HCEMM-SU Molecular Channelopathies Research Group



9. Reviewing critical TRPM2 variants through a structure-function lens

Tóth, Á. V., Bátai, B., Kiss, L., Varga, L., Nagy, Á., Househam, J., Baker, A. M., László, T., Udvari, A., Horváth, R., Nagy, T., Csomor, J., Szakonyi, J., Schneider, T., Graham, T. A., Alpár, D., Fitzgibbon, J., Szepesi, Á., Herwig, M., Begovic, M., Budde, H., Delalat, S., Zhazykbayeva, S., Sieme, M., Schneider, L., Jaquet, K., Mügge, A., Akin, I., El-Battrawy, I., Fielitz, J., Pesti, I., Légrádi, Á., Mannherz, H. G., Budde, H., Jarkas, M., Hassoun, R., Malek-Chudzik, N., Mazur, A. J., Skuljec, J., Pul, R., Napirei, M., Szűcs, D., Monostori, T., Miklós, V., Páhi, Z. G., Póliska, S., Kemény, L., Faragó, A., Zvara, Á., Tiszlavicz, L., Hunyadi-Gulyás, É., Darula, Z., Hegedűs, Z., Szabó, E., Surguta, S. E., Tóvári, J., Puskás, L. G., Chandrasekaran, V., Wellens, S., Bourguignon, A., Djidrovski, I., Fransen, L., Ghosh, S., Mazidi, Z., Murphy, C., Nunes, C., Singh, P., Zana, M., Armstrong, L., Dinnyés, A., Grillari, J., Grillari-Voglauer, R., Leonard, M. O., Verfaillie, C., Wilmes, A., Zurich, M. G., Exner, T., … Culot, M. Szebeni, G. J. Veréb, Z. Hamdani, N. Farkas, E. Hamdani, N. Bödör, C. Bartók, Á.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of biotechnology
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Immuno-inflammatory Diseases

doi doiicon


8. TRPM2 – An adjustable thermostat.

Bartók Á, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Cell Calcium
Year: 2024
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

doi doiicon


7. Estimating the true stability of the prehydrolytic outward-facing state in an ABC protein.

Simon MA, Iordanov I, Szollosi A, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: eLife
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


6. Blue flash sheds light on the roles of individual phosphoserines in CFTR channel activation.

Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of General Physiology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


5. Optimization of CFTR gating through the evolution of its extracellular loops.

Simon MA, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of General Physiology
Year:  2023
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

doi doiicon


4. Dual amplification strategy turns TRPM2 channels into supersensitive central heat detectors.

Bartók Á, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Year: 2022
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
doi doiicon


3. Molecular pathology of the R117H cystic fibrosis mutation is explained by loss of a hydrogen bond.

Simon MA, Csanády L.
Journal/Proc./Book: eLife Sciences Publications
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

doi doiicon


2. Degenerate but indispensable: how CFTR channel activity depends on the catalytically inactive ATP binding site?

László Csanády
Journal/Proc./Book: The Journal of Physiology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

doi doiicon


1. Simple binding of protein kinase A prior to phosphorylation allows CFTR anion channels to be opened by nucleotides

Csaba Mihályi, Iordan Iordanov, Beáta Töröcsik, László Csanády
Journal/Proc./Book: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

doi doiicon

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