imaging with HYNIC-Duramycin Radiolabeling

Dávid Szöllősi, Polett Hajdrik, Hedvig Tordai, Ralf Bergmann, Ildikó Horváth, Judith Mihály, Anikó Gaál, Bálint Jezsó, Kanni Das Shailaja, Tamás Felföldi, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balázs Zoltán Gulyás, Domokos Máthé, Zoltán Varga, Krisztián Szigeti
Journal/Proc./Book: ACS Omega
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


404. Monitoring correlates of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture using a two-photon-active calcium-sensitive dye

Domokos Máthé, Gergely Szalay, Levente Cseri, Zoltán Kis, Bernadett Pályi, Gábor Földes, Noémi Kovács, Anna Fülöp, Áron Szepesi, Polett Hajdrik, Attila Csomos, Ákos Zsembery, Kristóf Kádár, Gergely Katona, Zoltán Mucsi, Balázs József Rózsa, Ervin Kovács
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


403. mulea: An R package for enrichment analysis using multiple ontologies and empirical false discovery rate

Cezary Turek, Márton Ölbei, Tamás Stirling, Gergely Fekete, Ervin Tasnádi, Leila Gul, Balázs Bohár, Balázs Papp, Wiktor Jurkowski, Eszter Ari
Journal/Proc./Book: BMC Bioinformatics
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


402. The metabolic domestication syndrome of budding yeast

Roland Tengölics, Balázs Szappanos, Michael Mülleder, Dorottya Kalapis, Gábor Grézal, Csilla Sajben, Federica Agostini, João Benhur Mokochinski, Balázs Bálint, László G. Nagy, Markus Ralser, Balázs Papp
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


401. Principles of metabolome conservation in animals

Orsolya Liska, Gábor Boross, Charles Rocabert, Balázs Szappanos, Roland Tengölics, Balázs Papp
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2024

doi doiicon


400. Development of a Laser Microdissection-Coupled Quantitative Shotgun Lipidomic Method to Uncover Spatial Heterogeneity

Vanda Varga-Zsíros, Ede Migh, Annamária Marton, Zoltán Kóta, Csaba Vizler, László Tiszlavicz, Péter Horváth, Zsolt Török, László Vígh, Gábor Balogh, Mária Péter
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


399. The ROP2 GTPase Participates in Nitric Oxide (NO)-Induced Root Shortening in Arabidopsis

Erzsébet Kenesi, Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Nikolett Kaszler, Éva Klement, Dalma Ménesi, Árpád Molnár, Ildikó Valkai, Gábor Feigl, Gábor Rigó, Ágnes Cséplő, Christian Lindermayr, Attila Fehér
Journal/Proc./Book: Plants
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


398. Evolution of insect innate immunity through domestication of bacterial toxins

Kirsten I. Verster, Gyöngyi Cinege, Zoltán Lipinszki, Lilla B. Magyar, Éva Kurucz, Rebecca L. Tarnopol, Edit Ábrahám, Zsuzsanna Darula, Marianthi Karageorgi, Josephine A. Tamsil, Saron M. Akalu, István Andó, Noah K. Whiteman
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


397. Biofilm formation initiating rotifer-specific biopolymer and its predicted components

Zsolt Datki, Zsuzsanna Darula, Viktor Vedelek, Eva Hunyadi-Gulyas, Brian J. Dingmann, Balazs Vedelek, Janos Kalman, Peter Urban, Attila Gyenesei, Zita Galik-Olah, Bence Galik, Rita Sinka
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


396. Comparative analysis of hippocampal extracellular space uncovers widely altered peptidome upon epileptic seizure in urethane-anaesthetized rats

Vanda Tukacs, Dániel Mittli, Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás, Zsuzsanna Darula, Gábor Juhász, József Kardos, Katalin Adrienna Kékesi
Journal/Proc./Book: Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


395. Exploring PKG signaling as a therapeutic avenue for pressure overload, ischemia, and HFpEF

S. Zhazykbayeva, H. Budde, M. Kaçmaz, Y. Zemedie, H. Osman, R. Hassoun, K. Jaquet, I. Akin, I. El-Battrawy, M. Herwig, N. Hamdani
Journal/Proc./Book: Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


394. PDE9A Inhibition Improves Coronary Microvascular Rarefaction and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in the ZSF1 Rat Model of HFpEF

Katie Anne Fopiano, Saltanat Zhazykbayeva, Ibrahim El‐Battrawy, Vadym Buncha, William M. Pearson, Davis J. Hardell, Liwei Lang, Nazha Hamdani, Zsolt Bagi
Journal/Proc./Book: Microcirculation
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


393. Genomic surveillance as a scalable framework for precision phage therapy against antibiotic-resistant pathogens

Mihály Koncz, Tamás Stirling, Hiba Hadj Mehdi, Orsolya Méhi, Bálint Eszenyi, András Asbóth, Gábor Apjok, Ákos Tóth, László Orosz, Bálint Márk Vásárhelyi, Eszter Ari, Lejla Daruka, Tamás Ferenc Polgár, György Schneider, Sif Aldin Zalokh, Mónika Számel, Gergely Fekete, Balázs Bohár, Karolina Nagy Varga, Ádám Visnyovszki, Edit Székely, Monica-Sorina Licker, Oana Izmendi, Carmen Costache, Ina Gajic, Bojana Lukovic, Szabolcs Molnár, Uzonka Orsolya Szőcs-Gazdi, Csilla Bozai, Marina Indreas, Katalin Kristóf, Charles Van der Henst, Anke Breine, Csaba Pál, Balázs Papp, Bálint Kintses
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


392. Cardioprotective microRNAs (protectomiRs) in a pig model of acute myocardial infarction and cardioprotection by ischaemic conditioning: MiR‐450a

Regina N. Nagy, András Makkos, Tamás Baranyai, Zoltán Giricz, Márta Szabó, Bernadett Kravcsenko‐Kiss, Zoltán Bereczki, Bence Ágg, László G. Puskás, Nóra Faragó, Rainer Schulz, Mariann Gyöngyösi, Dominika Lukovic, Zoltán V. Varga, Anikó Görbe, Péter Ferdinandy
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Pharmacology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


391. Increased DNA damage of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells under inflammatory conditions

Zoltán G. Páhi, Diána Szűcs, Vanda Miklós, Nóra Ördög, Tamás Monostori, János Varga, Lajos Kemény, Zoltán Veréb, Tibor Pankotai
Journal/Proc./Book: Heliyon
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


390. Shotgun Analysis of Gut Microbiota with Body Composition and Lipid Characteristics in Crohn’s Disease

Péter Bacsur, Tamás Resál, Bernadett Farkas, Boldizsár Jójárt, Zoltán Gyuris, Gábor Jaksa, Lajos Pintér, Bertalan Takács, Sára Pál, Attila Gácser, Kata Judit Szántó, Mariann Rutka, Renáta Bor, Anna Fábián, Klaudia Farkas, József Maléth, Zoltán Szepes, Tamás Molnár, Anita Bálint
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


389. MITF regulates IDH1, NNT, and a transcriptional program protecting melanoma from reactive oxygen species

Elisabeth Roider, Alexandra I. T. Lakatos, Alicia M. McConnell, Poguang Wang, Alina Mueller, Akinori Kawakami, Jennifer Tsoi, Botond L. Szabolcs, Anna A. Ascsillán, Yusuke Suita, Vivien Igras, Jennifer A. Lo, Jennifer J. Hsiao, Rebecca Lapides, Dorottya M. P. Pál, Anna S. Lengyel, Alexander Navarini, Arimichi Okazaki, Othon Iliopoulos, István Németh, Thomas G. Graeber, Leonard Zon, Roger W. Giese, Lajos V. Kemeny, David E. Fisher
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


388. Antimicrobial resistance: a concise update

Charlotte S Ho, Carlos T H Wong, Thet Tun Aung, Rajamani Lakshminarayanan, Jodhbir S Mehta, Saaeha Rauz, Alan McNally, Balint Kintses, Sharon J Peacock, Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez, Robert E W Hancock, Darren S J Ting
Journal/Proc./Book: The Lancet Microbe
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


387. Widespread natural selection on metabolite levels in humans

Yanina Timasheva, Kaido Lepik, Orsolya Liska, Balázs Papp, Zoltán Kutalik
Journal/Proc./Book: Genome Research
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


386. Comparison of mouse models of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction

Nabil V. Sayour, Tamás G. Gergely, Barnabás Váradi, Viktória É. Tóth, Bence Ágg, Tamás Kovács, Dániel Kucsera, Csenger Kovácsházi, Gábor B. Brenner, Zoltán Giricz, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: ESC Heart Failure
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


385. The Impact of Body Mass Index on the Mortality of Myocardial Infarction Patients With Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries

Chaohui Dong, Mustafa Kacmaz, Clara Schlettert, Mohammad Abumayyaleh, Ibrahim Akin, Rayyan Hemetsberger, Andreas Mügge, Assem Aweimer, Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim El‐Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: Clinical Cardiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


384. miR-21, miR-29a, and miR-106b: serum and tissue biomarkers with diagnostic potential in metastatic testicular cancer

Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Fruzsina Fazekas, Krisztina Biró, Orsolya Oláh-Németh, Istvan Buzogany, Farkas Sükösd, Tamás Beöthe, Tibor Pankotai
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


383. Aflatoxin B1 Control by Various Pseudomonas Isolates

Dóra Anna Papp, Sándor Kocsubé, Zoltán Farkas, András Szekeres, Csaba Vágvölgyi, Zsuzsanna Hamari, Mónika Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: Toxins
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon



381. Phytochrome C and Low Temperature Promote the Protein Accumulation and Red-Light Signaling of Phytochrome D

Csaba Péter, Éva Ádám, Cornelia Klose, Gábor Grézal, Anita Hajdu, Gábor Steinbach, László Kozma-Bognár, Dániel Silhavy, Ferenc Nagy, András Viczián
Journal/Proc./Book: Plant And Cell Physiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


380. Doxycycline prophylaxis for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

István Szondy, Fanni Adél Meznerics, Kende Lőrincz, Lajos Vince Kemény, Anna Walter, Alzahra Ahmed Mohammed, Péter Hegyi, Norbert Kiss, András Bánvölgyi
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


379. Chloroplastic ascorbate modifies plant metabolism and may act as a metabolite signal regardless of oxidative stress

Dávid Tóth, Roland Tengölics, Fayezeh Aarabi, Anna Karlsson, André Vidal-Meireles, László Kovács, Soujanya Kuntam, Tímea Körmöczi, Alisdair R Fernie, Elton P Hudson, Balázs Papp, Szilvia Z Tóth
Journal/Proc./Book: Plant Physiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


378. Bafilomycin 1A Affects p62/SQSTM1 Autophagy Marker Protein Level and Autophagosome Puncta Formation Oppositely under Various Inflammatory Conditions in Cultured Rat Microglial Cells

István Pesti, Gábor Barczánfalvi, Karolina Dulka, Diana Kata, Eszter Farkas, Karoly Gulya
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


377. No beneficial use of the wearable cardioverter defibrillator among patients suffering from inherited and congenital heart disease: data from a European multicenter registry

Katharina Koepsel, Tobias C. Dreher, Christian Blockhaus, Michael Gotzmann, Norbert Klein, Thomas Kuntz, Dong-In Shin, Hendrik Lapp, Fabian Schiedat, Mohammad Abumayyaleh, Thomas Beiert, Christian Weth, Boldizsar Kovacs, Stephanie Rosenkaimer, Jacqueline Kowitz, Ardan Muammer Saguner, Julia W. Erath, Firat Duru, Andreas Mügge, Ibrahim Akin, Assem Aweimer, Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim El-Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


376. Prognostic potential of CUL3 ligase with differential roles in luminal A and basal type breast cancer tumors

Vasiliki Pantazi, Vanda Miklós, Paul Smith, Orsolya Oláh-Németh, Gabriella Pankotai-Bodó, Divya Teja Dondapati, Ferhan Ayaydin, Vincenzo D’Angiolella, Tibor Pankotai
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


375. Hepatocyte vitamin D receptor functions as a nutrient sensor that regulates energy storage and tissue growth in zebrafish

Scott H. Freeburg, Arkadi Shwartz, Lajos V. Kemény, Colton J. Smith, Olivia Weeks, Bess M. Miller, Nadia PenkoffLidbeck, David E. Fisher, Kimberley J. Evason, Wolfram Goessling
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Reports
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


374. Werner helicase interacting protein 1 contributes to G-quadruplex processing in human cells

Lili Hegedus, Agnes Toth, Gabor M. Harami, Janos Palinkas, Nargis Karatayeva, Eniko Sajben-Nagy, Szabolcs Bene, Sara Afzali Jaktajdinani, Mihaly Kovacs, Szilvia Juhasz, Peter Burkovics
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


373. Microbiome’s Universe: Impact on health, disease and cancer treatment

Zsuzsánna Réthi-Nagy, Szilvia Juhász
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


372. Predicting immune checkpoint therapy response in three independent metastatic melanoma cohorts

Leticia Szadai, Aron Bartha, Indira Pla Parada, Alexandra I.T. Lakatos, Dorottya M.P. Pál, Anna Sára Lengyel, Natália Pinto de Almeida, Ágnes Judit Jánosi, Fábio Nogueira, Beata Szeitz, Viktória Doma, Nicole Woldmar, Jéssica Guedes, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Zoltán Gábor Pahi, Tibor Pankotai, Yonghyo Kim, Balázs Győrffy, Bo Baldetorp, Charlotte Welinder, A. Marcell Szasz, Lazaro Betancourt, Jeovanis Gil, Roger Appelqvist, Ho Jeong Kwon, Sarolta Kárpáti, Magdalena Kuras, Jimmy Rodriguez Murillo, István Balázs Németh, Johan Malm, David Fenyö, Krzysztof Pawłowski, Peter Horvatovich, Elisabet Wieslander, Lajos V. Kemény, Gilberto Domont, György Marko-Varga, Aniel Sanchez
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Oncology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


371. Molecular fingerprints of cardiovascular toxicities of immune checkpoint inhibitors

Tamás G. Gergely, Zsófia D. Drobni, Nabil V. Sayour, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: Basic Research in Cardiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon



369. Mitochondrial dysfunction and immune suppression in BRAF V600E‐mutated metastatic melanoma

Natália Pinto de Almeida, Ágnes Judit Jánosi, Runyu Hong, Ahmad Rajeh, Fábio Nogueira, Leticia Szadai, Beata Szeitz, Indira Pla Parada, Viktória Doma, Nicole Woldmar, Jéssica Guedes, Zsuzsanna Újfaludi, Aron Bartha, Yonghyo Kim, Charlotte Welinder, Bo Baldetorp, Lajos Vince Kemény, Zoltan Pahi, Guihong Wan, Nga Nguyen, Tibor Pankotai, Balázs Győrffy, Krzysztof Pawłowski, Peter Horvatovich, Attila Marcell Szasz, Aniel Sanchez, Magdalena Kuras, Jimmy Rodriguez Murillo, Lazaro Betancourt, Gilberto B. Domont, Yevgeniy R. Semenov, Kun‐Hsing Yu, Ho Jeong Kwon, István Balázs Németh, David Fenyő, Elisabet Wieslander, György Marko‐Varga, Jeovanis Gil
Journal/Proc./Book: Clinical and Translational Medicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


368. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is the major pattern recognition receptor triggering the protective effect of a
Candida albicans
extracellular vesicle-based vaccine prototype in murine systemic candidiasis

Leandro Honorato, Jhon J. Artunduaga Bonilla, Alessandro F. Valdez, Susana Frases, Glauber Ribeiro de Sousa Araújo, Albaniza Liuane Ribeiro do Nascimento Sabino, Natalia Martins da Silva, Larissa Ribeiro, Marina da Silva Ferreira, Julio Kornetz, Marcio L. Rodrigues, Iain Cunningham, Neil A. R. Gow, Attila Gacser, Allan J. Guimarães, Fabianno F. Dutra, Leonardo Nimrichter
Journal/Proc./Book: mSphere
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


367. Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and the cancer patient: from diabetes to cardioprotection and beyond

Massimiliano Camilli, Marcello Viscovo, Luca Maggio, Alice Bonanni, Ilaria Torre, Claudio Pellegrino, Priscilla Lamendola, Lorenzo Tinti, Luciana Teofili, Stefan Hohaus, Gaetano Antonio Lanza, Peter Ferdinandy, Zoltan Varga, Filippo Crea, Antonella Lombardo, Giorgio Minotti
Journal/Proc./Book: Basic Research in Cardiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon



365. Improvement of lidocaine skin permeation by using passive and active enhancer methods

Feria Hasanpour, Mária Budai-Szűcs, Anita Kovács, Rita Ambrus, Orsolya Jójárt-Laczkovich, Martin Cseh, Zsolt Geretovszky, Ferhan Ayaydin, Szilvia Berkó
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


364. Emerging human pulmonary dirofilariasis in Hungary: a single center experience

Levente Kuthi, Tamás Zombori, László Tiszlavicz, Fanni Hegedűs, Szintia Almási, Bence Baráth, Mohammed Almakrami, Mohammad Jamal EJ, Nikolett Barta, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Tibor Pankotai, Adrienn Hajdu, József Furák, Anita Sejben
Journal/Proc./Book: Diagnostic Pathology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


363. Microenvironment shapes small-cell lung cancer neuroendocrine states and presents therapeutic opportunities

Parth Desai, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Rajesh Kumar, Samantha Nichols, Justin Malin, Allison Hunt, Christopher Schultz, Yingying Cao, Desiree Tillo, Darryl Nousome, Lakshya Chauhan, Linda Sciuto, Kimberly Jordan, Vinodh Rajapakse, Mayank Tandon, Delphine Lissa, Yang Zhang, Suresh Kumar, Lorinc Pongor, Abhay Singh, Brett Schroder, Ajit Kumar Sharma, Tiangen Chang, Rasa Vilimas, Danielle Pinkiert, Chante Graham, Donna Butcher, Andrew Warner, Robin Sebastian, Mimi Mahon, Karen Baker, Jennifer Cheng, Ann Berger, Ross Lake, Melissa Abel, Manan Krishnamurthy, George Chrisafis, Peter Fitzgerald, Micheal Nirula, Shubhank Goyal, Devon Atkinson, Nicholas W. Bateman, Tamara Abulez, Govind Nair, Andrea Apolo, Udayan Guha, Baktiar Karim, Rajaa El Meskini, Zoe Weaver Ohler, Mohit Kumar Jolly, Alejandro Schaffer, Eytan Ruppin, David Kleiner, Markku Miettinen, G. Tom Brown, Stephen Hewitt, Thomas Conrads, Anish Thomas
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Reports Medicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


