HCEMM-SU Onkobank Research Group


Group Description

GROUP LEADER: Balázs Győrffy M.D., Ph.D.

The Semmelweis OnkoBank is a network of eleven clinics and institutes, led by the Department ofBioinformatics, with the aim of creating a collection of tissue from oncologypatients. The samples include tumor and normal tissue as well as blood samples.Sample collection started in January 2022 with gynecological tumors, followedby urological tumors in February, colon tumors in March, and skin tumors inApril. For all tumor specimens, storage is preceded by immediate post-operativepathological diagnosis, based on the coordinated work of surgeons and nurses,pathologists, OnkoBank coordinators, and biologists. Since July, blood not usedin diagnostics is also banked.

During the last year, OnkoBank was equipped with instruments that now not only store samples but alsoperform primary isolations and related quality control. The OnkoBank will allowresearchers to carry out scientific studies using transcriptomic,genomic, or proteomic data for any of the selected tumor types. A particularfocus will be on documenting anti-tumor drug, radiological, and surgicaltreatments and continuously updating patient follow-up. All tissue samples arestored in liquid nitrogen, which ensures that there is no loss due to storageto the highest quality standards available.

We are currently working tocontinually increase the number of samples collected and to organize samplecollection at additional participating institutions, including gynecological,colorectal, and brain tumors. The work of OnkoBank and current events can alsobe followed on our website (https://www.onkobank.com).

Participating researchers: https://www.onkobank.com/node/4 

Complete research plan: https://www.onkobank.com/node/6 

Ethical approvals and declarations: https://www.onkobank.com/node/10 

Data capture portal (loginrequired): https://redcap.onkobank.com/ 

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