Conference Talks

Immuno-inflammatory Diseases

Edit Buzás, HCEMM-SU Extracellular Vesicles Research Group

  • Edit Buzás: Overview and Background on Extracellular vesicles.
    2nd Lugano Exo Day, Lugano, Switzerland, 4. 2022.
  • Edit Buzás: Paradigm shifts in extracellular vesicle biology.
    CNR-EV-NET first workshop, Rome, Italy, 4. 2022.
  • Edit Buzás: Extracellular vesicle trafficking.
    About Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) , Budapest, Hungary, 4. 2022.
  • Brachyahu Meir Kestecher: EV-LDL Association – Finding A Link to Atherosclerosis.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Edit Buzás: Extracellular vesicles: lessons in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo.
    ISCTICO-HUPHAR-IUPHAR international conference, Pécs, Hungary, 10. 2021.
  • Edit Buzás: Contamination of extracellular vesicle preparations or biomolecular corona around around extracellular vesicles?.
    1st Meeting of the Portugese Network on Extracellular Vesicles, Porto, Portugal, 9. 2021.
  • Edit Buzás: Interactions of the extracellular vesicle surface.
    2nd EVITA Symposium, Ciocco, Italy, 9. 2021.

Prof. András Dinnyés, HCEMM-USZ StemCell Research Group

  • Viktória Király: In vitro neurotoxicological studies using differentiated SH-SY5Y cells.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • András Dinnyés: Humán pluripotens őssejt technológiai platform a betegségmodellezés és a regenerációs medicina területén.
    Magyar Személyre Szabott Medicina Társaság XI. konferenciája, Mátrafüred, Hungary, 8. 2021.
  • András Dinnyés: New approach methods (NAMs) for developmental neurotoxicology using human iPSC-derived 2D and 3D neuronal models.
    Webinar Series: “Advanced Organotypic Models for Toxicological Screening”, , 4. 2021.

Balázs Enyedi, HCEMM-SU Inflammatory Signaling Research Group

  • Balázs Enyedi : Detecting extracellular gradients of inflammatory mediators with novel genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors.
    Straub days 2022, Szeged, Hungary, 5. 2022.
  • László Fazekas: Investigating tissue damage induced calcium signaling in zebrafish.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Szimonetta Tamás: Development of a genetically encoded LTB4 sensor.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Balázs Enyedi : The role of the nucleus in mediating tissue damage detection.
    ISCTICO-HUPHAR-IUPHAR-Joint-Conference, Pécs, Hungary, 10. 2021.

Prof. Attila Gácser, HCEMM-USZ Fungal Pathogens Research Group

  • Attila Gácser: Studying the potential of “trained immunity” in human oral epithelial cells using Candida species.
    5th Meeting of Middle Europe Societies of Immunology and Allergology (MESIA), Prague, Czech Republic, 11. 2022.
  • Attila Gácser: Acquisition of antifungal resistance influences virulence attributes of C. auris microevolved strains in mouse systemic fungal infection model.
    Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology – 2022, Kecskemét, Hungary, 10. 2022.
  • Attila Gácser: The phagolysosomal zinc ion homeostasis of M1 type human macrophages and the effect of Interferon-γ on the macrophage-Candida parapsilosis interaction.
    51th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, Kecskemét, Hungary, 10. 2022.
  • Attila Gácser: Investigation of the effect of extracellular vesicles secreted by Candida albicans and candidalysin on the progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
    51th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, Kecskemét, Hungary, 10. 2022.
  • Attila Gácser: Candida albicans enhances the development and progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.
    FEBS 2022 Advanced Course, Molecular Mechanisms of Host-pathogen Interactions and Virulence in Human Fungal Pathogens, La Colle sur Loup, France, 5. 2022.
  • Attila Gácser: Candida albicans enhances the development and progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.
    FEBS 2022 Advanced Course, Molecular Mechanisms of Host-pathogen Interactions and Virulence in Human Fungal Pathogens, La Colle sur Loup, France, 5. 2022.
  • Éva Veres: Investigation of the interaction between Candida extracellular vesicles and oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Attila Gácser: Investigation of the interaction between Candida extracellular vesicles and oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.
    6th Central European Forum for Microbiology, CEFORM 2021, Kecskemét, Hungary, 10. 2021.