362. The Skin–Brain Axis: From UV and Pigmentation to Behaviour Modulation

Anna A. Ascsillán, Lajos V. Kemény
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


361. Heavy metals in cigarette smoke strongly inhibit pancreatic ductal function and promote development of chronic pancreatitis

Petra Pallagi, Emese Tóth, Marietta Görög, Viktória Venglovecz, Tamara Madácsy, Árpád Varga, Tünde Molnár, Noémi Papp, Viktória Szabó, Enikő Kúthy‐Sutus, Réka Molnár, Attila Ördög, Katalin Borka, Andrea Schnúr, Albert Kéri, Gyula Kajner, Kata Csekő, Emese Ritter, Dezső Csupor, Zsuzsanna Helyes, Gábor Galbács, Andrea Szentesi, László Czakó, Zoltán Rakonczay, Tamás Takács, József Maléth, Péter Hegyi
Journal/Proc./Book: Clinical and Translational Medicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


360. Mechanisms of myocardial reverse remodelling and its clinical significance: A scientific statement of the ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function

Inês Falcão‐Pires, Ana Filipa Ferreira, Fábio Trindade, Luc Bertrand, Michele Ciccarelli, Valeria Visco, Dana Dawson, Nazha Hamdani, Linda W. Van Laake, Frank Lezoualc’h, Wolfgang A. Linke, Ida G Lunde, Peter P. Rainer, Mahmoud Abdellatif, Jolanda Van der Velden, Nicola Cosentino, Alessia Paldino, Giulio Pompilio, Serena Zacchigna, Stephane Heymans, Thomas Thum, Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti
Journal/Proc./Book: European Journal of Heart Failure
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


359. The loss of DNA polymerase epsilon accessory subunits POLE3–POLE4 leads to BRCA1-independent PARP inhibitor sensitivity

Hasan Mamar, Roberta Fajka-Boja, Mónika Mórocz, Eva Pinto Jurado, Siham Zentout, Alexandra Mihuţ, Anna Georgina Kopasz, Mihály Mérey, Rebecca Smith, Abhishek Bharadwaj Sharma, Nicholas D Lakin, Andrew James Bowman, Lajos Haracska, Sébastien Huet, Gyula Timinszky
Journal/Proc./Book: Nucleic Acids Research
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


358. Investigating the influence of taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDCA) on pancreatic cancer cell behavior: An RNA sequencing approach

Eleonóra Gál, Shahram Parvaneh, Vanda Miklós, Péter Hegyi, Lajos Kemény, Zoltán Veréb, Viktória Venglovecz
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


357. Understanding Differences in Sex-Based Outcomes with Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Ibrahim Akin, Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim El-Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: Drugs
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


356. Treatment options for immune‐related adverse events associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Yu Hua Chen, Tamás Kovács, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Pharmacology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


355. Effect of hypercholesterolemia on circulating and cardiomyocyte-derived extracellular vesicles

Csenger Kovácsházi, Szabolcs Hambalkó, Nabil V. Sayour, Tamás G. Gergely, Gábor B. Brenner, Csilla Pelyhe, Dóra Kapui, Bennet Y. Weber, Alexander L. Hültenschmidt, Éva Pállinger, Edit I. Buzás, Ádám Zolcsák, Bálint Kiss, Tamás Bozó, Csilla Csányi, Nikolett Kósa, Miklós Kellermayer, Róbert Farkas, Gellért B. Karvaly, Kieran Wynne, David Matallanas, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán Giricz
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


354. Ejection Fraction-Related Differences of Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes in Troponin-Positive Patients without Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

Mustafa Kacmaz, Clara Schlettert, Fabienne Kreimer, Mohammad Abumayyaleh, Ibrahim Akin, Andreas Mügge, Assem Aweimer, Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim El-Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


353. Author Correction: Single-cell transcriptomics reveal extracellular vesicles secretion with a cardiomyocyte proteostasis signature during pathological remodeling

Eric Schoger, Federico Bleckwedel, Giulia Germena, Cheila Rocha, Petra Tucholla, Izzatullo Sobitov, Wiebke Möbius, Maren Sitte, Christof Lenz, Mostafa Samak, Rabea Hinkel, Zoltán V. Varga, Zoltán Giricz, Gabriela Salinas, Julia C. Gross, Laura C. Zelarayán
Journal/Proc./Book: Communications Biology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


352. Extracellular vesicles promote migration despite BRAF inhibitor treatment in malignant melanoma cells

Afrodité Németh, Gréta L. Bányai, Nikolett K. Dobos, Tamás Kós, Anikó Gaál, Zoltán Varga, Edit I. Buzás, Delaram Khamari, Magdolna Dank, István Takács, A. Marcell Szász, Tamás Garay
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Communication and Signaling
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


351. Symphony of surprises: Unveiling organ interactions in Takotsubo Syndrome

Daniel Strohleit, Assem Aweimer, Ibrahim Akin, Nazha Hamdani, Ibrahim El-Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Cardiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


350. A journey to your self: The vague definition of immune self and its practical implications

Balázs Koncz, Gergő Mihály Balogh, Máté Manczinger
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


349. The anti-leprosy drug clofazimine reduces polyQ toxicity through activation of PPARγ

Xuexin Li, Ivó Hernandez, Seda Koyuncu, Balázs Kis, Maria Häggblad, Louise Lidemalm, Anna A. Abbas, Sramkó Bendegúz, Anikó Göblös, Lars Brautigam, Jose J. Lucas, Jordi Carreras-Puigvert, Daniela Hühn, Karolina Pircs, David Vilchez, Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo
Journal/Proc./Book: eBioMedicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


348. Complex treatment of residual metastatic germ cell cancer: A single center experience

Fruzsina Eszter Fazekas, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Krisztina Biró, Zoltán Gábor Páhi, István Buzogány, Farkas Sükösd, Tibor Pankotai, Tamás Beöthe
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


347. Autopsy findings in cancer patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 show a milder presentation of COVID-19 compared to non-cancer patients

Éva Kocsmár, Ildikó Kocsmár, Flóra Elamin, Laura Pápai, Ákos Jakab, Tibor Várkonyi, Tibor Glasz, Gergely Rácz, Adrián Pesti, Krisztina Danics, András Kiss, Gergely Röst, Éva Belicza, Zsuzsa Schaff, Gábor Lotz
Journal/Proc./Book: GeroScience
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


346. Sex-specific cardiovascular remodeling leads to a divergent sex-dependent development of heart failure in aged hypertensive rats

Árpád Kovács, Saltanat Zhazykbayeva, Melissa Herwig, Gábor Á. Fülöp, Tamás Csípő, Nikolett Oláh, Roua Hassoun, Heidi Budde, Hersh Osman, Mustafa Kaçmaz, Kornelia Jaquet, Dániel Priksz, Béla Juhász, Ibrahim Akin, Zoltán Papp, Wolfgang E. Schmidt, Andreas Mügge, Ibrahim El-Battrawy, Attila Tóth, Nazha Hamdani
Journal/Proc./Book: GeroScience
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


345. Impacts of gene variants on drug effects-the foundation of genotype-guided pharmacologic therapy for long QT syndrome and short QT syndrome

Zhihan Zhao, Xiaobiao Zang, Kerun Niu, Weifeng Song, Xianqing Wang, Andreas Mügge, Assem Aweimer, Nazha Hamdani, Xiaobo Zhou, Yonghui Zhao, Ibrahim Akin, Ibrahim El-Battrawy
Journal/Proc./Book: eBioMedicine
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


344. CDK-independent role of D-type cyclins in regulating DNA mismatch repair.

Rona, G., Miwatani-Minter, B., Zhang, Q., Goldberg, H. V., Kerzhnerman, M. A., Howard, J. B., Simoneschi, D., Lane, E., Hobbs, J. W., Sassani, E., Wang, A. A., Keegan, S., Laverty, D. J., Piett, C. G., Pongor, L. S., Xu, M. L., Andrade, J., Thomas, A., Sicinski, P., Askenazi, M., … Pagano, M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular cell
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


343. Sarcoma_CellminerCDB: A tool to interrogate the genomic and functional characteristics of a comprehensive collection of sarcoma cell lines.

Tlemsani, C., Heske, C. M., Elloumi, F., Pongor, L., Khandagale, P., Varma, S., Meltzer, P. S., Khan, J., Reinhold, Wi. C., Pommier, Y.
Journal/Proc./Book: iScience
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


342. Applied models and molecular characteristics of small cell lung cancer. Pathology and Oncology Research

Fűr, G. M., Nemes, K., Magó, É., Benő, A. Á., Topolcsányi, P., Moldvay, J., Pongor, L. S.
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology and Oncology Research
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


341. NASH triggers cardiometabolic HFpEF in aging mice.

Kucsera, D., Ruppert, M., Sayour, N. V., Tóth, V. E., Kovács, T., Hegedűs, Z. I., Onódi, Z., Fábián, A., Kovács, A., Radovits, T., Merkely, B., Pacher, P., Ferdinandy, P., & Varga, Z. V.
Journal/Proc./Book: GeroScience
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


340. Evaluation of the impact of iPSC differentiation protocols on transcriptomic signatures.

Chandrasekaran, V., Wellens, S., Bourguignon, A., Djidrovski, I., Fransen, L., Ghosh, S., Mazidi, Z., Murphy, C., Nunes, C., Singh, P., Zana, M., Armstrong, L., Dinnyés, A., Grillari, J., Grillari-Voglauer, R., Leonard, M. O., Verfaillie, C., Wilmes, A., Zurich, M. G., Exner, T., … Culot, M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Toxicology in vitro
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


339. Lectin-Based Immunophenotyping and Whole Proteomic Profiling of CT-26 Colon Carcinoma Murine Model.

Faragó, A., Zvara, Á., Tiszlavicz, L., Hunyadi-Gulyás, É., Darula, Z., Hegedűs, Z., Szabó, E., Surguta, S. E., Tóvári, J., Puskás, L. G., & Szebeni, G. J.
Journal/Proc./Book: International journal of molecular sciences
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


338. Licensing effects of inflammatory factors and TLR ligands on the regenerative capacity of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells.

Szűcs, D., Monostori, T., Miklós, V., Páhi, Z. G., Póliska, S., Kemény, L., & Veréb, Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


337. Reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton during the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).

Mannherz, H. G., Budde, H., Jarkas, M., Hassoun, R., Malek-Chudzik, N., Mazur, A. J., Skuljec, J., Pul, R., Napirei, M., & Hamdani, N.
Journal/Proc./Book: European journal of cell biology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


336. Primary microglia cell cultures in translational research: Strengths and limitations.

Pesti, I., Légrádi, Á., & Farkas, E.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


335. Protein Kinase D Plays a Crucial Role in Maintaining Cardiac Homeostasis by Regulating Post-Translational Modifications of Myofilament Proteins.

Herwig, M., Begovic, M., Budde, H., Delalat, S., Zhazykbayeva, S., Sieme, M., Schneider, L., Jaquet, K., Mügge, A., Akin, I., El-Battrawy, I., Fielitz, J., & Hamdani, N.
Journal/Proc./Book: International journal of molecular sciences
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


334. Profiling of Copy Number Alterations Using Low-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequencing Informs Differential Diagnosis and Prognosis in Primary Cutaneous Follicle Center Lymphoma.

Bátai, B., Kiss, L., Varga, L., Nagy, Á., Househam, J., Baker, A. M., László, T., Udvari, A., Horváth, R., Nagy, T., Csomor, J., Szakonyi, J., Schneider, T., Graham, T. A., Alpár, D., Fitzgibbon, J., Szepesi, Á., & Bödör, C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Modern pathology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


333. Reviewing critical TRPM2 variants through a structure-function lens

Tóth, Á. V., & Bartók, Á.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


332. Heart failure pharmacotherapy and cancer: pathways and pre-clinical/clinical evidence.

Sayour, N. V., Paál, Á. M., Ameri, P., Meijers, W. C., Minotti, G., Andreadou, I., Lombardo, A., Camilli, M., Drexel, H., Grove, E. L., Dan, G. A., Ivanescu, A., Semb, A. G., Savarese, G., Dobrev, D., Crea, F., Kaski, J. C., de Boer, R. A., Ferdinandy, P., & Varga, Z. V.
Journal/Proc./Book: European heart journal
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


331. Small extracellular vesicles from surviving cancer cells as multiparametric monitoring tools of measurable residual disease and therapeutic efficiency.

Valcz, G., Buzás, E. I., Gatenby, R. A., Újvári, B., & Molnár, B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


330. Reducing cardiovascular risk in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors compared to conventional therapies-A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Galajda, N. Á., Meznerics, F. A., Mátrai, P., Fehérvári, P., Lengyel, A. S., Kolonics, M. V., Sipos, Z., Kemény, L. V., Csupor, D., Hegyi, P., Bánvölgyi, A., & Holló, P.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


329. Cardiac damage and tropism of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Tangos, M., Jarkas, M., Akin, I., El-Battrawy, I., & Hamdani, N.
Journal/Proc./Book: Current opinion in microbiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


328. Recipient Pericardial Apolipoprotein Levels Might Be an Indicator of Worse Outcomes after Orthotopic Heart Transplantation.

Székely, A., Pállinger, É., Töreki, E., Ifju, M., Barta, B. A., Szécsi, B., Losoncz, E., Dohy, Z., Barabás, I. J., Kosztin, A., Buzas, E. I., Radovits, T., & Merkely, B.
Journal/Proc./Book: International journal of molecular sciences
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


327. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches.

Welsh, J. A., Goberdhan, D. C. I., O’Driscoll, L., Buzas, E. I., Blenkiron, C., Bussolati, B., Cai, H., Di Vizio, D., Driedonks, T. A. P., Erdbrügger, U., Falcon-Perez, J. M., Fu, Q. L., Hill, A. F., Lenassi, M., Lim, S. K., Mahoney, M. G., Mohanty, S., Möller, A., Nieuwland, R., Ochiya, T., … Witwer, K. W.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of extracellular vesicles
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


326. Predicting drug response of small cell lung cancer cell lines based on enrichment analysis of complex gene signatures.

Nemes, K., Benő, A., Topolcsányi, P., Magó, É., Fűr, G. M., & Pongor, L. Ő. S.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


325. Immune checkpoints in cardiac physiology and pathology: therapeutic targets for heart failure.

Gergely, T. G., Drobni, Z. D., Kallikourdis, M., Zhu, H., Meijers, W. C., Neilan, T. G., Rassaf, T., Ferdinandy, P., & Varga, Z. V.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature reviews Cardiology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


324. TRPM2 – An adjustable thermostat.

Bartók Á, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Calcium
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


323. YB-1 Is a Novel Target for the Inhibition of α-Adrenergic-Induced Hypertrophy

Heger J, Partsch S, Harjung C, Varga ZV, Baranyai T, Weiß J, Kremer L, Locquet F, Leszek P, Ágg B, Benczik B, Ferdinandy P, Schulz R, Euler G
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


322. Acquired Triazole Resistance Alters Pathogenicity-Associated Features in Candida auris in an Isolate-Dependent Manner.

Bohner F, Papp C, Takacs T, Varga M, Szekeres A, Nosanchuk JD, Vágvölgyi C, Tóth R, Gacser A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Fungi
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


321. Unraveling Transcriptome Profile, Epigenetic Dynamics, and Morphological Changes in Psoriasis-like Keratinocytes: “Insights into Similarity with Psoriatic Lesional Epidermis”

Ghaffarinia A, Póliska S, Ayaydin F, Goblos A, Parvaneh S, Manczinger M, Balogh F, Erdei L, Veréb Z, Szabó K, Bata-Csörgő Z, Kemény L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


320. Routine molecular applications and recent advances in breast cancer diagnostics. J Biotechnol.

Pankotai-Bodó G, Oláh-Németh O, Sükösd F, Pankotai T.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


319. Gyermekkori agydaganatok: diagnózis és terápia – komprehenzív genomikai profilozás [Childhood brain tumors: diagnosis and therapy – comprehensive genomic profiling].

Brückner E, Bedics G, Reiniger L, Rajnai H, Jakab Z, Bödör C, Scheich B, Garami M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Magyar Onkológia
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


318. Development of a Large-Scale Pathogen Screening Test for the Biosafety Evaluation of Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells.

Pekker E, Priskin K, Szabó-Kriston É, Csányi B, Buzás-Bereczki O, Adorján L, Szukacsov V, Pintér L, Rusvai M, Cooper P, Kiss-Tóth E, Haracska L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biological Procedures Online
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


317. Genes with epigenetic alterations in human pancreatic islets impact mitochondrial function, insulin secretion, and type 2 diabetes.

Rönn T, Ofori JK, Perfilyev A, Hamilton A, Pircs K, Eichelmann F, Garcia-Calzon S, Karagiannopoulos A, Stenlund H, Wendt A, Volkov P, Schulze MB, Mulder H, Eliasson L, Ruhrmann S, Bacos K, Ling C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


316. Exploring RAD18-dependent replication of damaged DNA and discontinuities: A collection of advanced tools.

Mórocz M, Qorri E, Pekker E, Tick G, Haracska L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


315. Radiolabeling of Platelets with 99mTc-HYNIC-Duramycin for In Vivo Imaging Studies.

Merkel K, Szöllősi D, Horváth I, Jezsó B, Baranyai Z, Szigeti K, Varga Z, Hegedüs I, Padmanabhan P, Gulyás B, Bergmann R, Máthé D.
Journal/Proc./Book: Internaitonal Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


314. Genetic Characterization of Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma: Pathogenesis and Patient Outcomes.

Noerenberg D, Briest F, Hennch C, Yoshida K, Hablesreiter R, Takeuchi Y, Ueno H, Staiger AM, Ziepert M, Asmar F, Locher BN, Toth E, Weber T, Amini RM, Klapper W, Bouzani M, Poeschel V, Rosenwald A, Held G, Campo E, Ishaque N, Stamatopoulos K, Kanellis G, Anagnostopoulos I, Bullinger L, Goldschmidt N, Zinzani PL, Bödör C, Rosenquist R, Vassilakopoulos TP, Ott G, Ogawa S, Damm F.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Clinical Oncology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


313. Nanoinjection of extracellular vesicles to single live cells by robotic fluidic force microscopy.

Kovács KD, Visnovitz T, Gerecsei T, Peter B, Kurunczi S, Koncz A, Németh K, Lenzinger D, Vukman KV, Balogh A, Rajmon I, Lőrincz P, Székács I, Buzás EI, Horvath R.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


312. Synergism of red blood cells and tranexamic acid in the inhibition of fibrinolysis.

Raska A, Kálmán K, Egri B, Csikós P, Beinrohr L, Szabó L, Tenekedjiev K, Nikolova N, Longstaff C, Roberts I, Kolev K, Wohner N.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


311. Development of Polymer-Encapsulated, Amine-Functionalized Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles as MRI Contrast Agents.

