HCEMM-USZ Translational Colorectal Research Group


Group Description

GROUP LEADER: Klaudia Farkas MD, PhD

The HCEMM-USZ Translational Colorectal Research Group focuses on the translational study of gastrointestinal diseases with major socioeconomic impact. We are particularly interested in the clinical aspects of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, two forms of inflammatory bowel disease, which are chronic, tissue-destructive conditions developing as a consequence of uncontrolled activation of effector immune cells in the intestinal mucosa. The impact of symptoms and complications on the patients can be profound, leading to impaired quality of life and social and occupational dysfunction. Our group aims to identify novel biomarkers and to optimize current and develop novel therapies to improve the clinical outcome of the disease. Additionally, our group also aims to facilitate the translation of the research activities of the HCEMM groups at the USZ by supporting patient sample collection, initiation of clinical studies, or statistical analyses of the collected data.

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