Prof. Lajos Kemény, HCEMM-USZ Skin Research Group

  • Dr. Máté Manczinger: A mutációs szignatúrák hatása a tumorok immunogenitására.
    50th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, Kecskemét, Hungary, 10. 2021.
  • Prof. Dr. Lajos Kemény: Mesenchymal stromal cell therapy for psoriasis.
    50th Annual European Society for Dermatological Research Meeting (ESDR), , 9. 2021.
  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő: Drug induced urticaria and angioedema.
    30th EADV Congress, , 9. 2021.
  • Dr. Beáta Szilvia Bolla: A Cutibacterium acnes szerepének vizsgálata a sebgyógyulási folyamatokban in vitro modell rendszerekben.
    93th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Dermatological Society, , 11. 2020.
  • Dr. Judit Danis: Az IL-23A génexpresszió szabályozásának vizsgálata keratinocitákban.
    93th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Dermatological Society, , 11. 2020.
  • Dr. Renáta Bozó: Stresszfehérjék vizsgálata a pikkelysömörös tünetmentes bőrben.
    93th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Dermatological Society, , 11. 2020.
  • Fanni Balogh: A bőr veleszületett immun memória folyamatainak vizsgálata keratinocitákban.
    93th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Dermatological Society, , 11. 2020.
  • Dr. Renáta Bozó: Stresszfehérjék a pikkelysömörös tünetmentes bőrsejtekben.
    49th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, , 10. 2020.
  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő: A pikkelysömör immunológiája.
    49th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, , 10. 2020.

Bálint Kintses, HCEMM-BRC Translational Microbiology Research Group

József Maléth, HCEMM-USZ Molecular Gastroenterology Research Group

  • József Maléth: Polarity-changed human pancreatic epithelial organoids provide advanced accessibility to apical membrane physiology.
    MGT-Magyar Gasztroenterológiai Társaság 64. Nagygyűlése, Siófok, Hungary, 6. 2022.
  • József Maléth: CFTR activity is determined store-independently by SCPA2/STIM1/ORAI1 complex in secretory epithelial cells.
    MGT-Magyar Gasztroenterológiai Társaság 64. Nagygyűlése, Siófok, Hungary, 6. 2022.
  • József Maléth: Serum and mucosal Serpin E1 concentration reflects to the endoscopic activity and therapy response in inflammatory bowel disease – potential new activity marker.
    Magyar Gasztroenterológiai Társaság 64. Nagygyűlése, Siófok, Hungary, 6. 2022.
  • József Maléth: CFTR activity is determined by the store-independent activation of SPCA2/STIM1/ORAI1 complex in secretory epithelial cells.
    European Pancreatic Club – The 53rd meeting of EPC, , 6. 2022.
  • József Maléth: Interplay of Orai1 Ca2+ channel and Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in epithelial physiology.
    52nd Annual Meeting of the American Pancreas Association, Miami, USA, 11. 2021.
  • József Maléth: Characterizing 2D and 3D Organoid Cultures Derived from Mouse and Human Pancreas Specimens.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Viktória Szabó: Characterizing 2D and 3D Organoid Cultures Derived from Mouse and Human Pancreas Specimens.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • József Maléth: Interplay of Orai1 Ca2+ channel and Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in epithelial physiology.
    29th United European Gastroenterology Week, , 10. 2021.
  • József Maléth: Increased expression of Serpin E1, a potential new activity marker, reflects endoscopic activity and therapeutic non-response in inflammatory bowel disease.
    United European Gastroenterology Week 2021, Virtual, 10. 2021.
  • József Maléth: Interplay of Orai1 Ca2+ channel and Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in epithelial physiology.
    A Magyar Gasztroenerológiai Társaság 63. Nagygyűlése, , 6. 2021.
  • József Maléth: Interplay of Orai1 Ca2+ channel and Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in epithelial physiology.
    European Pancreatic Club – The 53rd meeting of EPC, , 6. 2021.