Ilosvai ÁM, Forgách L, Kovács N, Heydari F, Szigeti K, Máthé D, Kristály F, Daróczi L, Kaleta Z, Viskolcz B, Nagy M, Vanyorek L.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


310. CRISPR/Cas9 Mutagenesis through Introducing a Nanoparticle Complex Made of a Cationic Polymer and Nucleic Acids into Maize Protoplasts.

Nagy B, Öktem A, Ferenc G, Ungor D, Kalac A, Kelemen-Valkony I, Fodor E, Nagy I, Dudits D, Ayaydin F.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


309. Phenol-Soluble Modulin α3 Stimulates Autophagy in HaCaT Keratinocytes.

Dernovics Á, Seprényi G, Rázga Z, Ayaydin F, Veréb Z, Megyeri K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


308. Low-burden TP53 mutations represent frequent genetic events in CLL with an increased risk for treatment initiation.

László T, Kotmayer L, Fésüs V, Hegyi L, Gróf S, Nagy Á, Kajtár B, Balogh A, Weisinger J, Masszi T, Nagy Z, Farkas P, Demeter J, Istenes I, Szász R, Gergely L, Sulák A, Borbényi Z, Lévai D, Schneider T, Pettendi P, Bodai E, Szerafin L, Rejtő L, Bátai Á, Dömötör MÁ, Sánta H, Plander M, Szendrei T, Hamed A, Lázár Z, Pauker Z, Radványi G, Kiss A, Körösmezey G, Jakucs J, Dombi PJ, Simon Z, Klucsik Z, Gurzó M, Tiboly M, Vidra T, Ilonczai P, Bors A, Andrikovics H, Egyed M, Székely T, Masszi A, Alpár D, Matolcsy A, Bödör C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


307. Chloroplast phosphate transporter CrPHT4-7 regulates phosphate homeostasis and photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas.

Tóth D, Kuntam S, Ferenczi Á, Vidal-Meireles A, Kovács L, Wang L, Sarkadi Z, Migh E, Szentmihályi K, Tengölics R, Neupert J, Bock R, Jonikas MC, Molnar A, Tóth SZ.
Journal/Proc./Book: Plant Phsyiology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


306. Are the Cutaneous Microbiota a Guardian of the Skin’s Physical Barrier? The Intricate Relationship between Skin Microbes and Barrier Integrity.

Szabó K, Bolla BS, Erdei L, Balogh F, Kemény L.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


305. Predictive Potential of RNA Polymerase B (II) Subunit 1 (RPB1) Cytoplasmic Aggregation for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Failure.

Nagy-Mikó B, Németh-Szatmári O, Faragó-Mészáros R, Csókási A, Bognár B, Ördög N, Borsos BN, Majoros H, Ujfaludi Z, Oláh-Németh O, Nikolényi A, Dobi Á, Kószó R, Sántha D, Lázár G, Simonka Z, Paszt A, Ormándi K, Pankotai T, Boros IM, Villányi Z, Vörös A.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journel of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


304. Novel RICTOR amplification harbouring entities: FISH validation of RICTOR amplification in tumour tissue after next-generation sequencing.

Sztankovics D, Krencz I, Moldvai D, Dankó T, Nagy Á, Nagy N, Bedics G, Rókusz A, Papp G, Tőkés AM, Pápay J, Sápi Z, Dezső K, Bödör C, Sebestyén A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


303. Molecular imaging of bacterial outer membrane vesicles based on bacterial surface display.

Kövesdi D, Bősze S, Szabó I, Felföldi T, Oszwald E, Padmanabhan P, Gulyás BZ, Hamdani N, Máthé D, Varga Z, Szigeti K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


302. Manifestation of Triploid Heterosis in the Root System after Crossing Diploid and Autotetraploid Energy Willow Plants.

Dudits D, Cseri A, Török K, Vankova R, Dobrev PI, Sass L, Steinbach G, Kelemen-Valkony I, Zombori Z, Ferenc G, Ayaydin F.
Journal/Proc./Book: Genes
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


301. Identifying Suitable Reference Gene Candidates for Quantification of DNA Damage-Induced Cellular Responses in Human U2OS Cell Culture System.

Barta N, Ördög N, Pantazi V, Berzsenyi I, Borsos BN, Majoros H, Páhi ZG, Ujfaludi Z, Pankotai T.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomolecules
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


300. Novel, clinically relevant genomic patterns identified by comprehensive genomic profiling in ATRX-deficient IDH-wildtype adult high-grade gliomas.

Bedics G, Szőke P, Bátai B, Nagy T, Papp G, Kránitz N, Rajnai H, Reiniger L, Bödör C, Scheich B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scienntific Reports
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


299. Histone and Histone Acetylation-Related Alterations of Gene Expression in Uninvolved Psoriatic Skin and Their Effects on Cell Proliferation, Differentiation, and Immune Responses.

Romhányi D, Szabó K, Kemény L, Groma G.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


298. A dual role of lysophosphatidic acid type 2 receptor (LPAR2) in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced mouse enteropathy.

Hutka B, Várallyay A, László SB, Tóth AS, Scheich B, Paku S, Vörös I, Pós Z, Varga ZV, Norman DD, Balogh A, Benyó Z, Tigyi G, Gyires K, Zádori ZS.
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


297. Estimating the true stability of the prehydrolytic outward-facing state in an ABC protein.

Simon MA, Iordanov I, Szollosi A, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: eLife
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


296. Droplet Digital PCR Is a Novel Screening Method Identifying Potential Cardiac G-Protein-Coupled Receptors as Candidate Pharmacological Targets in a Rat Model of Pressure-Overload-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction.

Sayour NV, Tóth VÉ, Nagy RN, Vörös I, Gergely TG, Onódi Z, Nagy N, Bödör C, Váradi B, Ruppert M, Radovits T, Bleckwedel F, Zelarayán LC, Pacher P, Ágg B, Görbe A, Ferdinandy P, Varga ZV. Droplet
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


295. Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 is a novel faecal biomarker for monitoring disease activity and therapeutic response in inflammatory bowel diseases.

Jójárt B, Resál T, Kata D, Molnár T, Bacsur P, Szabó V, Varga Á, Szántó KJ, Pallagi P, Földesi I, Molnár T, Maléth J, Farkas K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Crohn’s Colitis
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


294. Identification of an NF1 Microdeletion with Optical Genome Mapping.

Büki G, Bekő A, Bödör C, Urbán P, Németh K, Hadzsiev K, Fekete G, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Bene J.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


293. Antineoplastic drugs inducing cardiac and vascular toxicity – An update.

Barachini S, Ghelardoni S, Varga ZV, Mehanna RA, Montt-Guevara MM, Ferdinandy P, Madonna R.
Journal/Proc./Book: Vascular Pharmacology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


292. Image-based and machine learning-guided multiplexed serology test for SARS-CoV-2.

Pietiäinen V, Polso M, Migh E, Guckelsberger C, Harmati M, Diosdi A, Turunen L, Hassinen A, Potdar S, Koponen A, Sebestyen EG, Kovacs F, Kriston A, Hollandi R, Burian K, Terhes G, Visnyovszki A, Fodor E, Lacza Z, Kantele A, Kolehmainen P, Kakkola L, Strandin T, Levanov L, Kallioniemi O, Kemeny L, Julkunen I, Vapalahti O, Buzas K, Paavolainen L, Horvath P, Hepojoki J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Report Methods
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


291. Frequent ZNF217 mutations lead to transcriptional deregulation of interferon signal transduction via altered chromatin accessibility in B cell lymphoma.

Bullinger L, Rosenquist R, Vassilakopoulos TP, Ott G, Ogawa S, Damm F.
Journal/Proc./Book: Leukemia
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


290. Herpes Simplex Virus Infection Alters the Immunological Properties of Adipose-Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal-Stem Cells.

Kun-Varga A, Gubán B, Miklós V, Parvaneh S, Guba M, Szűcs D, Monostori T, Varga J, Varga Á, Rázga Z, Bata-Csörgő Z, Kemény L, Megyeri K, Veréb Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


289. Interdisciplinary Analyses of Bronze Age Communities from Western Hungary Reveal Complex Population Histories.

Gerber D, Szeifert B, Székely O, Egyed B, Gyuris B, Giblin JI, Horváth A, Köhler K, Kulcsár G, Kustár Á, Major I, Molnár M, Palcsu L, Szeverényi V, Fábián S, Mende BG, Bondár M, Ari E, Kiss V, Szécsényi-Nagy A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


288. Tamás SX, Roux BT, Vámosi B, Dehne FG, Török A, Fazekas L, Enyedi B.

A genetically encoded sensor for visualizing leukotriene B4 gradients in vivo.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


287. Parathyroid cancer with MTOR gene mutation: Case report and review of the literature.

Stark J, Tőke J, Huszty G, Nagy P, Bedics G, Bödör C, Tímár J, Tóth M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Annales d’Endocrinologie
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


286. The IV International Symposium on Fungal Stress and the XIII International Fungal Biology Conference.

Alder-Rangel A, Bailão AM, Herrera-Estrella A, Rangel AEA, Gácser A, Gasch AP, Campos CBL, Peters C, Camelim F, Verde F, Gadd GM, Braus G, Eisermann I, Quinn J, Latgé JP, Aguirre J, Bennett JW, Heitman J, Nosanchuk JD, Partida-Martínez LP, Bassilana M, Acheampong MA, Riquelme M, Feldbrügge M, Keller NP, Keyhani NO, Gunde-Cimerman N, Nascimento R, Arkowitz RA, Mouriño-Pérez RR, Naz SA, Avery SV, Basso TO, Terpitz U, Lin X, Rangel DEN.
Journal/Proc./Book: Fungal Biology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


285. Local laboratory-run donor-derived cell-free DNA assay for rejection surveillance in heart transplantation-first six months of clinical experience.

Teszak T, Bödör C, Hegyi L, Levay L, Nagy B, Fintha A, Merkely B, Sax B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Clinical Transplantation
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon



283. Functional characterization of the transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) cation channel from Nematostella vectensis reconstituted into lipid bilayer.

Szollosi A, Almássy J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


282. Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry on P-Glycoprotein.

Gellen G, Klement E, Biwott K, Schlosser G, Kalló G, Csősz É, Medzihradszky KF, Bacso Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


281. Insights into the Structure of Comirnaty Covid-19 Vaccine: A Theory on Soft, Partially Bilayer-Covered Nanoparticles with Hydrogen Bond-Stabilized mRNA-Lipid Complexes.

Szebeni J, Kiss B, Bozó T, Turjeman K, Levi-Kalisman Y, Barenholz Y, Kellermayer M.
Journal/Proc./Book: ACS Nano
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


280. Editorial: Cardiovascular sequelae of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer survivors: current evidence and perspectives. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Jun 20;10:1230862.

Felici T, Skinner R, Ferdinandy P, Varga ZV, Lombardo A, Camilli M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


279. Sierra RO, Pedraza LK, Barcsai L, Pejin A, Li Q, Kozák G, Takeuchi Y, Nagy AJ, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A.

Closed-loop brain stimulation augments fear extinction in male rats. Nat Commun.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


278. Somatic mutational landscape of hereditary hematopoietic malignancies caused by germline variants in RUNX1, GATA2, and DDX41.

Homan CC, Drazer MW, Yu K, Lawrence DM, Feng J, Arriola-Martinez L, Pozsgai MJ, McNeely KE, Ha T, Venugopal P, Arts P, King-Smith SL, Cheah J, Armstrong M, Wang P, Bödör C, Cantor AB, Cazzola M, Degelman E, DiNardo CD, Duployez N, Favier R, Fröhling S, Rio-Machin A, Klco JM, Krämer A, Kurokawa M, Lee J, Malcovati L, Morgan NV, Natsoulis G, Owen C, Patel KP, Preudhomme C, Raslova H, Rienhoff H, Ripperger T, Schulte R, Tawana K, Velloso E, Yan B, Kim E, Sood R, Hsu AP, Holland SM, Phillips K, Poplawski NK, Babic M, Wei AH, Forsyth C, Mar Fan H, Lewis ID, Cooney J, Susman R, Fox LC, Blombery P, Singhal D, Hiwase D, Phipson B, Schreiber AW, Hahn CN, Scott HS, Liu P, Godley LA, Brown AL.
Journal/Proc./Book: Blood Advances
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


277. The Medicago truncatula nodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides, NCR343 and NCR-new35 are required for the maintenance of rhizobia in nitrogen-fixing nodules.

Horváth B, Güngör B, Tóth M, Domonkos Á, Ayaydin F, Saifi F, Chen Y, Biró JB, Bourge M, Szabó Z, Tóth Z, Chen R, Kaló P.
Journal/Proc./Book: New Phytologist
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


276. Human pancreatic ductal organoids with controlled polarity provide a novel ex vivo tool to study epithelial cell physiology.

Varga Á, Madácsy T, Görög M, Kiss A, Susánszki P, Szabó V, Jójárt B, Dudás K, Farkas G Jr, Szederkényi E, Lázár G, Farkas A, Ayaydin F, Pallagi P, Maléth J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


275. PersonALL: a genetic scoring guide for personalized risk assessment in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Kelemen Á, Sebestyén E, Jakab Z, Matolcsy A, Kiss C, Kovács G, Savola S, Bödör C, Alpár D.
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Cancer
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


274. Effects of bowel cleansing on the composition of the gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease patients and healthy controls.

Bacsur P, Rutka M, Asbóth A, Resál T, Szántó K, Jójárt B, Bálint A, Ari E, Ajibola W, Kintses B, Fehér T, Pigniczki D, Bor R, Fábián A, Maléth J, Szepes Z, Farkas K, Molnár T.
Journal/Proc./Book: Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


273. Parallel testing of liquid biopsy (ctDNA) and tissue biopsy samples reveals a higher frequency of EZH2 mutations in follicular lymphoma.

Timár B, Csomor J, Tóth E, Schneider T, Mikala G, Matolcsy A, Alpár D, Masszi A, Bödör C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Internal Medicine
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


272. Genomic Landscape of Normal and Breast Cancer Tissues in a Hungarian Pilot Cohort.

Pipek O, Alpár D, Rusz O, Bödör C, Udvarnoki Z, Medgyes-Horváth A, Csabai I, Szállási Z, Madaras L, Kahán Z, Cserni G, Kővári B, Kulka J, Tőkés AM.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


271. Inflammasome Activity in the Skeletal Muscle and Heart of Rodent Models for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 May 9;24(10):8497.

Onódi Z, Szabó PL, Kucsera D, Pokreisz P, Dostal C, Hilber K, Oudit GY, Podesser BK, Ferdinandy P, Varga ZV, Kiss A.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


270. Liquid biopsy-based monitoring of residual disease in multiple myeloma by analysis of the rearranged immunoglobulin genes-A feasibility study.

Marx A, Osváth M, Szikora B, Pipek O, Csabai I, Nagy Á, Bödör C, Matula Z, Nagy G, Bors A, Uher F, Mikala G, Vályi-Nagy I, Kacskovics I.
Journal/Proc./Book: PLoS One
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


269. Reinstating olfactory bulb-derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents.

Li Q, Takeuchi Y, Wang J, Gellért L, Barcsai L, Pedraza LK, Nagy AJ, Kozák G, Nakai S, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Ohsawa M, Horváth G, Kékesi G, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Neuron
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


268. Endoplasmin Is a Hypoxia-Inducible Endoplasmic Reticulum-Derived Cargo of Extracellular Vesicles Released by Cardiac Cell Lines.

Koncz A, Turiák L, Németh K, Lenzinger D, Bárkai T, Lőrincz P, Zelenyánszki H, Vukman KV, Buzás EI, Visnovitz T.
Journal/Proc./Book: Membranes
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


267. Differential impact of exportin-1-mediated nuclear export of RNAs on the RNA content of extracellular vesicle subpopulations

Pálóczi K, Buzas EI, Falus A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biologia Futura
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


266. Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Genomic Profiling of Children with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Krizsán S, Péterffy B, Egyed B, Nagy T, Sebestyén E, Hegyi LL, Jakab Z, Erdélyi DJ, Müller J, Péter G, Csanádi K, Kállay K, Kriván G, Barna G, Bedics G, Haltrich I, Ottóffy G, Csernus K, Vojcek Á, Tiszlavicz LG, Gábor KM, Kelemen Á, Hauser P, Gaál Z, Szegedi I, Ujfalusi A, Kajtár B, Kiss C, Matolcsy A, Tímár B, Kovács G, Alpár D, Bödör C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


265. Toward better drug development: Three-dimensional bioprinting in toxicological research.

Szűcs D, Fekete Z, Guba M, Kemény L, Jemnitz K, Kis E, Veréb Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Bioprinting
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


264. Three-dimensional bioprinting of functional β-islet-like constructs.

Parvaneh S, Kemény L, Ghaffarinia A, Yarani R, Veréb Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Bioprinting
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


263. Donor Pericardial Interleukin and Apolipoprotein Levels May Predict the Outcome after Human Orthotopic Heart Transplantation.

Pállinger É, Székely A, Töreki E, Bencsáth EZ, Szécsi B, Losoncz E, Oleszka M, Hüttl T, Kosztin A, Buzas EI, Radovits T, Merkely B.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


262. Psoriatic Resolved Skin Epidermal Keratinocytes Retain Disease-Residual Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Profiles.

Ghaffarinia A, Ayaydin F, Póliska S, Manczinger M, Bolla BS, Flink LB, Balogh F, Veréb Z, Bozó R, Szabó K, Bata-Csörgő Z, Kemény L.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


261. Case report: Complete and durable response to larotrectinib (TRK inhibitor) in an infant diagnosed with angiosarcoma harbouring a KHDRBS1-NTRK3 fusion gene.

Cervi C, Sápi Z, Bedics G, Zajta E, Hegyi L, Pápay J, Dezső K, Varga E, Mudra K, Bödör C, Csóka M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Oncology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


260. Blue flash sheds light on the roles of individual phosphoserines in CFTR channel activation.

Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of General Physiology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


259. High fat diet and PCSK9 knockout modulates lipid profile of the liver and changes the expression of lipid homeostasis related genes.

Németh K, Tóth B, Sarnyai F, Koncz A, Lenzinger D, Kereszturi É, Visnovitz T, Kestecher BM, Osteikoetxea X, Csala M, Buzás EI, Tamási V.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nutrition and Metabolism
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


258. Landscape of BCL2 Resistance Mutations in a Real-World Cohort of Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treated with Venetoclax.

