About Us


The Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine (HCEMM) is working on research and development related to healthy ageing. For the administration of the HCEMM program, HCEMM Kft. was incorporated by the Biological Research Center Szeged (BRC), the Semmelweis University in Budapest and the University of Szeged. The European Molecular Biological Laboratory (EMBL) functions as the advanced partner of HCEMM. In addition to the initial E.U. Teaming Grant that led to the creation of HCEMM, the Centre of Excellence has also received National Laboratory status in Hungary in 2020.

The research and development at HCEMM are carried out by research groups and advanced core facilities. The main research and development focus is the development of molecular approaches (diagnostics as well as treatment) for healthy ageing. Three research pillars related to non-infectious ageing-related diseases have been established (Immuno-inflammatory, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases as well as Genomic Instability and Cancer). In addition, a fourth pillar related to infectious diseases (co-morbidities) is being established in 2021. The research groups are supported by three ACFs (Functional Cell Biology and Immunology, Single Cell Omics and In-vivo Imaging), which work closely with EMBL. The establishment of a fourth ACF (Scientific Computing) is planned for 2022.

Who We Are

The Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine (HCEMM) is working on research and development related to healthy ageing. For the administration of the HCEMM program, HCEMM Kft. was incorporated by the Biological Research Center Szeged (BRC), the Semmelweis University in Budapest and the University of Szeged. The European Molecular Biological Laboratory (EMBL) functions as the advanced partner of HCEMM. In addition to the initial E.U. Teaming Grant that led to the creation of HCEMM, the Centre of Excellence has also received National Laboratory status in Hungary in 2020.

The research and development at HCEMM is carried out by research groups and advanced core facilities. The main research and development focus is the development of molecular approaches (diagnostics as well as treatment) for healthy ageing. Three research pillars related to non-infectious ageing-related diseases have been established (Immuno-inflammatory, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases as well as Genomic Instability and Cancer). In addition, a fourth pillar related to infectious diseases (co-morbidities) is being established in 2021. The research groups are supported by three ACFs (Functional Cell Biology and Immunology, Single Cell Omics and In-vivo Imaging), which work closely with EMBL. The establishment of a fourth ACF (Scientific Computing) is planned for 2022.

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