Karolina Pircs, HCEMM-SU Neurobiology and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Group

  • Karolina Pircs: Indukált neuronok: Új lehetőségek az öregedéshez köthető neurodegeneratív betegségek modellezésére.
    GMO Minisymposia, Pécs, 4. 2023.
  • Lea Danics: Bőrsejtből agysejt – Sejtprogramozás alapfokon. Kutatók Éjszakája 2022, Budapest, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Danics Lea: RetaiN: Neuroimmunology and stress resistance _x000B_in human aging and neurodegeneration. HunDoc22, Budapest, Hungary, 1. 2022.
  • Lea Danics: RetaiN: Neuroimmunology and stress resistance _x005F_x000B_in human aging and neurodegeneration. HunDoc22, Budapest, Hungary, 1. 2022.
  • Lea Danics: RetaiN: Neuroimmunology and stress resistance _x000B_in human aging and neurodegeneration. HunDoc22, Budapest, Hungary, 1. 2022.
  • Lea Danics: RetaiN: Neuroimmunology and stress resistance _x005F_x000B_in human aging and neurodegeneration. HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Karolina Pircs: . EHDN 2021 Remote Meeting, , 9. 2021.
  • Karolina Pircs: . EHDN 2021 Remote Meeting, , 9. 2021.

Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

László Csanády, HCEMM-SU Molecular Channelopathies Research Group

  • Andras Szollosi: Posttranslational modifications of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A affect its binding to the CFTR anion channel. Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 2. 2023.
  • Andras Szollosi: Posttranslational modifications of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A affect its binding to the CFTR anion channel. 2nd HCEMM PHD-POSTDOC symposium, Egerszalók, Hungary, 11. 2022.
  • László Csanády: A CFTR csatorna élettani szabályozása, a cisztikus fibrózis új terápiás célpontjai.
    Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 11. 2022.
  • Márton Simon: Central role of a conserved serine residue across CFTR molecular evolution. 2nd HCEMM PhD-Postdoc symposium, Egerszalók, Hungary, 11. 2022.
  • Ádám Bartók: A TRPM2 CSATORNA KÖZPONTI HŐÉRZÉKELÉSÉNEK MOLEKULÁRIS HÁTTERE. 51st Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, Kecskemét, Hungary, 10. 2022.
  • László Csanády: Molecular mechanisms of ivacaftor and CF mutation R117H.
    Cystic Fibrosis Canada (CFC) basic science symposium, McGill University, Montréal, Canada, 5. 2022.
  • Ádám Bartók: The molecular nature oftemperature sensitivity of the TRPM2 channel. 66th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2. 2022.
  • Márton Simon: Revealing the molecular pathophysiology of the cystic fibrosis causing mutation R117H. HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.