Kotmayer L, László T, Mikala G, Kiss R, Lévay L, Hegyi LL, Gróf S, Nagy T, Barna G, Farkas P, Weisinger J, Nagy Z, Balogh A, Masszi T, Demeter J, Sulák A, Kohl Z, Alizadeh H, Egyed M, Pettendi P, Gergely L, Plander M, Pauker Z, Masszi A, Matolcsy A, Szász R, Bödör C, Alpár D.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


257. Hydrogen peroxide production by epidermal dual oxidase 1 regulates nociceptive sensory signals.

Pató A, Bölcskei K, Donkó Á, Kaszás D, Boros M, Bodrogi L, Várady G, Pape VFS, Roux BT, Enyedi B, Helyes Z, Watt FM, Sirokmány G, Geiszt M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Redox Biology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


256. Spreading depolarization causes reperfusion failure after cerebral ischemia.

Törteli A, Tóth R, Berger S, Samardzic S, Bari F, Menyhárt Á, Farkas E.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


255. Impact of Experimental Conditions on Extracellular Vesicles’ Proteome: A Comparative Study.

Böröczky T, Dobra G, Bukva M, Gyukity-Sebestyén E, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Darula Z, Horváth P, Buzás K, Harmati M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Life
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


254. Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion-Induced Disturbed Proteostasis of Mitochondria and MAM Is Reflected in the CSF of Rats by Proteomic Analysis.

Tukacs V, Mittli D, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Hlatky D, Medzihradszky KF, Darula Z, Nyitrai G, Czurkó A, Juhász G, Kardos J, Kékesi KA.
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular Neurobiology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


253. Proteotranscriptomic Discrimination of Tumor and Normal Tissues in Renal Cell Carcinoma.

Bartha Á, Darula Z, Munkácsy G, Klement É, Nyirády P, Győrffy B.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


252. Multiple Layers of Complexity in O-Glycosylation Illustrated With the Urinary Glycoproteome.

Pap A, Kiraly IE, Medzihradszky KF, Darula Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


251. HCN channels at the cell soma ensure the rapid electrical reactivity of fast-spiking interneurons in human neocortex. PLoS Biol. 2023 Feb 6;21(2):e3002001.

Szegedi V, Bakos E, Furdan S, Kovács BH, Varga D, Erdélyi M, Barzó P, Szücs A, Tamás G, Lamsa K.
Journal/Proc./Book: PlOS Biology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon



249. Integrative phosphoproteomics defines two biologically distinct groups of KMT2A rearranged acute myeloid leukaemia with different drug response phenotypes.

Casado P, Rio-Machin A, Miettinen JJ, Bewicke-Copley F, Rouault-Pierre K, Krizsan S, Parsons A, Rajeeve V, Miraki-Moud F, Taussig DC, Bödör C, Gribben J, Heckman C, Fitzgibbon J, Cutillas PR.
Journal/Proc./Book: Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


248. Initial and ongoing tobacco smoking elicits vascular damage and distinct inflammatory response linked to neurodegeneration.

Garza AP, Morton L, Pállinger É, Buzás EI, Schreiber S, Schott BH, Dunay IR.
Journal/Proc./Book: Brain, Behaviour, and Immunity
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


247. Epigenome profiling reveals aberrant DNA methylation signature in GATA2 deficiency.

Marin-Bejar O, Romero-Moya D, Rodriguez-Ubreva J, Distefano M, Lessi F, Aretini P, Liquori A, Castaño J, Kozyra E, Kotmayer L, Bueno C, Cervera J, Rodriguez-Gallego JC, Nomdedeu JF, Murillo-Sanjuán L, De Heredia CD, Pérez-Martinez A, López-Cadenas F, Martínez-Laperche C, Dorado-Herrero N, Marco FM, Prósper F, Menendez P, Valcárcel D, Ballestar E, Bödör C, Bigas A, Catalá A, Wlodarski MW, Giorgetti A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta Haematologica
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


246. Spinocerebellar Ataxia in a Hungarian Female Patient with a Novel Variant of Unknown Significance in the CCDC88C Gene.

Boros FA, Szpisjak L, Bozó R, Kelemen E, Zádori D, Salamon A, Danis J, Kalmár T, Maróti Z, Molnár MJ, Klivényi P, Széll M, Ádám É.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


245. MMP-9 as Prognostic Marker for Brain Tumours: A Comparative Study on Serum-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles.

Dobra G, Gyukity-Sebestyén E, Bukva M, Harmati M, Nagy V, Szabó Z, Pankotai T, Klekner Á, Buzás K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


244. BRAF RNA is prognostic and widely expressed in lung adenocarcinoma.

Dora D, Vörös I, Varga ZV, Takacs P, Teglasi V, Moldvay J, Lohinai Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: Translational Lung Cancer Research
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon



241. Optimization of CFTR gating through the evolution of its extracellular loops.

Simon MA, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of General Physiology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


240. The Wisdom in Teeth: Neuronal Differentiation of Dental Pulp Cells.

Sramkó B, Földes A, Kádár K, Varga G, Zsembery Á, Pircs K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular Reprogramming
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon



238. BTK and PLCG2 remain unmutated in one third of patients with CLL relapsing on ibrutinib.

Bonfiglio S, Sutton LA, Ljungström V, Capasso A, Pandzic T, Weström S, Foroughi-Asl H, Skaftason A, Gellerbring A, Lyander A, Gandini F, Gaidano G, Trentin L, Bonello L, Reda G, Bödör C, Stavroyianni N, Tam CS, Marasca R, Forconi F, Panayiotidis P, Ringshausen I, Jaksic O, Frustaci AM, Iyengar S, Coscia M, Mulligan SP, Ysebaert L, Strugov V, Pavlovsky C, Walewska R, Österborg A, Cortese D, Ranghetti P, Baliakas P, Stamatopoulos K, Scarfò L, Rosenquist R, Ghia P.
Journal/Proc./Book: Blood Advances
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


237. Cardioprotective efficacy of limb remote ischemic preconditioning in rats: discrepancy between meta-analysis and a three-centre in vivo study.

Sayour NV, Brenner GB, Makkos A, Kiss B, Kovácsházi C, Gergely TG, Aukrust SG, Tian H, Zenkl V, Gömöri K, Szabados T, Bencsik P, Heinen A, Schulz R, Baxter GF, Zuurbier CJ, Vokó Z, Ferdinandy P, Giricz Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: Caridovascular Research
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


236. Protein Kinase D3 (PKD3) Requires Hsp90 for Stability and Promotion of Prostate Cancer Cell Migration.

Varga A, Nguyen MT, Pénzes K, Bátai B, Gyulavári P, Gurbi B, Murányi J, Csermely P, Csala M, Vántus T, Sőti C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


235. MiR-128-3p as blood based liquid biopsy biomarker in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Rzepiel A, Horváth A, Kutszegi N, Gézsi A, Sági JC, Almási L, Egyed B, Lőrincz P, Visnovitz T, Kovács GT, Szalai C, Semsei ÁF, Erdélyi DJ.
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular and Cellular Probes
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


234. Single-cell transcriptomics reveal extracellular vesicles secretion with a cardiomyocyte proteostasis signature during pathological remodeling.

Schoger E, Bleckwedel F, Germena G, Rocha C, Tucholla P, Sobitov I, Möbius W, Sitte M, Lenz C, Samak M, Hinkel R, Varga ZV, Giricz Z, Salinas G, Gross JC, Zelarayán LC.
Journal/Proc./Book: Communications Biology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


233. IL-1β neutralization prevents diastolic dysfunction development, but lacks hepatoprotective effect in an aged mouse model of NASH.

Kucsera D, Tóth VE, Sayour NV, Kovács T, Gergely TG, Ruppert M, Radovits T, Fábián A, Kovács A, Merkely B, Ferdinandy P, Varga ZV.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


232. Thiopurines impair the apical plasma membrane expression of CFTR in pancreatic ductal cells via RAC1 inhibition.

Tél B, Papp N, Varga Á, Szabó V, Görög M, Susánszki P, Crul T, Kis A, Sendstad IH, Bagyánszki M, Bódi N, Hegyi P, Maléth J, Pallagi P.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


231. Cell-cell metabolite exchange creates a pro-survival metabolic environment that extends lifespan.

Correia-Melo C, Kamrad S, Tengölics R, Messner CB, Trebulle P, Townsend S, Jayasree Varma S, Freiwald A, Heineike BM, Campbell K, Herrera-Dominguez L, Kaur Aulakh S, Szyrwiel L, Yu JSL, Zelezniak A, Demichev V, Mülleder M, Papp B, Alam MT, Ralser M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


230. Special considerations for studies of extracellular vesicles from parasitic helminths: A community-led roadmap to increase rigour and reproducibility.

White R, Sotillo J, Ancarola ME, Borup A, Boysen AT, Brindley PJ, Buzás EI, Cavallero S, Chaiyadet S, Chalmers IW, Cucher MA, Dagenais M, Davis CN, Devaney E, Duque-Correa MA, Eichenberger RM, Fontenla S, Gasan TA, Hokke CH, Kosanovic M, Kuipers ME, Laha T, Loukas A, Maizels RM, Marcilla A, Mazanec H, Morphew RM, Neophytou K, Nguyen LT, Nolte-‘t Hoen E, Povelones M, Robinson MW, Rojas A, Schabussova I, Smits HH, Sungpradit S, Tritten L, Whitehead B, Zakeri A, Nejsum P, Buck AH, Hoffmann KF.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


229. Capturing time-dependent activation of genes and stress-response pathways using transcriptomics in iPSC-derived renal proximal tubule cells.

Jennings P, Carta G, Singh P, da Costa Pereira D, Feher A, Dinnyes A, Exner TE, Wilmes A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Biology and Toxicology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


228. Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY.

Mansouri L, Thorvaldsdottir B, Sutton LA, Karakatsoulis G, Meggendorfer M, Parker H, Nadeu F, Brieghel C, Laidou S, Moia R, Rossi D, Catherwood M, Kotaskova J, Delgado J, Rodríguez-Vicente AE, Benito R, Rigolin GM, Bonfiglio S, Scarfo L, Mattsson M, Davis Z, Gogia A, Rani L, Baliakas P, Foroughi-Asl H, Jylhä C, Skaftason A, Rapado I, Miras F, Martinez-Lopez J, de la Serna J, Rivas JMH, Thornton P, Larráyoz MJ, Calasanz MJ, Fésüs V, Mátrai Z, Bödör C, Smedby KE, Espinet B, Puiggros A, Gupta R, Bullinger L, Bosch F, Tazón-Vega B, Baran-Marszak F, Oscier D, N’Guyen-Khac F, Zenz T, Terol MJ, Cuneo A, Hernández-Sánchez M, Pospisilova S, Mills K, Gaidano G, Niemann CU, Campo E, Strefford JC, Ghia P, Stamatopoulos K, Rosenquist R.
Journal/Proc./Book: Leukemia
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


227. Platelet-Rich Plasma in Chronic Wound Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.

Meznerics FA, Fehérvári P, Dembrovszky F, Kovács KD, Kemény LV, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Bánvölgyi A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


226. Nanofiber formation as a promising technology for preservation and easy storage of extracellular vesicles.

Németh K, Kazsoki A, Visnovitz T, Pinke B, Mészáros L, Buzás EI, Zelkó R.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


225. β-Endorphin mediates radiation therapy fatigue.

Hermann AL, Fell GL, Kemény LV, Fung CY, Held KD, Biggs PJ, Rivera PD, Bilbo SD, Igras V, Willers H, Kung J, Gheorghiu L, Hideghéty K, Mao J, Woolf CJ, Fisher DE.
Journal/Proc./Book: Science advances
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


224. New targets and indications for probenecid.

Onódi Z, Koch S, Rubinstein J, Ferdinandy P, Varga ZV.
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Pharmacology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


223. Quantitative dSTORM superresolution microscopay. AKJ Journals.

Tibor Novák, Dániel Varga, Péter Bíró, Bálint Barna H. Kovács, Hajnalka Majoros, Tibor Pankotai, Szilárd Szikora.
Journal/Proc./Book: AKJournals
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


222. The Utilization of Physiologically Active Molecular Components of Grape Seeds and Grape Marc.

Hegedüs I, Andreidesz K, Szentpéteri JL, Kaleta Z, Szabó L, Szigeti K, Gulyás B, Padmanabhan P, Budan F, Máthé D.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


221. Novel actionable ROS1::GIT2 fusion in non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis with central nervous system involvement.

Bedics G, Csóka M, Reiniger L, Varga E, Liptai Z, Papp G, Bekő A, Cervi C, Bödör C, Scheich B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta neuropathologica communications
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


220. Myelofibrosis progression grading based on type-I and type-III collagen and fibrillin-1 expression boosted by whole slide image analysis.

Szekely T, Wichmann B, Maros ME, Csizmadia A, Bodor C, Timar B, Krenacs T.
Journal/Proc./Book: Histopathology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


219. Dual amplification strategy turns TRPM2 channels into supersensitive central heat detectors.

Bartók Á, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


218. Physical prehabilitation improves the postoperative outcome of associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy in experimental model.

Daradics N, Levay K, Horvath I, Kovacs N, Mathe D, Szigeti K, Szijarto A, Fulop A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific reports
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


217. Altered Cellular Protein Quality Control System Modulates Cardiomyocyte Function in Volume Overload-Induced Hypertrophy.

Gömöri K, Herwig M, Hassoun R, Budde H, Mostafi N, Delalat S, Modi S, Begovic M, Szabados T, Pipis J, Farkas-Morvay N, Leprán I, Kovács Á, Mügge A, Ferdinandy P, Görbe A, Bencsik P, Hamdani N.
Journal/Proc./Book: Atioxidants
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon



215. The Small Heat Shock Protein, HSPB1, Interacts with and Modulates the Physical Structure of Membranes

Csoboz B, Gombos I, Kóta Z, Dukic B, Klement É, Varga-Zsíros V, Lipinszki Z, Páli T, Vígh L, Török Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


214. A novel BRET-Based GAP assay reveals phosphorylation-dependent regulation of the RAC-specific GTPase activating protein ARHGAP25.

Wisniewski É, Czárán D, Kovács F, Bahurek E, Németh A, Sasvári P, Szanda G, Pettkó-Szandtner A, Klement E, Ligeti E, Csépányi-Kömi R.
Journal/Proc./Book: Faseb Journal
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


213. CD3+/CD56+ NKT-like Cells Show Imbalanced Control Immediately after Exercise in Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness.

Sonkodi B, Pállinger É, Radovits T, Csulak E, Shenker-Horváth K, Kopper B, Buzás EI, Sydó N, Merkely B.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


212. Application of Lacunarity for Quantification of Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Images.

Kovács BBH, Varga D, Sebők D, Majoros H, Polanek R, Pankotai T, Hideghéty K, Kukovecz Á, Erdélyi M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


211. Revealing a Phenotypical Appearance of Ibrutinib Resistance in Patients With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia by Flow Cytometry.

Takács F, Kotmayer L, Czeti Á, Szalóki G, László T, Mikala G, Márk Á, Masszi A, Farkas P, Plander M, Weisinger J, Demeter J, Fekete S, Szerafin L, Deák BM, Szaleczky E, Sulák A, Borbényi Z, Barna G.
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology and Oncology Research
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon



209. Potential role of MAP2K1 mutation in the trans-differentiation of interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma: Case report and literature review.

Jenei A, Bedics G, Erdélyi DJ, Müller J, Györke T, Bödör C, Szepesi Á.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Pediatrics
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


208. IBCL-222 Parallel Testing of Liquid Biopsy (ctDNA) and Tissue Biopsy Samples Yields Higher Frequency of EZH2 Mutations in Follicular Lymphoma.

Nagy Á, Bátai B, Gróf S, Kiss L, Balogh A, Mikala G, Király PA, Jóna Á, Demeter J, Masszi T, Masszi A, Schneider T, Bödör C.
Journal/Proc./Book: Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk.
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


207. TFLink: an integrated gateway to access transcription factor-target gene interactions for multiple species.

Liska O, Bohár B, Hidas A, Korcsmáros T, Papp B, Fazekas D, Ari E.
Journal/Proc./Book: Database
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


206. BC-miR: Monitoring Breast Cancer-Related miRNA Profile in Blood Sera-A Prosperous Approach for Tumor Detection.

Borsos BN, Páhi ZG, Ujfaludi Z, Sükösd F, Nikolényi A, Bankó S, Pankotai-Bodó G, Oláh-Németh O, Pankotai T.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


205. Opportunities and challenges in studying the extracellular vesicle corona.

Buzas EI.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Cell Biology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


204. Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Metastasis Suppressors NME1 and NME2 Modify Lipid Metabolism in Fibroblasts.

Mátyási B, Petővári G, Dankó T, Butz H, Likó I, Lőw P, Petit I, Bittar R, Bonnefont-Rousselot D, Farkas Z, Szeniczey T, Molnár K, Pálóczi K, Buzás EI, Boissan M, Sebestyén A, Takács-Vellai K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


203. Small extracellular vesicle DNA-mediated horizontal gene transfer as a driving force for tumor evolution: Facts and riddles.

Valcz G, Újvári B, Buzás EI, Krenács T, Spisák S, Kittel Á, Tulassay Z, Igaz P, Takács I, Molnár B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Oncology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


202. A single early introduction governed viral diversity in the second wave of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Hungary.

Ari E, Vásárhelyi BM, Kemenesi G, Tóth GE, Zana B, Somogyi B, Lanszki Z, Röst G, Jakab F, Papp B, Kintses B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Virus Evolution
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Multiple
doi doiicon


201. The roles of extracellular vesicles in the immune system.

Buzas EI.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Reviews Immunology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


200. A High-Throughput Clinical Laboratory Methodology for the Therapeutic Monitoring of Ibrutinib and Dihydrodiol Ibrutinib.

Karvaly GB, Vincze I, Balogh A, Köllő Z, Bödör C, Vásárhelyi B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecules
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


199. STABILON, a Novel Sequence Motif That Enhances the Expression and Accumulation of Intracellular and Secreted Proteins.

Rethi-Nagy Z, Abraham E, Udvardy K, Klement E, Darula Z, Pal M, Katona RL, Tubak V, Pali T, Kota Z, Sinka R, Udvardy A, Lipinszki Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


198. A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Performance of Prediction Algorithms on Clinically Relevant Missense Variants.

