HCEMM-BRC Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis Research Group



11. Development of a Large-Scale Pathogen Screening Test for the Biosafety Evaluation of Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells.

Pekker E, Priskin K, Szabó-Kriston É, Csányi B, Buzás-Bereczki O, Adorján L, Szukacsov V, Pintér L, Rusvai M, Cooper P, Kiss-Tóth E, Haracska L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Biological Procedures Online
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


10. Exploring RAD18-dependent replication of damaged DNA and discontinuities: A collection of advanced tools.

Mórocz M, Qorri E, Pekker E, Tick G, Haracska L.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of Biotechnology
Year: 2023
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


9. A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Performance of Prediction Algorithms on Clinically Relevant Missense Variants.

Qorri E, Takács B, Gráf A, Enyedi MZ, Pintér L, Kiss E, Haracska L.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


8. A series of xanthenes inhibiting Rad6 function and Rad6-Rad18 interaction in the PCNA ubiquitination cascade.

Fenteany G, Sharma G, Gaur P, Borics A, Wéber E, Kiss E, Haracska L.
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer
doi doiicon


7. The Rad5 helicase and RING domains contribute to genome stability through their independent catalytic activities.

Toth R, Balogh D, Pinter L, Jaksa G, Szeplaki B, Graf A, Gyorfy Z, Zs Enyedi M, Kiss E, Haracska L, Unk I.
Journal/Proc./Book: Journal of molecular biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


6. SerpinB10, a Serine Protease Inhibitor, Is Implicated in UV-Induced Cellular Response

Hajnalka Majoros, Barbara N. Borsos, Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Zoltán G. Páhi, Mónika Mórocz, Lajos Haracska, Imre Miklós Boros, Tibor Pankotai
Journal/Proc./Book: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


5. BC-Monitor: Towards a Routinely Accessible Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Tool for Real-Time Monitoring Breast Cancer Progression and Treatment Effectiveness

Katalin Priskin, Sára Pólya, Lajos Pintér, Gábor Jaksa, Bernadett Csányi, Márton Zsolt Enyedi, Eszter Sági-Zsigmond, Farkas Sükösd, Orsolya Oláh-Németh, Gyöngyi Kelemen, Alíz Nikolényi, Gabriella Uhercsák, Dóra Sántha, Ágnes Dobi, Éva Szilágyi, Erzsébet Valicsek, László Tordai, Rozália Tóth, Zsuzsanna Kahán, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


4. Coordinated Cut and Bypass: Replication of Interstrand Crosslink-Containing DNA

Qiuzhen Li, Kata Dudás, Gabriella Tick, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


3. The Combination of Single-Cell and Next-Generation Sequencing Can Reveal Mosaicism for BRCA2 Mutations and the Fine Molecular Details of Tumorigenesis

Alexandra Gráf, Márton Zsolt Enyedi, Lajos Pintér, Éva Kriston-Pál, Gábor Jaksa, Árpád Bálind, Éva Ezer, Péter Horváth, Farkas Sükösd, Ernő Kiss, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Cancers
Year: 2021
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


2. Robust high-throughput assays to assess discrete steps in ubiquitination and related cascades

Gabriel Fenteany, Paras Gaur, Gaurav Sharma, Lajos Pintér, Ernő Kiss, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: BMC Molecular and Cell Biology
Year: 2020
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon


1. Multilevel structure–activity profiling reveals multiple green tea compound families that each modulate ubiquitin-activating enzyme and ubiquitination by a distinct mechanism

Gabriel Fenteany, Paras Gaur, Lili Hegedűs, Kata Dudás, Ernő Kiss, Edit Wéber, László Hackler, Tamás Martinek, László G. Puskás, Lajos Haracska
Journal/Proc./Book: Scientific Reports
Year: 2019
Thematic Pillar: Genomic Instability and Cancer

doi doiicon

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