Eszter Farkas, HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group

  • Rita Frank: Nimodipine in solution or associated to pH-sensitive nanoparticles attenuates ischemic injury.
    FAMÉ2023, Mátraháza, Hungary, 6. 2023.
  • Eszter Farkas: Spreading depolarization impairs neurovascular coupling in ischemia/reperfusion in mice.
    31st International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Brisbane, Australia, 6. 2023.
  • Ákos Menyhárt: Neurotoxic astrocyte swelling and dysfunction upon the acute phase of ischemic stroke.
    15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany, 3. 2023.
  • Eszter Farkas: Az agyödéma progressziója egér iszkémiás stroke modellben, képalkotó vizsgálatokkal alátámasztva. A Magyar Neuroradiológiai Társaság 2022. évi Kongresszusa, Tapolca, Hungary, 10. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A reperfúziós sérülés mechanizmusának képalkotó vizsgálata globális iszkémia egér modelljében. A Magyar Neuroradiológiai Társaság 2022. évi Kongresszusa, Tapolca, Hungary, 10. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Acidotoxicity in cerebral ischemia: the essential role of spreading depolarization. International Conference on Spreading Depolarizations 2022, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 10. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: The essential role of astrocyte dysfunction in the evolution of spreading depolarization under ischemia. International Conference on Spreading Depolarizations 2022, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 10. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Spreading depolarization predicts impaired reperfusion in the mouse cerebral cortex. 14th International Conference on Brain Energy Metabolism, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 10. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Az astrocytaduzzadás fokozza az ischaemiás sérülés mértékétAz astrocytaduzzadás fokozza az ischaemiás sérülés mértékét. A Magyar Stroke Társaság XVI. Kongresszusa és a Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság XIII. Konferenciája, Siófok, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A csökkent kollaterális keringés elégtelen reperfúziót jósol az ischaemiás egér agyban. A Magyar Stroke Társaság XVI. Kongresszusa és a Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság XIII. Konferenciája, Siófok, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A terjedő depolarizáció gátlása növeli a reperfúzió hatékonyságát egér akut ischaemiás stroke modellben. A Magyar Stroke Társaság XVI. Kongresszusa és a Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság XIII. Konferenciája, Siófok, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A nimodipin hatása a vascularis reaktivitás öregedéshez és stroke-hoz kapcsolódó sérülésére patkánybanA nimodipin hatása a vascularis reaktivitás öregedéshez és stroke-hoz kapcsolódó sérülésére patkányban. A Magyar Stroke Társaság XVI. Kongresszusa és a Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság XIII. Konferenciája, Siófok, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Az endothelin-1 szerepe a neurovascularis csatolás sérülésében egér ischaemiás stroke modellben. A Magyar Stroke Társaság XVI. Kongresszusa és a Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság XIII. Konferenciája, Siófok, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A terjedő depolarizáció neurovascularis diszfunkciót okoz egér ischaemiás stroke modellben. A Magyar Stroke Társaság XVI. Kongresszusa és a Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság XIII. Konferenciája, Siófok, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Neuronal injury in ischemic stroke: what is the central mechanism? . LXXXIVth Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society (MÉT), Budapest, Hungary, 7. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Az agyi iszkémiás sérülések pathomechanizmusai; az életkor, mint cerebrovaszkuláris rizikó faktor. A Magyar Neurológiai Társaság 38. Kongresszusa, Budapest, Hungary, 6. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Sejtmembrán asszociált kórélettani jelenségek az iszkémiás stroke akut fázisában. 51. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg, Hungary, 5. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Autoregulatory failure contributes to hypoperfusion in response to spreading depolarization. Experimental Biology 2022, Philadelphia, USA, 4. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: Autoregulatory failure contributes to hypoperfusion in response to spreading depolarization. Experimental Biology 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 4. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A nimodipin hatása a vaszkuláris reaktivitásra az öregedő és a stroke-os patkányagyban. A Magyar Haemorheologiai Társaság XXVIII., a Magyar Mikrocirkulációs és Vaszkuláris Biológiai Társaság és a Magyar Szabadgyök-Kutató Társaság VII. Közös Kongresszusa, Pécs, Hungary, 4. 2022.
  • Eszter Farkas: A neurovaszkuláris csatolás diszfunkciója terjedő depolarizációt követően. A Magyar Haemorheologiai Társaság XXVIII., a Magyar Mikrocirkulációs és Vaszkuláris Biológiai Társaság és a Magyar Szabadgyök-Kutató Társaság VII. Közös Kongresszusa, Pécs, Hungary, 4. 2022.
  • Anna Törteli: The role of spreading depolarization in the insufficiency of reperfusion after cerebrovascular occlusion. HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Eszter Farkas: Do microglia contribute to cerebral vasoregulation?. EMBO Workshop: Microglia 2021, Heidelberg, Germany, 10. 2021.