Qorri E, Takács B, Gráf A, Enyedi MZ, Pintér L, Kiss E, Haracska L.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


197. Saxagliptin Cardiotoxicity in Chronic Heart Failure: The Role of DPP4 in the Regulation of Neuropeptide Tone.

Vörös I, Onódi Z, Tóth VÉ, Gergely TG, Sághy É, Görbe A, Kemény Á, Leszek P, Helyes Z, Ferdinandy P, Varga ZV.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


196. Widespread alterations in microRNA biogenesis in human Huntington’s disease putamen.

Petry S, Keraudren R, Nateghi B, Loiselle A, Pircs K, Jakobsson J, Sephton C, Langlois M, St-Amour I, Hébert SS.
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta neuropathologica communications
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


195. A complete nicotinate degradation pathway in the microbial eukaryote Aspergillus nidulans.

Bokor E, Ámon J, Varga M, Szekeres A, Hegedűs Z, Jakusch T, Szakonyi Z, Flipphi M, Vágvölgyi C, Gácser A, Scazzocchio C, Hamari Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: Communications Biology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


194. Proteomic Changes of Osteoclast Differentiation in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis Reveal Functional Differences.

Kovács OT, Tóth E, Ozohanics O, Soltész-Katona E, Marton N, Buzás EI, Hunyady L, Drahos L, Turu G, Nagy G.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Immunology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


193. Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Drug-Delivery to Multidrug-Resistant Cancer Cells.

Igaz N, Bélteky P, Kovács D, Papp C, Rónavári A, Szabó D, Gácser A, Kónya Z, Kiricsi M.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Nanomedicine
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


192. Characterization and functional analysis of zinc trafficking in the human fungal pathogen Candida parapsilosis.

Takács T, Németh MT, Bohner F, Vágvölgyi C, Jankovics F, Wilson D, Gácser A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Open biology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


191. Synthesis and preclinical application of a Prussian blue-based dual fluorescent and magnetic contrast agent (CA).

Hegedűs N, Forgách L, Kiss B, Varga Z, Jezsó B, Horváth I, Kovács N, Hajdrik P, Padmanabhan P, Gulyás B, Szigeti K, Máthé D.
Journal/Proc./Book: Plos One
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


190. 3D culturing of human pluripotent stem cells-derived endothelial cells for vascular regeneration

Edit Gara, Eleonora Zucchelli, Annamária Nemes, Zoltán Jakus, Kitti Ajtay, Éva Kemecsei, Gábor Kiszler, Nikolett Hegedűs, Krisztián Szigeti, Iván Földes, Kristóf Árvai, János Kósa, Kraszimir Kolev, Erzsébet Komorowicz, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Pál Maurovich-Horvat, Edit Dósa, György Várady, Miklós Pólos, István Hartyánszky, Sian E. Harding, Béla Merkely, Domokos Máthé, Gábor Szabó, Tamás Radovits, Gábor Földes
Journal/Proc./Book: Theranostics
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


189. GATA2 deficiency and MDS/AML: Experimental strategies for disease modelling and future therapeutic prospects.

Kotmayer L, Romero-Moya D, Marin-Bejar O, Kozyra E, Català A, Bigas A, Wlodarski MW, Bödör C, Giorgetti A.
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Haematology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


188. Establishment and characterization of a novel human induced pluripotent stem cell line stably expressing the iRFP720 reporter.

Fehér A, Schnúr A, Muenthaisong S, Bellák T, Ayaydin F, Várady G, Kemter E, Wolf E, Dinnyés A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


187. Detection of cannabinoid receptor type 2 in native cells and zebrafish with a highly potent, cell-permeable fluorescent probe.

Gazzi T, Brennecke B, Atz K, Korn C, Sykes D, Forn-Cuni G, Pfaff P, Sarott RC, Westphal MV, Mostinski Y, Mach L, Wasinska-Kalwa M, Weise M, Hoare BL, Miljuš T, Mexi M, Roth N, Koers EJ, Guba W, Alker A, Rufer AC, Kusznir EA, Huber S, Raposo C, Zirwes EA, Osterwald A, Pavlovic A, Moes S, Beck J, Nettekoven M, Benito-Cuesta I, Grande T, Drawnel F, Widmer G, Holzer D, van der Wel T, Mandhair H, Honer M, Fingerle J, Scheffel J, Broichhagen J, Gawrisch K, Romero J, Hillard CJ, Varga ZV, van der Stelt M, Pacher P, Gertsch J, Ullmer C, McCormick PJ, Oddi S, Spaink HP, Maccarrone M, Veprintsev DB, Carreira EM, Grether U, Nazaré M.
Journal/Proc./Book: Chemical Science
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


186. Two-year event-free survival prediction in DLBCL patients based on in vivo radiomics and clinical parameters,

Zsombor Ritter, Laszlo Papp, Katalin Zámbó, Zoltan Tóth, Dániel Dezso, Dániel Sándor Veres, Domokos Máthé, Ferenc Budán, Éva Karádi, Anett Balikó, László Pajor, Árpád Szomor, Erzsébet Schmidt, Hussain Alizadeh
Journal/Proc./Book: Hematologic Malignancies
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


185. Chronic Exposure to the Food Additive tBHQ Modulates Expression of Genes Related to SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Viruses.

Németh K, Petschner P, Pálóczi K, Fekete N, Pállinger É, Buzás EI, Tamási V.
Journal/Proc./Book: Life
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


184. The EHA Research Roadmap: Malignant Lymphoid Diseases.

Dreyling M, André M, Gökbuget N, Tilly H, Jerkeman M, Gribben J, Ferreri A, Morel P, Stilgenbauer S, Fox C, Maria Ribera J, Zweegman S, Aurer I, Bödör C, Burkhardt B, Buske C, Dollores Caballero M, Campo E, Chapuy B, Davies A, de Leval L, Doorduijn J, Federico M, Gaulard P, Gay F, Ghia P, Grønbæk K, Goldschmidt H, Kersten MJ, Kiesewetter B, Landman-Parker J, Le Gouill S, Lenz G, Leppä S, Lopez-Guillermo A, Macintyre E, Mantega MVM, Moreau P, Moreno C, Nadel B, Okosun J, Owen R, Pospisilova S, Pott C, Robak T, Spina M, Stamatopoulos K, Stary J, Tarte K, Tedeschi A, Thieblemont C, Trappe RU, Trümper LH, Salles G.
Journal/Proc./Book: HemaSphere
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


183. Inflammasome activation in end-stage heart failure-associated atrial fibrillation.

Kugler S, Onódi Z, Ruppert M, Sayour AA, Oláh A, Benke K, Ferdinandy P, Merkely B, Radovits T, Varga ZV.
Journal/Proc./Book: ESC heart failure
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


182. Engineered Cas9 extracellular vesicles as a novel gene editing tool.

Osteikoetxea X, Silva A, Lázaro-Ibáñez E, Salmond N, Shatnyeva O, Stein J, Schick J, Wren S, Lindgren J, Firth M, Madsen A, Mayr LM, Overman R, Davies R, Dekker N.
Journal/Proc./Book: Extracell Vesicles
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


181. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase G oxidation contributes to impaired sarcomeric proteins in hypertrophy model.

Gömöri K, Herwig M, Budde H, Hassoun R, Mostafi N, Zhazykbayeva S, Sieme M, Modi S, Szabados T, Pipis J, Farkas-Morvay N, Leprán I, Ágoston G, Baczkó I, Kovács Á, Mügge A, Ferdinandy P, Görbe A, Bencsik P, Hamdani N.
Journal/Proc./Book: ESC Heart Fail
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


180. Case Report: Development of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma a Long Time After Hairy Cell Leukemia.

Nagy ZF, Ferenczi K, Istenes I, Eid H, Bödör C, Timár B, Demeter J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology and Oncology Research
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


179. An Implantable Magneto-Responsive Poly(aspartamide) Based Electrospun Scaffold for Hyperthermia Treatment.

Veres T, Voniatis C, Molnár K, Nesztor D, Fehér D, Ferencz A, Gresits I, Thuróczy G, Márkus BG, Simon F, Nemes NM, García-Hernández M, Reiniger L, Horváth I, Máthé D, Szigeti K, Tombácz E, Jedlovszky-Hajdu A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nanomaterials
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


178. Bedics G, Kotmayer L, Zajta E, Hegyi LL, Brückner EÁ, Rajnai H, Reiniger L, Bödör C, Garami M, Scheich B.

Germline MUTYH mutations and high-grade gliomas: novel evidence for a potential association
Journal/Proc./Book: Genes Chromosomes and Cancer
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


177. Activated polymorphonuclear derived extracellular vesicles are potential biomarkers of periprosthetic joint infection.

Sallai I, Marton N, Szatmári A, Kittel Á, Nagy G, Buzás EI, Khamari D, Komlósi Z, Kristóf K, Drahos L, Turiák L, Sugár S, Veres DS, Kendoff D, Zahár Á, Skaliczki G.
Journal/Proc./Book: Public Library of Science
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


176. Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, and L. reuteri Cell-Free Supernatants Inhibit Candida parapsilosis Pathogenic Potential upon Infection of Vaginal Epithelial Cells Monolayer and in a Transwell Coculture System In Vitro.

Spaggiari L, Sala A, Ardizzoni A, De Seta F, Singh DK, Gacser A, Blasi E, Pericolini E.
Journal/Proc./Book: Microbiology spectrum
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


175. Small paraquat resistance proteins modulate paraquat and ABA responses and confer drought tolerance to overexpressing Arabidopsis plants.

Faragó D, Zsigmond L, Benyó D, Alcazar R, Rigó G, Ayaydin F, Rabilu SA, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Szabados L
Journal/Proc./Book: Plant, Cell and Environment
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


174. Impaired regulation of PMCA activity by defective CFTR expression promotes epithelial cell damage in alcoholic pancreatitis and hepatitis

Madácsy T, Varga Á, Papp N, Tél B, Pallagi P, Szabó V, Kiss A, Fanczal J, Rakonczay Z Jr, Tiszlavicz L, Rázga Z, Hohwieler M, Kleger A, Gray M, Hegyi P, Maléth J
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


173. Gene loss and compensatory evolution promotes the emergence of morphological novelties in budding yeast

Farkas Z, Kovács K, Sarkadi Z, Kalapis D, Fekete G, Birtyik F, Ayaydin F, Molnár C, Horváth P, Pál C, Papp B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Ecology and Evolution
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


172. Hunting Out the autophagic problem in Huntington disease.

Pircs K, Barker RA, Jakobsson J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Autophagy
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


171. Co-Detection of VEGF-A and Its Regulator, microRNA-181a, May Indicate Central Nervous System Involvement in Pediatric Leukemia

Egyed B, Horváth A, Semsei ÁF, Szalai C, Müller J, Erdélyi DJ, Kovács GT
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology and Oncology Research
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


170. Proteome-wide landscape of solubility limits in a bacterial cell.

Györkei Á, Daruka L, Balogh D, Őszi E, Magyar Z, Szappanos B, Fekete G, Fuxreiter M, Horváth P, Pál C, Kintses B, Papp B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific reports
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Multiple
doi doiicon


169. Underground metabolism as a rich reservoir for pathway engineering.

Kovács SC, Szappanos B, Tengölics R, Notebaart RA, Papp B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Bioinformatics
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


168. Development and Functional Characterization of a Versatile Radio-/Immunotheranostic Tool for Prostate Cancer Management.

Arndt C, Bergmann R, Striese F, Merkel K, Máthé D, Loureiro LR, Mitwasi N, Kegler A, Fasslrinner F, González Soto KE, Neuber C, Berndt N, Kovács N, Szöllősi D, Hegedűs N, Tóth G, Emmermann J-P, Harikumar KB, Kovacs T, Bachmann M, Feldmann A.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


167. PACAP-38 and PAC1 Receptor Alterations in Plasma and Cardiac Tissue Samples of Heart Failure Patients.

Szabó D, Sárszegi Z, Polgár B, Sághy É, Reglődi D, Tóth T, Onódi Z, Leszek P, Varga ZV, Helyes Z, Kemény Á, Ferdinandy P, Tamás A.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


166. Correlations Between the Expression of Stromal Cell Activation Related Biomarkers, L-NGFR, Phospho-ERK1-2 and CXCL12, and Primary Myelofibrosis Progression.

Szekely T, Krenacs T, Maros ME, Bodor C, Daubner V, Csizmadia A, Vrabely B, Timar B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology&Oncology Research
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


165. A series of xanthenes inhibiting Rad6 function and Rad6-Rad18 interaction in the PCNA ubiquitination cascade.

Fenteany G, Sharma G, Gaur P, Borics A, Wéber E, Kiss E, Haracska L.
Journal/Proc./Book: iScience
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


164. Decreased Plasma Level of Cytokeratin 20 (KRT20) Is Indicative of the Emergence and Severity of Acute GvHD Irrespective to the Type of Organ Involvement.

Lupsa N, Szegedi Á, Gézsi A, Vuncs Z, Masszi T, Mikala G, Reményi P, Deola S, Lakshmanan AP, Terranegra A, Buzás EI, Pós Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


163. The effect of antifungal resistance development on the virulence of Candida species.

Bohner F, Papp C, Gácser A.
Journal/Proc./Book: FEMS Yeast Research
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


162. Methods for the identification and characterization of extracellular vesicles in cardiovascular studies – from exosomes to microvesicles.

Davidson SM, Boulanger CM, Aikawa E, Badimon L, Barile L, Binder CJ, Brisson A, Buzas E, Emanueli C, Jansen F, Katsur M, Lacroix R, Lim SK, Mackman N, Mayr M, Menasché P, Nieuwland R, Sahoo S, Takov K, Thum T, Vader P, Wauben MHM, Witwer K, Sluijter JPG.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cardiovascular Research
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


161. In Vitro Determination of Inhibitory Effects of Humic Substances Complexing Zn and Se on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Replication.

Hajdrik P, Pályi B, Kis Z, Kovács N, Veres DS, Szigeti K, Budán F, Hegedüs I, Kovács T, Bergmann R, Máthé D.
Journal/Proc./Book: Foods
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


160. Biocompatible poly(ethylene succinate) polyester with molecular weight dependent drug release properties.

Abdelghafour MM, Orbán Á, Deák Á, Lamch Ł, Frank É, Nagy R, Ziegenheim S, Sipos P, Farkas E, Bari F, Janovák L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomaterials
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


159. Transcriptome and proteome profiling reveals complex adaptations of Candida parapsilosis cells assimilating hydroxyaromatic carbon sources.

Cillingová A, Tóth R, Mojáková A, Zeman I, Vrzoňová R, Siváková B, Baráth P, Neboháčová M, Klepcová Z, Brázdovič F, Lichancová H, Hodorová V, Brejová B, Vinař T, Mutalová S, Vozáriková V, Mutti G, Tomáška Ľ, Gácser A, Gabaldón T, Nosek J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Plos Genetics
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


158. Questioning Glutamate Excitotoxicity in Acute Brain Damage: The Importance of Spreading Depolarization. Neurocrit Care.

Andrew RD, Farkas E, Hartings JA, Brennan KC, Herreras O, Müller M, Kirov SA, Ayata C, Ollen-Bittle N, Reiffurth C, Revah O, Robertson RM, Dawson-Scully KD, Ullah G, Dreier JP.
Journal/Proc./Book: Neurocritical care
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


157. CD44 Expression Intensity Marks Colorectal Cancer Cell Subpopulations with Different Extracellular Vesicle Release Capacity.

Kelemen A, Carmi I, Seress I, Lőrincz P, Tölgyes T, Dede K, Bursics A, Buzás EI, Wiener Z.
Journal/Proc./Book: International journal of molecular sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


156. Olive Oil Improves While Trans Fatty Acids Further Aggravate the Hypomethylation of LINE-1 Retrotransposon DNA in an Environmental Carcinogen Model. Nutrients.

Szabo L, Molnar R, Tomesz A, Deutsch A, Darago R, Varjas T, Ritter Z, Szentpeteri JL, Andreidesz K, Mathe D, Hegedüs I, Sik A, Budan F, Kiss I.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nutrients
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


155. Microglia modulate blood flow, neurovascular coupling, and hypoperfusion via purinergic actions.

Császár E, Lénárt N, Cserép Cs, Környei Zs, Fekete R, Pósfai B, Balázsfi D, Hangya B, D. Schwarz A, Szabadits E, Szöllősi D, Szigeti K, Máthé D, L.Wset B, Sviatskó K, Brás A R, Mariani J-C, Kliever A, Lenkei Zs, Hricisák L, Benyó Z, Baranyi M, Sperlágh B, Menyhárt Á, Farkas E, Dénes Á.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of experimental medicine
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


154. Blood-brain barrier dysfunction in L-ornithine induced acute pancreatitis in rats and the direct effect of L-ornithine on cultured brain endothelial cells.

Walter FR, Harazin A, Tóth AE, Veszelka S, Santa-Maria AR, Barna L, Kincses A, Biczó G, Balla Z, Kui B, Maléth J, Cervenak L, Tubak V, Kittel Á, Rakonczay Z Jr, Deli MA
Journal/Proc./Book: Fluid and Barrier of the cNS
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


153. Candida albicans Enhances the Progression of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Vitro and In Vivo.

Vadovics M, Ho J, Igaz N, Alföldi R, Rakk D, Veres É, Szücs B, Horváth M, Tóth R, Szücs A, Csibi A, Horváth P, Tiszlavicz L, Vágvölgyi C, Nosanchuk JD, Szekeres A, Kiricsi M, Henley-Smith R, Moyes DL, Thavaraj S, Brown R, Puskás LG, Naglik JR, Gácser A.
Journal/Proc./Book: mBio
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon



151. Acquired somatic variants in inherited myeloid malignancies.

Armes H, Rio-Machin A, Krizsán S, Bödör C, Kaya F, Bewicke-Copley F, Alnajar J, Walne A, Péterffy B, Tummala H, Rouault-Pierre K, Dokal I, Vulliamy T, Fitzgibbon J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Leukemia
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


150. Regulation of Orai channels by intracellular pH: one step closer to understand CRAC channel biology? J Physiol.

Maléth J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Physiology
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


149. Detection and Functional Evaluation of the P2X7 Receptor in hiPSC Derived Neurons and Microglia-Like Cells. Front Mol Neurosci

Francistiová L, Vörös K, Lovász Z, Dinnyés A, Kobolák J.
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in molecular neuroscience
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon



146. Bile acid- and ethanol-mediated activation of Orai1 damages pancreatic ductal secretion in acute pancreatitis.

Pallagi P, Görög M, Papp N, Madácsy T, Varga Á, Crul T, Szabó V, Molnár M, Dudás K, Grassalkovich A, Szederkényi E, Lázár G, Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Maléth J.
Journal/Proc./Book: The journal of physiology A publication of the Physiological Society.
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


145. Interplay of Oxidative Stress and Necrosis-like Cell Death in Cardiac Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury: A Focus on Necroptosis.

