HCEMM-USZ Functional Cell Biology and Immunology Advanced Core Facility



10. CRISPR/Cas9 Mutagenesis through Introducing a Nanoparticle Complex Made of a Cationic Polymer and Nucleic Acids into Maize Protoplasts.

Nagy B, Öktem A, Ferenc G, Ungor D, Kalac A, Kelemen-Valkony I, Fodor E, Nagy I, Dudits D, Ayaydin F.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: ACF

doi doiicon


9. Phenol-Soluble Modulin α3 Stimulates Autophagy in HaCaT Keratinocytes.

Dernovics Á, Seprényi G, Rázga Z, Ayaydin F, Veréb Z, Megyeri K.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: ACF

doi doiicon


8. Chloroplast phosphate transporter CrPHT4-7 regulates phosphate homeostasis and photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas.

Tóth D, Kuntam S, Ferenczi Á, Vidal-Meireles A, Kovács L, Wang L, Sarkadi Z, Migh E, Szentmihályi K, Tengölics R, Neupert J, Bock R, Jonikas MC, Molnar A, Tóth SZ.
Journal/Proc./Book: Plant Phsyiology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facilities
doi doiicon


7. Manifestation of Triploid Heterosis in the Root System after Crossing Diploid and Autotetraploid Energy Willow Plants.

Dudits D, Cseri A, Török K, Vankova R, Dobrev PI, Sass L, Steinbach G, Kelemen-Valkony I, Zombori Z, Ferenc G, Ayaydin F.
Journal/Proc./Book: Genes
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Advanced Core Facilities
doi doiicon


6. Donor Pericardial Interleukin and Apolipoprotein Levels May Predict the Outcome after Human Orthotopic Heart Transplantation.

Pállinger É, Székely A, Töreki E, Bencsáth EZ, Szécsi B, Losoncz E, Oleszka M, Hüttl T, Kosztin A, Buzas EI, Radovits T, Merkely B.
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2023
doi doiicon


5. Small paraquat resistance proteins modulate paraquat and ABA responses and confer drought tolerance to overexpressing Arabidopsis plants.

Faragó D, Zsigmond L, Benyó D, Alcazar R, Rigó G, Ayaydin F, Rabilu SA, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Szabados L
Journal/Proc./Book: Plant, Cell and Environment
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other

doi doiicon


4. Membrane Domain Localization and Interaction of the Prion-Family Proteins, Prion and Shadoo with Calnexin.

Dondapati DT, Cingaram PR, Ayaydin F, Nyeste A, Kanyó A, Welker E, Fodor E.
Journal/Proc./Book: MDPI Membranes
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other

doi doiicon


3. Amino Acid Polymorphisms in the VHIID Conserved Motif of Nodulation Signaling Pathways 2 Distinctly Modulate Symbiotic Signaling and Nodule Morphogenesis in Medicago truncatula.

Kovacs S, Fodor L, Domonkos A, Ayaydin F, Laczi K, Rákhely G and Kalo P
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in plant science
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other

doi doiicon


2. IL-36α and Lipopolysaccharide Cooperatively Induce Autophagy by Triggering Pro-Autophagic Biased Signaling

Zaid I. I. Al-Luhaibi, Áron Dernovics, György Seprényi, Ferhan Ayaydin, Zsolt Boldogkői, Zoltán Veréb, Klára Megyeri
Journal/Proc./Book: Biomedicines
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other

doi doiicon


1. In planta test system for targeted cellular mutagenesis by injection of oligonucleotides to apical meristem of maize seedlings

Feríz Rádi, Bettina Nagy, Györgyi Ferenc, Katalin Török, István Nagy, Zoltán Zombori, Dénes Dudits, Ferhan Ayaydin
Journal/Proc./Book: Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Other

doi doiicon

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