Nazha Hamdani, HCEMM-SU Cardiovascular Comorbidities Research Group

Balázs Papp, HCEMM-BRC Metabolic Systems Biology Research Group

  • Eszter Ari: Timing of non-pharmaceutical interventions impacts transmission patterns across different waves of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: lessons from Hungary.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Roland Tengölics: We bring metabolite levels closer to your research – Service and research at the metabolomics lab of BRC Szeged.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Balázs Papp: Principles of metabolome conservation.
    EMBO Members Meeting 2021, Heidelberg, Germany, 10. 2021.
  • Balázs Papp: Principles of metabolome conservation in animals.
    Metabolic Pathway Analysis Conference, Knoxville, USA, 8. 2021.
  • Balázs Papp: Genomic epidemiology of coronavirus in Hungary.
    Epidemiology and modelling workshop, Kecskemét, Hungary, 7. 2021.
  • Balázs Papp: Evolutionary principles of antimicrobial peptide resistance.
    10th Annual Meeting of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, , 9. 2020.
  • Eszter Ari: Methods to investigate the microbiome and understand the results.
    MGT Colon Section, Visegrád, Hungary, 3. 2020.
  • Dorottya Kalapis: Unraveling the impact of compensatory evolution on metabolic divergence.
    ICSB2019, Okanawa, Japan, 11. 2019.
  • Ádám Györkei: Systematic study of Escherichia coli protein aggregation in vivo.
    Hungarian Society for Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics 2019 conference, Budapest, Hungary, 11. 2019.
  • Balázs Papp: Evolution of the metabolome in yeasts.
    Hungarian Society for Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics 2019 conference, Budapest, Hungary, 11. 2019.
  • Károly Kovács: Compensated deleterious mutations as drivers of morphological evolution.
    23rd Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles, Marseille, France, 9. 2019.
  • Zsuzsa Sarkadi: Compensatory Mutations Drive Morphological Evolution.
    SMBE 2019, Manchester, UK, 7. 2019.
  • Károly Kovács: Compensated Deleterious Mutations as Drivers of Morphological Evolution.
    Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution (GRS), Gordon Research Seminar, Easton, USA, 6. 2019.
  • Balázs Papp: Impacts of Natural Selection on the Metabolome.
    Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution, Gordon Research Conference, Easton, USA, 6. 2019.

Zoltán Varga, HCEMM-SU Cardiometabolic Immunology Research Group

  • Tamás Gergely: Bempedoic acid does not show hidden cardiotoxic properties and reduces reperfusion-induced arrhythmias in a rat model of myocardial infarction.
    WCP 2023, Glasgow, 7. 2023.
  • Varga Zoltán: Systematic transcriptomic and phenotypic characterization of human and murine cardiac myocyte cell lines and primary cardiomyocytes reveals serious limitations and low resemblances to adult cardiac phenotype.
    ISHR ES, Porto, 6. 2023.
    FAMÉ, Mátraháza, 6. 2023.
  • Tamás Gergely: MKT-Richter díj előadás: Characterization of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced cardiotoxicity reveals interleukin-17A as a driver of cardiac dysfunction after anti-PD-1 treatment.
    MKT 2023, Balatonfüred, 5. 2023.
  • Tamás Gergely: Echocardiographic measurements in preclinical models of cardiotoxicity and cardiac diseases.
    Vevo Conference, Prague, 2. 2023.
  • Varga Zoltán: AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure.
    28th Kraków Conference on Endothelium and 10th Cardiovascular Research Days, Krakow, Poland, 12. 2022.
  • Varga Zoltán: AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure.
    IACS, Szeged, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Varga Zoltán: AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure.
    FCVB 2022, Budapest, Hungary, 4. 2022.
  • Zoltán Varga: AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure.
    ESC Frontiers in Cardiovascular Biomedicine conference, Budapest, Hungary, 4. 2022.
  • Dániel Kucsera: Investigating the efficacy of anti IL 1ß monoclonal antibody treatment in an aged mouse model of non alcoholic steatohepatitis.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Imre Vörös: Investigation of cardiotoxicity by dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 inhibitors in a human cardiomyocyte cell line as well as in samples from chronic heart failure patients.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Nabil V. Sayour: Novel druggable targets of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction identified by droplet digital PCR and validated by Next Generation Sequencing.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Tamás Gergely: Immune checkpoint inhibition with PD-1 inhibitor induces cardiac dysfunction without overt myocarditis in C57BL/6 mice.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Tamás Gergely: Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced cardiotoxicity is dependent on thymic immune response.
    2021 Congress of Hungarian Society of Cardiology, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 10. 2021.
  • Nabil V. Sayour: Novel druggable targets of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction identified by droplet digital PCR and validated by Next Generation Sequencing.
    ISCTICO-HUPHAR-IUPHAR international conference, Pécs, Hungary, 10. 2021.
  • Zoltán Varga: New inflammatory mechanisms in chronic heart failure.
    ISCTICO-HUPHAR-IUPHAR international conference, Pécs, Hungary, 10. 2021.
  • Zsófia Onódi : Inflammaszóma aktiváció vizsgálata végstádiumú szívelégtelenségben.
    FAMÉ 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 6. 2019.
  • Zsófia Onódi : Inflammasome activation in end-stage heart failure.
    PhD Days 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 4. 2019.