Adameova A, Horvath C, Abdul-Ghani S, Varga ZV, Suleiman MS, Dhalla NS.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


144. Transcriptional Analysis-Based Alterations Affecting Neuritogenesis of the Peripheral Nervous System in Psoriasis

Romhányi D, Szabó K, Kemény L, Sebestyén E, Groma G.
Journal/Proc./Book: MDPI Life
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


143. Regenerative Neurology and Regenerative Cardiology: Shared Hurdles and Achievements

Mitrečić D, Hribljan V, Jagečić D, Isaković J, Lamberto F, Horánszky A, Zana M, Foldes G, Zavan B, Pivoriūnas A, Martinez S, Mazzini L, Radenovic L, Milasin J, Chachques JC, Buzanska L, Song MS, Dinnyés A.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


142. Circulating cardiomyocyte-derived extracellular vesicles reflect cardiac injury during systemic inflammatory response syndrome in mice.

Hegyesi H, Pallinger É, Mecsei S, Hornyák B, Kovácsházi C, Brenner GB, Giricz Z, Pálóczi K, Kittel Á, Tóvári J, Turiak L, Khamari D, Ferdinandy P, Buzás EI.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


141. Psoriasis-Associated Inflammatory Conditions Induce IL-23 mRNA Expression in Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes.

Kelemen E, Ádám É, Sági SM, Göblös A, Kemény L, Bata-Csörgő Z, Széll M, Danis J.
Journal/Proc./Book: MDPI- Journal of molecular sciences
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


140. The Rad5 helicase and RING domains contribute to genome stability through their independent catalytic activities.

Toth R, Balogh D, Pinter L, Jaksa G, Szeplaki B, Graf A, Gyorfy Z, Zs Enyedi M, Kiss E, Haracska L, Unk I.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of molecular biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


139. Membrane Domain Localization and Interaction of the Prion-Family Proteins, Prion and Shadoo with Calnexin.

Dondapati DT, Cingaram PR, Ayaydin F, Nyeste A, Kanyó A, Welker E, Fodor E.
Journal/Proc./Book: MDPI Membranes
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


138. Stellaria media tea protects against diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction in rats without affecting glucose tolerance.

Demján V, Sója A, Kiss T, Fejes A, Gausz D, Szűcs G, Siska A, Földesi I, Tengölics R, Darula Zs, Csupor D, Pipicz M, Csont T.
Journal/Proc./Book: JTCM Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


137. Lipids and Trehalose Actively Cooperate in Heat Stress Management of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

Péter M, Gudmann P, Kóta Z, Török Z, Vígh L, Glatz A, Balogh G.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


136. Temporally Targeted Interactions With Pathologic Oscillations as Therapeutical Targets in Epilepsy and Beyond.

Földi T, Lőrincz ML and Berényi
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Neural Circuits
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


135. Systematic transcriptomic and phenotypic characterization of human and murine cardiac myocyte cell lines and primary cardiomyocytes reveals serious limitations and low resemblances to adult cardiac phenotype. J Mol Cell Cardiol.

Onódi Z, Visnovitz T, Kiss B, Hambalkó S, Koncz A, Ágg B, Váradi B, Tóth VÉ, Nagy RN, Gergely TG, Gergő D, Makkos A, Pelyhe C, Varga N, Reé D, Apáti Á, Leszek P, Kovács T, Nagy N, Ferdinandy P, Buzás EI, Görbe A, Giricz Z, Varga ZV.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


134. The Arabidopsis Rho of Plants GTPase ROP1 Is a Potential Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase (CDPK) Substrate

Dalma Ménesi; Éva Klement; Györgyi Ferenc; Attila Fehér
Journal/Proc./Book: MDPI
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


133. Erratum to: P459 Expression of SerpinE1, a potential new disease activity marker, reflects therapeutic response in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Jójárt B, Molnàr T, Szabó V, Varga Á, Resàl T, Szàntó K, Kata D, Földesi I, Molnár T, Maléth J, Farkas K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Chron’s and colitis
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


132. Anticancer Potential of L-Histidine-Capped Silver Nanoparticles against Human Cervical Cancer Cells (SiHA).

Mohammed Asik R, Manikkaraja C, Tamil Surya K, Suganthy N, Priya Aarthy A, Mathe D, Sivakumar M, Archunan G, Padmanabhan P, Gulyas B.
Journal/Proc./Book: Nanomaterials
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


131. In situ lymphoma imaging in a spontaneous mouse model using the Cerenkov Luminescence of F-18 and Ga-67 isotopes.

Ritter, Z., Zámbó, K., Balogh, P., Szöllösi, D., Xinkai, J., Balázs, Á., Taba, G., Dezső, D., Horváth, I., Hussain, A., Tuch, D., Vyas, K., Hegedűs, N., Kovács, T., Szigeti, K., Máthé D.,Schmidt, E.
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific reports
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


130. Amino Acid Polymorphisms in the VHIID Conserved Motif of Nodulation Signaling Pathways 2 Distinctly Modulate Symbiotic Signaling and Nodule Morphogenesis in Medicago truncatula.

Kovacs S, Fodor L, Domonkos A, Ayaydin F, Laczi K, Rákhely G and Kalo P
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in plant science
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


129. Distinct miRNA Expression Signatures of Primary and Secondary Central Nervous System Lymphomas.

Sebestyén E, Nagy Á, Marosvári D, Rajnai H, Kajtár B, Deák B, Matolcsy A, Brandner S, Storhoff J, Chen N, Bagó AG, Bödör C, Reiniger L.
Journal/Proc./Book: The journal of molecular diagnostics
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


128. Transient Hypoperfusion to Ischemic/Anoxic Spreading Depolarization is Related to Autoregulatory Failure in the Rat Cerebral Cortex

Menyhárt Á, Varga DP, M Tóth O, Makra P, Bari F, Farkas E.
Journal/Proc./Book: Transient Hypoperfusion to Ischemic/Anoxic Spreading Depolarization is Related to Autoregulatory Failure in the Rat Cerebral Cortex.
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


127. Molecular pathology of the R117H cystic fibrosis mutation is explained by loss of a hydrogen bond.

Simon MA, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: eLife Sciences Publications
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


126. Deep Proteomic Analysis on Biobanked Paraffine-Archived Melanoma with Prognostic/Predictive Biomarker Read-Out.

Szadai L, Velasquez E, Szeitz B, Almeida NPd, Domont G, Betancourt LH, Gil J, Marko-Varga M, Oskolas H, Jánosi ÁJ, Boyano-Adánez MdC, Kemény L, Baldetorp B, Malm J, Horvatovich P, Szász AM, Németh IB, Marko-Varga G.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


125. Single-Cell Sequencing: Biological Insight and Potential Clinical Implications in Pediatric Leukemia

Donát Alpár, Bálint Egyed, Csaba Bödör, Gábor T. Kovács
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


124. Somatostatin and Its Receptors in Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Cardioprotection

Imre Vörös, Éva Sághy, Krisztina Pohóczky, András Makkos, Zsófia Onódi, Gábor B. Brenner, Tamás Baranyai, Bence Ágg, Barnabás Váradi, Ágnes Kemény, Przemyslaw Leszek, Anikó Görbe, Zoltán V. Varga, Zoltán Giricz, Rainer Schulz, Zsuzsanna Helyes, Péter Ferdinandy
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Pharmacology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


123. IL-36α and Lipopolysaccharide Cooperatively Induce Autophagy by Triggering Pro-Autophagic Biased Signaling

Zaid I. I. Al-Luhaibi, Áron Dernovics, György Seprényi, Ferhan Ayaydin, Zsolt Boldogkői, Zoltán Veréb, Klára Megyeri
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


122. Optimization of the Heterologous Expression of the Cannabinoid Type-1 (CB1) Receptor

Viktória B. Horváth, Eszter Soltész-Katona, Éva Wisniewski, Anikó Rajki, Eszter Halász, Balázs Enyedi, László Hunyady, András Dávid Tóth, Gergő Szanda
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Endocrinology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


121. Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for acute myeloid leukemia

Wei-Yu Lin, Sarah E. Fordham, Eric Hungate, Nicola J. Sunter, Claire Elstob, Yaobo Xu, Catherine Park, Anne Quante, Konstantin Strauch, Christian Gieger, Andrew Skol, Thahira Rahman, Lara Sucheston-Campbell, Junke Wang, Theresa Hahn, Alyssa I. Clay-Gilmour, Gail L. Jones, Helen J. Marr, Graham H. Jackson, Tobias Menne, Mathew Collin, Adam Ivey, Robert K. Hills, Alan K. Burnett, Nigel H. Russell, Jude Fitzgibbon, Richard A. Larson, Michelle M. Le Beau, Wendy Stock, Olaf Heidenreich, Abrar Alharbi, David J. Allsup, Richard S. Houlston, Jean Norden, Anne M. Dickinson, Elisabeth Douglas, Clare Lendrem, Ann K. Daly, Louise Palm, Kim Piechocki, Sally Jeffries, Martin Bornhäuser, Christoph Röllig, Heidi Altmann, Leo Ruhnke, Desiree Kunadt, Lisa Wagenführ, Heather J. Cordell, Rebecca Darlay, Mette K. Andersen, Maria C. Fontana, Giovanni Martinelli, Giovani Marconi, Miguel A. Sanz, José Cervera, Inés Gómez-Seguí, Thomas Cluzeau, Chimène Moreilhon, Sophie Raynaud, Heinz Sill, Maria Teresa Voso, Francesco Lo-Coco, Hervé Dombret, Meyling Cheok, Claude Preudhomme, Rosemary E. Gale, David Linch, Julia Gaal-Wesinger, Andras Masszi, Daniel Nowak, Wolf-Karsten Hofmann, Amanda Gilkes, Kimmo Porkka, Jelena D. Milosevic Feenstra, Robert Kralovics, David Grimwade, Manja Meggendorfer, Torsten Haferlach, Szilvia Krizsán, Csaba Bödör, Friedrich Stölzel, Kenan Onel, James M. Allan
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


120. Extracellular vesicle release and uptake by the liver under normo- and hyperlipidemia

Krisztina Németh, Zoltán Varga, Dorina Lenzinger, Tamás Visnovitz, Anna Koncz, Nikolett Hegedűs, Ágnes Kittel, Domokos Máthé, Krisztián Szigeti, Péter Lőrincz, Clodagh O’Neill, Róisín Dwyer, Zhonglin Liu, Edit I. Buzás, Viola Tamási
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Multiple
doi doiicon


119. Epigenetic Mechanisms of ART-Related Imprinting Disorders: Lessons from iPSC and Mouse Models

Alex Horánszky, Jessica L. Becker, Melinda Zana, Anne C. Ferguson-Smith, András Dinnyés
Journal/Proc./Book: Genes
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


118. Maternal One-Carbon Metabolism during the Periconceptional Period and Human Foetal Brain Growth: A Systematic Review

Eleonora Rubini, Inge M. M. Baijens, Alex Horánszky, Sam Schoenmakers, Kevin D. Sinclair, Melinda Zana, András Dinnyés, Régine P. M. Steegers-Theunissen, Melek Rousian
Journal/Proc./Book: Genes
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


117. Environmental Alterations during Embryonic Development: Studying the Impact of Stressors on Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes

Federica Lamberto, Irene Peral-Sanchez, Suchitra Muenthaisong, Melinda Zana, Sandrine Willaime-Morawek, András Dinnyés
Journal/Proc./Book: Genes
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


116. The golden ages of inflammatory skin diseases: skyrocketing developments in the therapy of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis

L. Kemény
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


115. SignaLink3: a multi-layered resource to uncover tissue-specific signaling networks

Luca Csabai, Dávid Fazekas, Tamás Kadlecsik, Máté Szalay-Bekő, Balázs Bohár, Matthew Madgwick, Dezső Módos, Márton Ölbei, Lejla Gul, Padhmanand Sudhakar, János Kubisch, Oyebode James Oyeyemi, Orsolya Liska, Eszter Ari, Bernadette Hotzi, Viktor A Billes, Eszter Molnár, László Földvári-Nagy, Kitti Csályi, Amanda Demeter, Nóra Pápai, Mihály Koltai, Máté Varga, Katalin Lenti, Illés J Farkas, Dénes Türei, Péter Csermely, Tibor Vellai, Tamás Korcsmáros
Journal/Proc./Book: Nucleic Acids Research
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


114. The DREAM complex represses growth in response to DNA damage in Arabidopsis

Lucas Lang, Aladár Pettkó-Szandtner, Hasibe Tunçay Elbaşı, Hirotomo Takatsuka, Yuji Nomoto, Ahmad Zaki, Stefan Dorokhov, Geert De Jaeger, Dominique Eeckhout, Masaki Ito, Zoltán Magyar, László Bögre, Maren Heese, Arp Schnittger
Journal/Proc./Book: Life Science Alliance
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


113. Virulence Factors and in-Host Selection on Phenotypes in Infectious Probiotic Yeast Isolates (Saccharomyces ‘boulardii’)

Alexandra Imre, Renátó Kovács, Kitti Pázmándi, Dániel Nemes, Ágnes Jakab, Tünde Fekete, Hanna Viktória Rácz, Ilona Dóczi, Ildikó Bácskay, Attila Gácser, Károly Kovács, László Majoros, Zoltán Farkas, István Pócsi, Walter P. Pfliegler
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Fungi
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


112. Folate-Targeted Monodisperse PEG-Based Conjugates Made by Chemo-Enzymatic Methods for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Krisztina S. Nagy, Krisztina Toth, Eva Pallinger, Angela Takacs, Laszlo Kohidai, Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdu, Domokos Mathe, Noemi Kovacs, Daniel S. Veres, Krisztian Szigeti, Kristof Molnar, Eniko Krisch, Judit E. Puskas
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


111. Deciphering of Candida parapsilosis induced immune response in Drosophila melanogaster

Katalin Csonka, Zsolt Tasi, Viktor Vedelek, Csaba Vágvölgyi, Rita Sinka, Attila Gácser
Journal/Proc./Book: Virulence
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


110. Self-mediated positive selection of T cells sets an obstacle to the recognition of nonself

Balázs Koncz, Gergő M. Balogh, Benjamin T. Papp, Leó Asztalos, Lajos Kemény, Máté Manczinger
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


109. Formation of a protein corona on the surface of extracellular vesicles in blood plasma

Eszter Á. Tóth, Lilla Turiák, Tamás Visnovitz, Csaba Cserép, Anett Mázló, Barbara W. Sódar, András I. Försönits, Gábor Petővári, Anna Sebestyén, Zsolt Komlósi, László Drahos, Ágnes Kittel, György Nagy, Attila Bácsi, Ádám Dénes, Yong Song Gho, Katalin É. Szabó‐Taylor, Edit I. Buzás
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


108. Molecular Network Approach Reveals Rictor as a Central Target of Cardiac ProtectomiRs

András Makkos, Bence Ágg, Zoltán V. Varga, Zoltán Giricz, Mariann Gyöngyösi, Dominika Lukovic, Rainer Schulz, Monika Barteková, Anikó Görbe, Péter Ferdinandy
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


107. Degenerate but indispensable: how CFTR channel activity depends on the catalytically inactive ATP binding site?

László Csanády
Journal/Proc./Book: The Journal of Physiology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


106. Cellular and Molecular Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Linking Lung Infection to the Brain

Linda Francistiová, Adrián Klepe, Géza Curley, Károly Gulya, András Dinnyés, Kata Filkor
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Immunology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


105. Phenotypic plasticity of melanocytes derived from human adult skin

Dániel László Vidács, Zoltán Veréb, Renáta Bozó, Lili Borbála Flink, Hilda Polyánka, István Balázs Németh, Szilárd Póliska, Benjamin Tamás Papp, Máté Manczinger, Róbert Gáspár, Seyedmohsen Mirdamadi, Lajos Kemény, Zsuzsanna Bata‐Csörgő
Journal/Proc./Book: Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


104. Alzheimer’s Disease: A Molecular View of β-Amyloid Induced Morbific Events

Rajmohamed Mohamed Asik, Natarajan Suganthy, Mohamed Asik Aarifa, Arvind Kumar, Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Mathe, Balázs Gulyás, Govindaraju Archunan, Parasuraman Padmanabhan
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


103. Signaling through Syk or CARD9 Mediates Species-Specific Anti-Candida Protection in Bone Marrow Chimeric Mice

Erik Zajta, Katalin Csonka, Adél Tóth, Laszló Tiszlavicz, Tamás Németh, Anita Orosz, Ádám Novák, Máté Csikós, Csaba Vágvölgyi, Attila Mócsai, Attila Gácser
Journal/Proc./Book: mBio
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


102. The Effect of Molecular Weight on the Solubility Properties of Biocompatible Poly(ethylene succinate) Polyester

Mohamed M. Abdelghafour, Ágoston Orbán, Ágota Deák, Łukasz Lamch, Éva Frank, Roland Nagy, Adél Ádám, Pál Sipos, Eszter Farkas, Ferenc Bari, László Janovák
Journal/Proc./Book: Polymers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


101. SerpinB10, a Serine Protease Inhibitor, Is Implicated in UV-Induced Cellular Response

Hajnalka Majoros, Barbara N. Borsos, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Zoltán G. Páhi, Mónika Mórocz, Lajos Haracska, Imre Miklós Boros, Tibor Pankotai
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


100. Editorial: The Role of Nuclear Molecules in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease

David S. Pisetsky, Reinhard Voll, Edit I. Buzas
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Immunology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


99. Nodular fasciitis: a comprehensive, time-correlated investigation of 17 cases

Zoltán Sápi, Zoltán Lippai, Gergő Papp, Lajos Hegyi, Johanna Sápi, Katalin Dezső, Károly Szuhai
Journal/Proc./Book: Modern Pathology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


98. Non-coding Natural Antisense Transcripts: Analysis and Application

Julian C. Krappinger, Lilli Bonstingl, Katrin Pansy, Katja Sallinger, Nick I. Wreglesworth, Lukas Grinninger, Alexander Deutsch, Amin El-Heliebi, Thomas Kroneis, Ramsay J. Mcfarlane, Christoph W. Sensen, Julia Feichtinger
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


97. Genetic Investigation of Inverse Psoriasis

Anikó Göblös, Emese Varga, Katalin Farkas, Kristóf Árvai, Lajos Kemény
Journal/Proc./Book: Life
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


96. Delayed Contralateral Nephrectomy Halted Post-Ischemic Renal Fibrosis Progression and Inhibited the Ischemia-Induced Fibromir Upregulation in Mice

