Home > Teams > Advanced Core Facilities > HCEMM-USZ Functional Cell Biology and Immunology Advanced Core Facility > Head of Advanced Core Facility
Head of Advanced Core Facility, HCEMM, Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 2019-present
Research associate, University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Health Centre, Interdisciplinary R&D and Innovation Center of Excellence, Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Szeged, Hungary, 2019-present
Senior research associate, Biological Research Centre, Cellular Imaging Laboratory
Szeged, Hungary 2020-present
Head of Core Facility, Senior Research Associate, Cellular Imaging Laboratory, Biological Research Centre, Hungary 2005-2019
Postdoctoral fellow, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA (Project title: The role of human SUMO -Small Ubiquitin Related Modifier, proteins and advanced applications of fluorescence confocal microscopy) 2002-2005
Ph.D. fellow, Institute of Plant Biology, Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary (Ph.D. thesis title: The role of phosphatases and kinases in alfalfa cell division cycle) 1996-2001
Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology (Summa cum laude) University of Szeged, Hungary 2001
B.Sc. Department of Biological Sciences (High honors, ranked 1st) METU University, Ankara, Turkey 1994
Hungarian Microscopy Association (Member)
Secretary-General’s Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (For heading the cellular imaging central facility and research regarding oligonucleotide-based gene editing) 2017
Fogarty Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA 2002 – 2005
NATO TUBITAK Ph.D. fellowship, Szeged, Hungary 1996 – 1998
UNESCO, International Training Course Scholarship, Szeged, Hungary 1995 – 1996
Lecturer on the International Training Course held in Szeged, Hungary: “Analysis of protein mobility and dynamics using confocal microscopy” 2006-2018
Monthly practical demonstrations and trainings on fluorescence and confocal microscopy 2005 – Present
Lecturer on the International Training Course held in Szeged, Hungary: “Analysis of Cytoskeleton by Using Fluorescence Microscopy” 2001 and 2002
Ph.D. student (Soujanya Kuntam) Ph.D. thesis title (2016): Development of novel dyes and fluorescence-imaging based approaches for cellular localization and dynamics of lipid droplets
ITC students (One year long international training course, diploma students)
2007 (Bhavyashree Suresh, India)
2008 (Pradeep Reddy, India)
2009 (Begum Peksel, Turkey)
2010 (Soujanya Kuntam, India)
2016 (Aladina Kalac, Montenegro)
2019, Invited speaker, Biotechnology Conference, Baskent University, Turkey: “From Gene Editing to Bacterial Sensors: Fluorescence Imaging as a Versatile Tool”
2018, Speaker Hungarian Microscopy Association Meeting, Siofok, Hungary: “Use of Fluorescence Microscopy and Mutant Green Fluorescent Protein in Plant Gene Editing”
2018, Speaker, Future Research Challenges – Hungarian-Norwegian Conference, Budapest, Hungary. “Improving Biomass Productivity, CO2 Uptake and Pest/Pathogen Resistance of Short Rotation Energy Willow and Poplar by Polyploidy and Heterosis: Genome Optimization”
National Research, Innovation and Development Office research grant (NNE 129987) Toxic industrial chemical monitoring via drone integrated whole cell biosensor arrays; 31.5 million HUF (€93,719) for 3 years. 2019 – 2022
National Research, Innovation and Development Office research grant (K 116318) Transgene-free gene specific editing of maize genome with synthetic oligonucleotides and their combination with CRISPR/Cas9 system; 32.5 million HUF (€96,786) for 3 years. 2015 – 2018
Participation in 8 different OTKA/NKFIH research grants as a collaborating researcher responsible for microscopy and imaging related tasks of the projects. Total award of grants: 354 million HUF (€ 1 million)2007 – Present
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 739593. HCEMM supported by EU Programme: H2020-EU.4.a. – Teaming of excellent research institutions and low performing RDI regions. Project starting date was 1 April 2017.