Nikolett Wohner, HCEMM-SU Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research Group

Lamsa Karri, Human neuron physiology and therapy Core Group

  • Karri Lamsa: Computational specialization of pv+ interneurons in human neocortex.
    ESMED conference, Madrid Spain, 8. 2022.

Balázs Németh, HCEMM-USZ Translational Pancreatology Research Group

Genomic Instability and Cancer

Antal Berényi, HCEMM-USZ Magnetotherapeutics Research Group

  • Lívia Barcsai: Electrotherapy of pathological anxiety: Modulating traumatic memories by the electrical stimulation of the brain Berényi.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Antal Berenyi: Oscillotherapy – Closed-loop transcranial electric stimulation in epilepsy and PTSD.
    Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 7. 2021.

Csaba Bödör, HCEMM–SU Molecular Oncohematology Research Group

  • Csaba Bödör: Routine application of comprehensive oncogenomic profiling in onco(hemato)logy in Hungary.
    Turkish National Pathology Congress, Izmir, Turkey, 10. 2022.
  • Csaba Bödör: Implementation of precision medicine in pediatric oncology in Hungary: The Hungarian Pediatric Oncology Molecular Profiling Programme.
    Cutting-Edge Implementation of Precision Medicine in Europe, Stockholm, Sweden, 9. 2022.
  • Gábor Bedics: Novel Copy Number Aberration-based Classification Methods.
    EHA 2022 Hybrid Congress, Vienna, Austria, 6. 2022.
  • Lili Kotmayer: Screening for BCL2 Mutations in a Real-World Cohort of Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia during Venetoclax Therapy.
    EHA 2022 Hybrid Congress, Vienna, Austria, 6. 2022.
  • Ákos Nagy: Liquid-biopsy based monitoring of EZH2 mutations in follicular lymphoma: implications for non-invasive disease monitoring and targeted therapy.
    6th Pannonia Pathology Congress, Tále, Slovakia, 5. 2022.
  • Csaba Bödör: Routine application of comprehensive oncogenomic profiling in onco(hemato)logy in hungary .
    6th Pannonia Pathology Congress, Tále, Slovakia, 5. 2022.
  • Csaba Bödör: Defining molecular response to ibrutinib in CLL using single cell immune profiling.
    6th Pannonia Pathology Congress, Tále, Slovakia, 5. 2022.
  • Richard Kiss: Distinct patterns of clonal evolution characterize patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with novel targeted agents.
    6th Pannonia Pathology Congress, Tále, Slovakia, 5. 2022.
  • Szilvia Krizsán: Comprehensive characterization of pediatric leukemias using next-generation sequencing.
    6th Pannonia Pathology Congress, Tále, Slovakia, 5. 2022.
  • Laura Kiss: Liquid biopsy-based detection and monitoring of EZH2 gene mutations in follicular lymphoma / EZH2 génmutációk kimutatása és nyomonkövetése folyadék-biopsziás mintákból follikuláris limfómában.
    4th RECOOP International Student Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 4. 2022.
  • Gábor Bedics: Improved Copy Number Aberration-based Genetic Classification Refines Risk Assessment in Pediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
    ESH 3rd How to Diagnose and Treat Acute Leukaemias, virtual, 3. 2022.
  • Csaba Bödör: Molecular classification and monitoring in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.
    Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Hematology and Transfusion, Virtual, 11. 2021.
  • Ákos Nagy: Minimal invasive detection and monitoring of EZH2 mutations in follicular lymphoma.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Lili Kotmayer: Sensitive monitoring of therapy resistance n CLL treated with novel targeted therapies.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Csaba Bödör: Molecular pathogenesis and novel biomarkers in B-cell lymphomas.
    Scientific workshop: A celebration of Professor Laszlo Lajtha, Manchester, UK, 10. 2021.
  • Lili Kotmayer: Germline GATA2 mutations in familial MDS/AML: a manually curated online registry from the ERAPERMED GATA2-HuMo international consortium.
    EWOG 9th International Symposium on MDS and SAA in Childhood, Athens, Greece, 9. 2021.
  • Csaba Bödör: State of the art molecular characterization of tumours.
    Conference of the Hungarian Society for Personalised Medicine, Mátraháza, Hungary, 8. 2021.
  • Csaba Bödör: The Promise of Epigenetic Directed Therapies for the Treatment of B-Cell Malignancies.
    Annual Meeting of the European Hematology Association, Virtual, 6. 2021.