Beáta Róka, Pál Tod, Tamás Kaucsár, Éva Nóra Bukosza, Imre Vörös, Zoltán V. Varga, Balázs Petrovich, Bence Ágg, Péter Ferdinandy, Gábor Szénási, Péter Hamar
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


95. Morphologic and molecular analysis of Richter syndrome in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients treated with ibrutinib or venetoclax

Ambrus Gángó, Richárd Kiss, Péter Farkas, Eid Hanna, Judit Demeter, Beáta Deák, Dóra Lévai, Lili Kotmayer, Donát Alpár, András Matolcsy, Csaba Bödör, Zoltán Mátrai, Botond Timár
Journal/Proc./Book: Pathology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


94. The Medial Septum as a Potential Target for Treating Brain Disorders Associated With Oscillopathies

Yuichi Takeuchi, Anett J. Nagy, Lívia Barcsai, Qun Li, Masahiro Ohsawa, Kenji Mizuseki, Antal Berényi
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Neural Circuits
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


93. The 3M Concept: Biomedical Translational Imaging from Molecules to Mouse to Man

Domokos Máthé, Bálint Kiss, Bernadett Pályi, Zoltán Kis, László Forgách, Nikolett Hegedűs, Zoltán Varga, Krisztián Szigeti, Kinga Karlinger, Miklós S Z Kellermayer
Journal/Proc./Book: The EuroBiotech Journal
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


92. Age-Related Inflammatory Balance Shift, Nasal Barrier Function, and Cerebro-Morphological Status in Healthy and Diseased Rodents

Zsófia Varga-Medveczky, Noémi Kovács, Melinda E. Tóth, Miklós Sántha, Ildikó Horváth, Luca Anna Bors, Katalin Fónagy, Timea Imre, Pál Szabó, Domokos Máthé, Franciska Erdő
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Neuroscience
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


91. BC-Monitor: Towards a Routinely Accessible Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Tool for Real-Time Monitoring Breast Cancer Progression and Treatment Effectiveness

Katalin Priskin, Sára Pólya, Lajos Pintér, Gábor Jaksa, Bernadett Csányi, Márton Zsolt Enyedi, Eszter Sági-Zsigmond, Farkas Sükösd, Orsolya Oláh-Németh, Gyöngyi Kelemen, Alíz Nikolényi, Gabriella Uhercsák, Dóra Sántha, Ágnes Dobi, Éva Szilágyi, Erzsébet Valicsek, László Tordai, Rozália Tóth, Zsuzsanna Kahán, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


90. Coordinated Cut and Bypass: Replication of Interstrand Crosslink-Containing DNA

Qiuzhen Li, Kata Dudás, Gabriella Tick, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


89. Wnt Activity and Cell Proliferation Are Coupled to Extracellular Vesicle Release in Multiple Organoid Models

Gyöngyvér Orsolya Sándor, András Áron Soós, Péter Lörincz, Lívia Rojkó, Tünde Harkó, Levente Bogyó, Tamás Tölgyes, Attila Bursics, Edit I. Buzás, Judit Moldvay, Zoltán Wiener
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


88. Evidence of a Myenteric Plexus Barrier and its Macrophage-Dependent Degradation during Murine Colitis: Implications in Enteric Neuroinflammation

David Dora, Szilamer Ferenczi, Rhian Stavely, Viktoria E. Toth, Zoltan V. Varga, Tamas Kovacs, Ildiko Bodi, Ryo Hotta, Krisztina J. Kovacs, Allan M. Goldstein, Nandor Nagy
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


87. The RUNX1 Database (RUNX1db): establishment of an expert curated RUNX1 registry and genomics database as a public resource for familial platelet disorder with myeloid malignancy

Claire C. Homan, Sarah L. King-Smith, David M. Lawrence, Peer Arts, Jinghua Feng, James Andrews, Mark Armstrong, Thuong Ha, Julia Dobbins, Michael W. Drazer, Kai Yu, Csaba Bödör, Alan Cantor, Mario Cazzola, Erin Degelman, Courtney D. DiNardo, Nicolas Duployez, Remi Favier, Stefan Fröhling, Jude Fitzgibbon, Jeffery M. Klco, Alwin Krämer, Mineo Kurokawa, Joanne Lee, Luca Malcovati, Neil V. Morgan, Georges Natsoulis, Carolyn Owen, Keyur P. Patel, Claude Preudhomme, Hana Raslova, Hugh Rienhoff, Tim Ripperger, Rachael Schulte, Kiran Tawana, Elvira Velloso, Benedict Yan, Paul Liu, Lucy A. Godley, Andreas W. Schreiber, Christopher N. Hahn, Hamish S. Scott, Anna L. Brown
Journal/Proc./Book: Haematologica
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


86. The psoriatic non-lesional skin: a battlefield of constant fight between susceptibility and protective factors

Evelyn Kelemen, Renáta Bozó, Gergely Groma, Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő, Lajos Kemény, Judit Danis, Márta Széll
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


85. Stress-Related Regulation Is Abnormal in the Psoriatic Uninvolved Skin

Renáta Bozó, Judit Danis, Lili Borbála Flink, Dániel László Vidács, Lajos Kemény, Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő
Journal/Proc./Book: Life
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


84. Negative trade-off between neoantigen repertoire breadth and the specificity of HLA-I molecules shapes antitumor immunity

Máté Manczinger, Balázs Koncz, Gergő Mihály Balogh, Benjamin Tamás Papp, Leó Asztalos, Lajos Kemény, Balázs Papp, Csaba Pál
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Cancer
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


83. Bicarbonate Evokes Reciprocal Changes in Intracellular Cyclic di-GMP and Cyclic AMP Levels in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Kasidid Ruksakiet, Balázs Stercz, Gergő Tóth, Pongsiri Jaikumpun, Ilona Gróf, Roland Tengölics, Zsolt M. Lohinai, Péter Horváth, Mária A. Deli, Martin C. Steward, Orsolya Dobay, Ákos Zsembery
Journal/Proc./Book: Biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


82. Systematic review and network analysis of microRNAs involved in cardioprotection against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and infarction: Involvement of redox signalling

András Makkos, Bence Ágg, Balázs Petrovich, Zoltán V. Varga, Anikó Görbe, Péter Ferdinandy
Journal/Proc./Book: Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


81. AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure

Zsófia Onódi, Mihály Ruppert, Dániel Kucsera, Alex Ali Sayour, Viktória E Tóth, Gábor Koncsos, Julianna Novák, Gábor B Brenner, András Makkos, Tamás Baranyai, Zoltán Giricz, Anikó Görbe, Przemyslaw Leszek, Mariann Gyöngyösi, Iván G Horváth, Rainer Schulz, Béla Merkely, Péter Ferdinandy, Tamás Radovits, Zoltán V Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: Cardiovascular Research
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


80. The genomic landscape of teenage and young adult T‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Marcela B. Mansur, Caroline L. Furness, Sirintra Nakjang, Amir Enshaei, Donat Alpar, Sue M. Colman, Lynne Minto, Julie Irving, Beth V. Poole, Elda P. Noronha, Suvi Savola, Sameena Iqbal, John Gribben, Maria S. Pombo‐de‐Oliveira, Tony M. Ford, Mel F. Greaves, Frederik W. Delft
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancer Medicine
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


79. Alcohol in Psoriasis—From Bench to Bedside

Zita Szentkereszty-Kovács, Krisztián Gáspár, Andrea Szegedi, Lajos Kemény, Dóra Kovács, Dániel Törőcsik
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


78. The Combination of Single-Cell and Next-Generation Sequencing Can Reveal Mosaicism for BRCA2 Mutations and the Fine Molecular Details of Tumorigenesis

Alexandra Gráf, Márton Zsolt Enyedi, Lajos Pintér, Éva Kriston-Pál, Gábor Jaksa, Árpád Bálind, Éva Ezer, Péter Horváth, Farkas Sükösd, Ernő Kiss, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


77. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases cell number of neural progenitor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells

Panetha Pansri, Phetcharat Phanthong, Nopparat Suthprasertporn, Yindee Kitiyanant, Alisa Tubsuwan, Andras Dinnyes, Julianna Kobolak, Narisorn Kitiyanant
Journal/Proc./Book: PeerJ
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


76. Screening and monitoring of the BTK C481S mutation in a real‐world cohort of patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia during ibrutinib therapy

Csaba Bödör, Lili Kotmayer, Tamás László, Ferenc Takács, Gábor Barna, Richárd Kiss, Endre Sebestyén, Tibor Nagy, Lajos László Hegyi, Gábor Mikala, Sándor Fekete, Péter Farkas, Alexandra Balogh, Tamás Masszi, Judit Demeter, Júlia Weisinger, Hussain Alizadeh, Béla Kajtár, Zoltán Kohl, Róbert Szász, Lajos Gergely, Timea Gurbity Pálfi, Adrienn Sulák, Balázs Kollár, Miklós Egyed, Márk Plander, László Rejtő, László Szerafin, Péter Ilonczai, Péter Tamáska, Piroska Pettendi, Dóra Lévai, Tamás Schneider, Anna Sebestyén, Péter Csermely, András Matolcsy, Zoltán Mátrai, Donát Alpár
Journal/Proc./Book: British Journal of Haematology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


75. Supraoptimal Iron Nutrition of Brassica napus Plants Suppresses the Iron Uptake of Chloroplasts by Down-Regulating Chloroplast Ferric Chelate Reductase

Máté Sági-Kazár, Helga Zelenyánszki, Brigitta Müller, Barnabás Cseh, Balázs Gyuris, Sophie Z. Farkas, Ferenc Fodor, Brigitta Tóth, Béla Kovács, Anna Koncz, Tamás Visnovitz, Edit I. Buzás, Barbara Bánkúti, Ferenc Bánáti, Kálmán Szenthe and Ádám Solti
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Plant Science
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


74. TRAF3 and NBR1 both influence the effect of the disease‐causing CYLD(Arg936X) mutation on NF‐κB activity

Judit Danis, Evelyn Kelemen, Neil Rajan, Nikoletta Nagy, Márta Széll, Éva Ádám
Journal/Proc./Book: Experimental Dermatology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


73. Endoplasmic Reticulum‐Plasma Membrane Contact Sites as an Organizing Principle for Compartmentalized Calcium and cAMP Signaling

Tim Crul, József Maléth
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


72. Intraperitoneal Glucose Transport to Micrometastasis: A Multimodal In Vivo Imaging Investigation in a Mouse Lymphoma Model

Zsombor Ritter, Katalin Zámbó, Xinkai Jia, Dávid Szöllősi, Dániel Dezső, Hussain Alizadeh, Ildikó Horváth, Nikolett Hegedűs, David Tuch, Kunal Vyas, Péter Balogh, Domokos Máthé, Erzsébet Schmidt
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


71. Nod-Like Receptors in Host Defence and Disease at the Epidermal Barrier

Judit Danis, Mark Mellett
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


70. Two Decades of Evolution of Our Understanding of the Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 2 (TRPM2) Cation Channel

Andras Szollosi
Journal/Proc./Book: Life
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


69. Modeling plasticity and dysplasia of pancreatic ductal organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells

Markus Breunig, Jessica Merkle, Martin Wagner, Michael K. Melzer, Thomas F.E. Barth, Thomas Engleitner, Johannes Krumm, Sandra Wiedenmann, Christian M. Cohrs, Lukas Perkhofer, Gaurav Jain, Jana Krüger, Patrick C. Hermann, Maximilian Schmid, Tamara Madácsy, Árpád Varga, Joscha Griger, Ninel Azoitei, Martin Müller, Oliver Wessely, Pamela G. Robey, Sandra Heller, Zahra Dantes, Maximilian Reichert, Cagatay Günes, Christian Bolenz, Florian Kuhn, József Maléth, Stephan Speier, Stefan Liebau, Bence Sipos, Bernhard Kuster, Thomas Seufferlein, Roland Rad, Matthias Meier, Meike Hohwieler, Alexander Kleger
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Stem Cell
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


68. Male and Female Animals Respond Differently to High-Fat Diet and Regular Exercise Training in a Mouse Model of Hyperlipidemia

Melinda E. Tóth, Brigitta Dukay, Mária Péter, Gábor Balogh, Gergő Szűcs, Ágnes Zvara, Gábor J. Szebeni, Petra Hajdu, Márta Sárközy, László G. Puskás, Zsolt Török, Tamás Csont, László Vígh, Miklós Sántha
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


67. In planta test system for targeted cellular mutagenesis by injection of oligonucleotides to apical meristem of maize seedlings

Feríz Rádi, Bettina Nagy, Györgyi Ferenc, Katalin Török, István Nagy, Zoltán Zombori, Dénes Dudits, Ferhan Ayaydin
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


66. Neural stem cells traffic functional mitochondria via extracellular vesicles

Luca Peruzzotti-Jametti, Joshua D. Bernstock, Cory M. Willis, Giulia Manferrari, Rebecca Rogall, Erika Fernandez-Vizarra, James C. Williamson, Alice Braga, Aletta van den Bosch, Tommaso Leonardi, Grzegorz Krzak, Ágnes Kittel, Cristiane Benincá, Nunzio Vicario, Sisareuth Tan, Carlos Bastos, Iacopo Bicci, Nunzio Iraci, Jayden A. Smith, Ben Peacock, Karin H. Muller, Paul J. Lehner, Edit Iren Buzas, Nuno Faria, Massimo Zeviani, Christian Frezza, Alain Brisson, Nicholas J. Matheson, Carlo Viscomi, Stefano Pluchino
Journal/Proc./Book: PLOS Biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon



63. Balanced Intense Exercise Training Induces Atrial Oxidative Stress Counterbalanced by the Antioxidant System and Atrial Hypertrophy That Is Not Associated with Pathological Remodeling or Arrhythmogenicity

Attila Oláh, Bálint András Barta, Alex Ali Sayour, Mihály Ruppert, Eszter Virág-Tulassay, Julianna Novák, Zoltán V. Varga, Péter Ferdinandy, Béla Merkely, Tamás Radovits
Journal/Proc./Book: Antioxidants
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


62. Characterization of the CDAA Diet-Induced Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Model: Sex-Specific Differences in Inflammation, Fibrosis, and Cholesterol Metabolism in Middle-Aged Mice

Dániel Kucsera, Viktória E. Tóth, Dorottya Gergő, Imre Vörös, Zsófia Onódi, Anikó Görbe, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


61. Advances in the optimisation of therapeutic drug monitoring using serum, tissue and faecal anti-tumour necrosis factor concentration in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with TNF-α antagonists

Kata Judit Szántó, Tamara Madácsy, Diána Kata, Tamás Ferenci, Mariann Rutka, Anita Bálint, Renáta Bor, Anna Fábián, Ágnes Milassin, Boldizsár Jójárt, Zoltán Szepes, Ferenc Nagy, Tamás Molnár, Imre Földesi, József Maléth & Klaudia Farkas
Journal/Proc./Book: Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


60. Influence of cardiometabolic comorbidities on myocardial function, infarction, and CARDIOPROTECTION: Role of cardiac redox signaling

Ioanna Andreadou, Andreas Daiber, Gary F. Baxter, Maria.Felice Brizzi, Fabio di Lisa, Nina Kaludercic, Antigone Lazou, Zoltán.V. Varga, Coert Zuurbier, Rainer Schulz, Péter Ferdinandy
Journal/Proc./Book: Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


59. Topography, Spike Dynamics, and Nanomechanics of Individual Native SARS-CoV-2 Virions

Bálint Kiss, Zoltán Kis, Bernadett Pályi, Miklós S. Z. Kellermayer
Journal/Proc./Book: Nano Letters
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


58. An implanted device enables in vivo monitoring of extracellular vesicle‐mediated spread of pro‐inflammatory mast cell response in mice

Krisztina V. Vukman, Andrea Ferencz, Daniella Fehér, Krisztina Juhos, Péter Lőrincz, Tamás Visnovitz, Anna Koncz, Krisztina Pálóczi, Gábor Seregélyes, András Försönits, Delaram Khamari, Alicia Galinsoga, László Drahos, Edit I. Buzás
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


57. Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha-induced Protein 3 Negatively Regulates Cutibacterium acnes-induced Innate Immune Events in Epidermal Keratinocytes

Lilla Erdei, Beáta Szilvia Bolla, Renáta Bozó, Gábor Tax, Edit Urbán, Katalin Burián, Lajos Kemény, Kornélia Szabó
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


56. Dry storage of mammalian spermatozoa and cells: state-of-the-art and possible future directions

P. Loi, D. A. Anzalone, L. Palazzese, A. Dinnyés, J. Saragusty, M. Czernik
Journal/Proc./Book: Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


55. Nanotheranostic agents for neurodegenerative diseases

Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Mathangi Palanivel, Ajay Kumar, Domokos Máthé, George K. Radda, Kah-Leong Lim, Balázs Gulyás
Journal/Proc./Book: Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


54. Suppression of Metastatic Melanoma Growth in Lung by Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia Monitored by a Minimally Invasive Heat Stress Testing Approach in Mice

Mbuotidem Jeremiah Thomas, Enikő Major, Anett Benedek, Ildikó Horváth, Domokos Máthé, Ralf Bergmann, Attila Marcell Szász, Tibor Krenács, Zoltán Benyó
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


53. Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hungarian Adults

Csanád Szabó, Judit Pukánszky, Lajos Kemény
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


52. Could basement membrane alterations, resembling micro‐wounds at the dermo‐epidermal junction in psoriatic non‐lesional skin, make the skin susceptible to lesion formation?