Lajos Haracska, HCEMM-BRC Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis Research Group

  • Kata Dudás: The role of ZBTB1 at the stalled replication fork.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.
  • Nargis Karatayeva: Crosstalk between Fanconi anaemia and Rad18 DNA damage tolerance pathways.
    HCEMM – PhD Symposium 2021, Siófok, Hungary, 11. 2021.

Tibor Pankotai, Genome Integrity and DNA Repair Core Group

Máté Manczinger, HCEMM-BRC Systems Immunology Research Group

Lőrinc Sándor Pongor, Cancer genomics and epigenetics

  • Lőrinc S. Pongor: Role of Extrachromosomal DNA in Small Cell Lung Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity.
    Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences, Eger, Hungary, 3. 2023.

Lajos Vince Kemény, HCEMM-SU Translational Dermatology Research Group

  • Botond Szabolcs: Genetic dependency and compound sensitivity mapping of melanoma based on proteogenomic profiling.
    MDT 2022, Debrecen, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Elmar G. Lutz: Utilizing transcriptomic analysis to validate proteomic data associated with progression in melanoma.
    MDT 2022, Debrecen, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Lajos Vince Kemény: Skin-derived beta-endorphin mediates radiation therapy fatigue.
    MDT 2022, Debrecen, Hungary, 9. 2022.
  • Lajos Vince Kemény: Skin-derived beta-endorphin mediates radiation therapy fatigue.
    ESDR 2022, Endocrinology section, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9. 2022.

Infectious Diseases with special emphasis on Co-Morbidities

Christoph Sensen, Circulating Nucleic Acid Biomarker Research Group

Viktória Lázár, HCEMM-BRC Pharmacodynamic Drug Interaction Research Group

Advances Core Facilities

Ferhan Ayaydin, HCEMM-USZ Functional Cell Biology and Immunology

  • Ferhan Ayaydin: Mobile biosensor development at the FCBI Advanced Core Facility.
    FEBS Practical Course, Functional imaging of cellular dynamics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6. 2022.

Zsuzsanna Darula, HCEMM-BRC Single Cell Omics

  • Gábor Balogh: Are 3D cultures able to model in vivo tumor behavior? A spatial lipidomics and multiomics investigation..
    63rd International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 10. 2023.
  • Pap Ádám: Mass spectrometric characterization of O-glycopeptides.
    FEBS3+ XXVII Biochemistry Congress, Stary Smokovec, Slovakia, 9. 2023.
  • Zsuzsanna Darula: Negotiating the Maze of O-glycosylation.
    IMSC 2022 conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 8. 2022.
  • Zsuzsanna Darula: Negotiating the Maze of O-glycosylation.
    IMSC 2022 conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 8. 2022.
  • Gábor Balogh: Egysejt lipidomika.
    51. Membrán-transzport konferencia, Sümeg, Hungary, 5. 2022.
  • Gyöngyi Cinege: Horizontally transferred genes are required for an effective innate immune response.
    Straub days 2022, Szeged, Hungary, 5. 2022.
  • Gábor Balogh: Development of a laser dissection-coupled quantitative microlipidomic method to resolve tumor heterogeneity. .
    International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids , Utrecht, The Netherlands, 10. 2021.
  • Bartha Áron: Normál és világossejtes vesedaganat proteom és transzkriptom szintű célzott elemzése. .
    MOT Fiatal Onkológusok Szekciójának X. Konferenciája , Budapest, Hungary, 9. 2021.

Domokos Máthé, HCEMM-SU In Vivo Imaging

  • Domokos Máthé: Theranostics in Radiopharmacy: The basic research and translational perspectives gained from molecular imaging.
    International Postgraduate Conference on Radiopharmacy, Izmir, Turkey, 6. 2021.
  • Domokos Máthé : Immuno-imaging and Imaging of Fibrosis: Preparations for Post-COVID-19 Translational Results.
    Biomedical Applications in Translational Research, Karaikudi, India, 5. 2020.

Gergely Röst, Scientific Computing

7 January 2024
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