Renáta Bozó, Lili Borbála Flink, Nóra Belső, Barbara Gubán, Márta Széll, Lajos Kemény, Zsuzsanna Bata‐Csörgő
Journal/Proc./Book: Experimental Dermatology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


51. Grafted human induced pluripotent stem cells improve the outcome of spinal cord injury: modulation of the lesion microenvironment

Tamás Bellák, Zoltán Fekécs, Dénes Török, Zsuzsanna Táncos, Csilla Nemes, Zsófia Tézsla, László Gál, Suchitra Polgári, Julianna Kobolák, András Dinnyés, Antal Nógrádi, Krisztián Pajer
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


50. Bile accelerates carcinogenic processes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells through the overexpression of MUC4

Eleonóra Gál, Zoltán Veréb, Lajos Kemény, Dávid Rakk, András Szekeres, Eszter Becskeházi, László Tiszlavicz, Tamás Takács, László Czakó, Péter Hegyi, Viktória Venglovecz
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


49. PCSK9 in Myocardial Infarction and Cardioprotection: Importance of Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation

Ioanna Andreadou, Maria Tsoumani, Gemma Vilahur, Ignatios Ikonomidis, Lina Badimon, Zoltán V. Varga, Péter Ferdinandy, Rainer Schulz
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


48. Shared extracellular vesicle miRNA profiles of matched ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma organoids and blood plasma samples show the power of organoid technology

Anikó Zeöld, Gyöngyvér Orsolya Sándor, Anna Kiss, András Áron Soós, Tamás Tölgyes, Attila Bursics, Ákos Szűcs, László Harsányi, Ágnes Kittel, András Gézsi, Edit I. Buzás, Zoltán Wiener
Journal/Proc./Book: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


47. Suboptimal global transcriptional response increases the harmful effects of loss-of-function mutations

Károly Kovács, Zoltán Farkas, Djordje Bajić, Dorottya Kalapis, Andreea Daraba, Karola Almási, Bálint Kintses, Zoltán Bódi, Richard A Notebaart, Juan F Poyatos, Patrick Kemmeren, Frank C P Holstege, Csaba Pál, Balázs Papp
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Multiple
doi doiicon


46. Cyclooxygenase-2 Modulates Glycosaminoglycan Production in the Skin During Salt Overload

Róbert Agócs, Domonkos Pap, Dániel Sugár, Gábor Tóth, Lilla Turiák, Zoltán Veréb, Lajos Kemény, Tivadar Tulassay, Ádám Vannay, Attila J. Szabó
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


45. Functional Anatomical Changes in Ulcerative Colitis Patients Determine Their Gut Microbiota Composition and Consequently the Possible Treatment Outcome

Anita Bálint, Klaudia Farkas, Orsolya Méhi, Bálint Kintses, Bálint Márk Vásárhelyi, Eszter Ari, Csaba Pál, Tamara Madácsy, József Maléth, Kata Judit Szántó, István Nagy, Mariann Rutka, Péter Bacsur, Diána Szűcs, Zoltán Szepes, Ferenc Nagy, Anna Fábián, Renáta Bor, Ágnes Milassin, Tamás Molnár
Journal/Proc./Book: Pharmaceuticals
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


44. SerpinB2 is involved in cellular response upon UV irradiation

Hajnalka Majoros, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Barbara Nikolett Borsos, Viktória Vivien Hudacsek, Zita Nagy, Frederic Coin, Krisztina Buzas, Ilona Kovács, Tamás Bíró, Imre Miklós Boros, Tibor Pankotai
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


43. Characterization of Neurons Expressing the Novel Analgesic Drug Target Somatostatin Receptor 4 in Mouse and Human Brains

Angéla Kecskés, Krisztina Pohóczky, Miklós Kecskés, Zoltán V. Varga, Viktória Kormos, Éva Szőke, Nóra Henn-Mike, Máté Fehér, József Kun, Attila Gyenesei, Éva Renner, Miklós Palkovits, Péter Ferdinandy, István M. Ábrahám, Balázs Gaszner, Zsuzsanna Helyes
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


42. The Phytocannabinoid (–)-Cannabidiol Operates as a Complex, Differential Modulator of Human Hair Growth: Anti-Inflammatory Submicromolar versus Hair Growth Inhibitory Micromolar Effects

Imre L. Szabó, Erika Lisztes, Gabriella Béke, Kinga Fanni Tóth, Ralf Paus, Attila Oláh, Tamás Bíró
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


41. Adenosine Promotes Human Hair Growth and Inhibits Catagen Transition In Vitro: Role of the Outer Root Sheath Keratinocytes

Erika Lisztes, Balázs István Tóth, Marta Bertolini, Imre Lőrinc Szabó, Nóra Zákány, Attila Oláh, Attila Gábor Szöllősi, Ralf Paus, Tamás Bíró
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


40. Volatile anaesthetics inhibit the thermosensitive nociceptor ion channel transient receptor potential melastatin 3 (TRPM3)

Balázs Kelemen, Erika Lisztes, Anita Vladár, Martin Hanyicska, János Almássy, Attila Oláh, Attila Gábor Szöllősi, Zsófia Pénzes, János Posta, Thomas Voets, Tamás Bíró, Balázs István Tóth
Journal/Proc./Book: Biochemical Pharmacology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


39. Small extracellular vesicles convey the stress-induced adaptive responses of melanoma cells

Maria Harmati, Edina Gyukity-Sebestyen, Gabriella Dobra, Laszlo Janovak, Imre Dekany, Okay Saydam, Eva Hunyadi-Gulyas, Istvan Nagy, Attila Farkas, Tibor Pankotai, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Peter Horvath, Filippo Piccinini, Maria Kovacs, Tamas Biro, Krisztina Buzas
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


38. Development of High-Specificity Fluorescent Probes to Enable Cannabinoid Type 2 Receptor Studies in Living Cells

Roman C. Sarott, Matthias V. Westphal, Patrick Pfaff, Claudia Korn, David A. Sykes, Thais Gazzi, Benjamin Brennecke, Kenneth Atz, Marie Weise, Yelena Mostinski, Pattarin Hompluem, Eline Koers, Tamara Miljuš, Nicolas J. Roth, Hermon Asmelash, Man C. Vong, Jacopo Piovesan, Wolfgang Guba, Arne C. Rufer, Eric A. Kusznir, Sylwia Huber, Catarina Raposo, Elisabeth A. Zirwes, Anja Osterwald, Anto Pavlovic, Svenja Moes, Jennifer Beck, Irene Benito-Cuesta, Teresa Grande, Samuel Ruiz de Martı́n Esteban, Alexei Yeliseev, Faye Drawnel, Gabriella Widmer, Daniela Holzer, Tom van der Wel, Harpreet Mandhair, Cheng-Yin Yuan, William R. Drobyski, Yurii Saroz, Natasha Grimsey, Michael Honer, Jürgen Fingerle, Klaus Gawrisch, Julian Romero, Cecilia J. Hillard, Zoltan V. Varga, Mario van der Stelt, Pal Pacher, Jürg Gertsch, Peter J. McCormick, Christoph Ullmer, Sergio Oddi, Mauro Maccarrone, Dmitry B. Veprintsev, Marc Nazaré, Uwe Grether, Erick M. Carreira
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of the American Chemical Society
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


37. Rational design of balanced dual-targeting antibiotics with limited resistance

Akos Nyerges, Tihomir Tomašič, Martina Durcik, Tamas Revesz, Petra Szili, Gabor Draskovits, Ferenc Bogar, Žiga Skok, Nace Zidar, Janez Ilaš, Anamarija Zega, Danijel Kikelj, Lejla Daruka, Balint Kintses, Balint Vasarhelyi, Imre Foldesi, Diána Kata, Martin Welin, Raymond Kimbung, Dorota Focht, Lucija Peterlin Mašič, Csaba Pal
Journal/Proc./Book: PLOS Biology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


36. Closed-loop stimulation of the medial septum terminates epileptic seizures

Yuichi Takeuchi, Márk Harangozó, Lizeth Pedraza, Tamás Földi, Gábor Kozák, Qun Li, Antal Berényi
Journal/Proc./Book: Brain
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


35. Anti-PD-1 Therapy Does Not Influence Hearing Ability in the Most Sensitive Frequency Range, but Mitigates Outer Hair Cell Loss in the Basal Cochlear Region

Judit Szepesy, Gabriella Miklós, János Farkas, Dániel Kucsera, Zoltán Giricz, Anita Gáborján, Gábor Polony, Ágnes Szirmai, László Tamás, László Köles, Zoltán V. Varga, Tibor Zelles
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


34. Chronic treatment with rofecoxib but not ischemic preconditioning of the myocardium ameliorates early intestinal damage following cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats

Szilvia B. László, Bernadette Lázár, Gábor B. Brenner, András Makkos, Mihály Balogh, Mahmoud Al-Khrasani, Barbara Hutka, Amir Mohammadzadeh, Ágnes Kemény, Terézia László, Bálint Scheich, Tamara Szabados, Éva Kenyeres, Zoltán Giricz, Péter Bencsik, Zoltán V. Varga, Julianna Novák, Zsuzsanna Helyes, Péter Ferdinandy, Klára Gyires, Zoltán S. Zádori
Journal/Proc./Book: Biochemical Pharmacology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


33. Cardiac miRNA Expression and their mRNA Targets in a Rat Model of Prediabetes

Éva Sághy, Imre Vörös, Bence Ágg, Bernadett Kiss, Gábor Koncsos, Zoltán V. Varga, Anikó Görbe, Zoltán Giricz, Rainer Schulz, Péter Ferdinandy
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


32. Commentary on ‘Sebocyte differentiation as a new target for acne therapy: an in vivo experience’

L. Kemény, K. Szabó
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


31. FTO Intronic SNP Strongly Influences Human Neck Adipocyte Browning Determined by Tissue and PPARγ Specific Regulation: A Transcriptome Analysis

Beáta B. Tóth, Rini Arianti, Abhirup Shaw, Attila Vámos, Zoltán Veréb, Szilárd Póliska, Ferenc Győry, Zsolt Bacso, László Fésüs, Endre Kristóf
Journal/Proc./Book: Cells
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


30. Simple binding of protein kinase A prior to phosphorylation allows CFTR anion channels to be opened by nucleotides

Csaba Mihályi, Iordan Iordanov, Beáta Töröcsik, László Csanády
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


29. Extracellular Vesicle-Based Communication May Contribute to the Co-Evolution of Cancer Stem Cells and Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Anti-Cancer Therapy

Gábor Valcz, Edit I. Buzás, Anna Sebestyén, Tibor Krenács, Zoltán Szállási, Péter Igaz, Béla Molnár
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


28. Advances in phototherapy for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis

Lajos Kemény, Emese Varga, Zoltan Novak
Journal/Proc./Book: Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


27. Oscillotherapeutics – Time-targeted interventions in epilepsy and beyond

Yuichi Takeuchi, Antal Berényi
Journal/Proc./Book: Neuroscience Research
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


26. A Photo-clickable ATP-Mimetic Reveals Nucleotide Interactors in the Membrane Proteome

Mark Jelcic, Ke Wang, King Lam Hui, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Balázs Enyedi, Minkui Luo, Philipp Niethammer
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Chemical Biology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


25. Fibroblast-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Induce Colorectal Cancer Progression by Transmitting Amphiregulin

Ádám Oszvald, Zsuzsanna Szvicsek, Márton Pápai, Andrea Kelemen, Zoltán Varga, Tamás Tölgyes, Kristóf Dede, Attila Bursics, Edit I. Buzás, Zoltán Wiener
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


24. Periodontitis: a newly identified comorbidity in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Szandra Dalmády, Lajos Kemény, Márk Antal, Rolland Gyulai
Journal/Proc./Book: Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


23. Cutibacterium acnes regulates the epidermal barrier properties of HPV-KER human immortalized keratinocyte cultures

Beáta Szilvia Bolla, Lilla Erdei, Edit Urbán, Katalin Burián, Lajos Kemény, Kornélia Szabó
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


22. A Randomized Controlled Trial with a Medical Device Containing Sodium Hyaluronate and Nicotinic Acid to Increase the Efficacy of Ultraviolet Phototherapy in Psoriasis

Balázs Bende, Róbert Kui, Annamária Németh, Mariann Borsos, Zoltán Tóbiás, Gábor Erős, Lajos Kemény, Eszter Baltás
Journal/Proc./Book: Dermatology and Therapy
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


21. Intracellular Ca2+ Signalling in the Pathogenesis of Acute Pancreatitis: Recent Advances and Translational Perspectives

Petra Pallagi, Tamara Madácsy, Árpád Varga, József Maléth
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


20. Rapid Evolution of Reduced Susceptibility against a Balanced Dual-Targeting Antibiotic through Stepping-Stone Mutations

Petra Szili, Gábor Draskovits, Tamás Révész, Ferenc Bogár, Dávid Balogh, Tamás Martinek, Lejla Daruka, Réka Spohn, Bálint Márk Vásárhelyi, Márton Czikkely, Bálint Kintses, Gábor Grézal, Györgyi Ferenc, Csaba Pál, Ákos Nyerges
Journal/Proc./Book: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


19. Limited Evolutionary Conservation of the Phenotypic Effects of Antibiotic Resistance Mutations

Gábor Apjok, Gábor Boross, Ákos Nyerges, Gergely Fekete, Viktória Lázár, Balázs Papp, Csaba Pál, Bálint Csörgő
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


18. Fluorescent, Prussian Blue-Based Biocompatible Nanoparticle System for Multimodal Imaging Contrast

László Forgách, Nikolett Hegedűs, Ildikó Horváth, Bálint Kiss, Noémi Kovács, Zoltán Varga, Géza Jakab, Tibor Kovács, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Máthé
Journal/Proc./Book: Nanomaterials
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


17. Thrombocytosis and Effects of IL-6 Knock-Out in a Colitis-Associated Cancer Model

Valeria Josa, Szilamer Ferenczi, Rita Szalai, Eniko Fuder, Daniel Kuti, Krisztina Horvath, Nikolett Hegedus, Tibor Kovacs, Gergo Bagamery, Balazs Juhasz, Zsuzsanna Winkler, Daniel S. Veres, Zsombor Zrubka, Domokos Mathe, Zsolt Baranyai
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facility
doi doiicon


16. Nicotinic acid suppresses sebaceous lipogenesis of human sebocytes via activating hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2 (HCA2)

Arnold Markovics, Kinga Fanni Tóth, Katalin Eszter Sós, József Magi, Adrienn Gyöngyösi, Zoltán Benyó, Christos C. Zouboulis, Tamás Bíró, Attila Oláh
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


15. Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System

Kinga Tóth, Dorottya Ádám, Tamás Bíró, Attila Oláh
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecules
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Other
doi doiicon


14. The Role of P2X7 Receptor in Alzheimer’s Disease

Linda Francistiová, Carolina Bianchi, Caterina Di Lauro, Álvaro Sebastián-Serrano, Laura de Diego-García, Julianna Kobolák, András Dinnyés, Miguel Díaz-Hernández
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


13. Robust high-throughput assays to assess discrete steps in ubiquitination and related cascades

Gabriel Fenteany, Paras Gaur, Gaurav Sharma, Lajos Pintér, Ernő Kiss, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: BMC Molecular and Cell Biology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


12. Multilevel structure–activity profiling reveals multiple green tea compound families that each modulate ubiquitin-activating enzyme and ubiquitination by a distinct mechanism

Gabriel Fenteany, Paras Gaur, Lili Hegedűs, Kata Dudás, Ernő Kiss, Edit Wéber, László Hackler, Tamás Martinek, László G. Puskás, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


11. Exploring the fitness benefits of genome reduction in Escherichia coli by a selection-driven approach

Viktor Vernyik, Ildikó Karcagi, Edit Tímár, István Nagy, Ádám Györkei, Balázs Papp, Zsuzsanna Györfy, György Pósfai
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


10. Targeting the gut‐skin axis—Probiotics as new tools for skin disorder management?

Magdolna Szántó, Anikó Dózsa, Dóra Antal, Kornélia Szabó, Lajos Kemény, Péter Bai
Journal/Proc./Book: Experimental Dermatology
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


9. Comprehensive Proteomic Analysis Reveals Intermediate Stage of Non-Lesional Psoriatic Skin and Points out the Importance of Proteins Outside this Trend

Edit Szél, Renáta Bozó, Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás, Máté Manczinger, Kornélia Szabó, Lajos Kemény, Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő, Gergely Groma
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


8. Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein Negatively Influences Keratinocyte Proliferation Via α5β1-Integrin: Potential Relevance of Altered Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein Expression in Psoriasis

Renáta Bozó, Edit Szél, Judit Danis, Barbara Gubán, Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő, Kornélia Szabó, Lajos Kemény, Gergely Groma
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


7. Unravelling the Role of Trophoblastic-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Regulatory T Cell Differentiation

Árpád Ferenc Kovács, Nóra Fekete, Lilla Turiák, András Ács, László Kőhidai, Edit I. Buzás, Éva Pállinger
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


6. Extracellular vesicles transmit epithelial growth factor activity in the intestinal stem cell niche

Ádám Oszvald, Zsuzsanna Szvicsek, Gyöngyvér Orsolya Sándor, Andrea Kelemen, András Áron Soós, Krisztina Pálóczi, Attila Bursics, Kristóf Dede, Tamás Tölgyes, Edit I. Buzás, Anikó Zeöld, Zoltán Wiener
Journal/Proc./Book: STEM CELLS
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases
doi doiicon


5. Activity-based protein profiling of the human failing ischemic heart reveals alterations in hydrolase activities involving the endocannabinoid system

Annelot C.M. van Esbroeck, Zoltan V. Varga, Xinyu Di, Eva J. van Rooden, Viktória E. Tóth, Zsófia Onódi, Mariusz Kuśmierczyk, Przemyslaw Leszek, Péter Ferdinandy, Thomas Hankemeier, Mario van der Stelt, Pál Pacher
Journal/Proc./Book: Pharmacological Research
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


4. Rapid decline of bacterial drug-resistance in an antibiotic-free environment through phenotypic reversion

Anett Dunai, Réka Spohn, Zoltán Farkas, Viktória Lázár, Ádám Györkei, Gábor Apjok, Gábor Boross, Balázs Szappanos, Gábor Grézal, Anikó Faragó, László Bodai, Balázs Papp, Csaba Pál
Journal/Proc./Book: eLife
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


3. Unmatched level of molecular convergence among deeply divergent complex multicellular fungi

Zsolt Merényi, Arun N Prasanna, Zheng Wang, Károly Kovács, Botond Hegedüs, Balázs Bálint, Balázs Papp, Jeffrey P Townsend, László G Nagy
Journal/Proc./Book: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


2. Chemical-genetic profiling reveals limited cross-resistance between antimicrobial peptides with different modes of action

Bálint Kintses, Pramod K. Jangir, Gergely Fekete, Mónika Számel, Orsolya Méhi, Réka Spohn, Lejla Daruka, Ana Martins, Ali Hosseinnia, Alla Gagarinova, Sunyoung Kim, Sadhna Phanse, Bálint Csörgő, Ádám Györkei, Eszter Ari, Viktória Lázár, István Nagy, Mohan Babu, Csaba Pál, Balázs Papp
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Multiple
doi doiicon


1. Integrated evolutionary analysis reveals antimicrobial peptides with limited resistance

Réka Spohn, Lejla Daruka, Viktória Lázár, Ana Martins, Fanni Vidovics, Gábor Grézal, Orsolya Méhi, Bálint Kintses, Mónika Számel, Pramod K. Jangir, Bálint Csörgő, Ádám Györkei, Zoltán Bódi, Anikó Faragó, László Bodai, Imre Földesi, Diána Kata, Gergely Maróti, Bernadett Pap, Roland Wirth, Balázs Papp, Csaba Pál
Journal/Proc./Book: Nature Communications
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Multiple
doi doiicon

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